Meta Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Ever get a little happy when seeing jellies who haven't posted in a while pop in and grace us with their presence?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11161points) July 29th, 2013

I do.

Saw rangerr and Simone De Beauvoir today. Like old times, man.

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23 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yes. It’s refreshing to see old friends.

tinyfaery's avatar


Edit: Not always. Some jellies I’d rather just have stay away.

jonsblond's avatar

Sure. It was good to see Nimis on some of my activity this morning.

rojo's avatar

I haven’t been here long enough to know they (those?) were gone but I do enjoy it when I recognize someone that I have not seen for a while.

It is like an acknowlegement of the circle of life.

or something like that.

augustlan's avatar

I love it! And another old-timer asked to come back today, too. Hope to see her soon. Essieness!

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Yep, I sent her a question today. :) She asked to have her account reactivated. Yay!

augustlan's avatar

Ooh, PM me which one you sent her?

jonsblond's avatar

Wow! Talk about the good ol’ days. Can’t wait to see Essie!

cookieman's avatar

Ooh, I love @Essieness.

I too was happy to see @rangerr’s quip just now.

Buttonstc's avatar

AxeMusica popped in a short time ago too.

And now that you mention it, I had been missing Simone as of late and Auggie mentioned a Simone baby arriving soon.

That should keep her up nights and Fluthering heh heh heh.

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filmfann's avatar

A lot of Jellies have passed though this site, and I do miss many of them. It seems like the good ones leave three times more often than the annoying ones.
Not all leave due to conflict. Some have had severe medical problems, and left due to exhaustion.
I miss them all. I enjoy contrary opinions, I just wish some would listen to others as well.

jca's avatar

I would like it if SuperMouse came back.

cookieman's avatar

What happened to @SuperMouse??

jca's avatar

@cookieman: Recent heated debate on the “Theism vs. atheism” thread upset her to the point where she decided to go. Notice a lot of Jellies have taken her avatar photo as their own, as a dedication to her.

cookieman's avatar

@jca: Thank you.

Buttonstc's avatar

That is such a shame I really do hope she comes back.

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Sometimes old Jellies come back in new guises. Did you know that?

rangerr's avatar


tinyfaery's avatar

^^Hee hee.

mazingerz88's avatar

Haven’t annoyed anyone for a while. Checked in and everphebe’s gone-??? : ( What happened-??? I feel sick….

augustlan's avatar

Yeah, he passed away. We’re all sick about it. Also, it’s nice to see you! Where have you been?

mazingerz88's avatar

Stumbled on a collectible statue group on FB and ended up with starting a group of my own so yeah, silly stupid stuff really.

Just weeks ago I wondered if I log in and a jelly is gone, what then-? Well, was just talkin to my gf moments ago cryin for someone I never really knew. But everphebe was in my group of friends and I never add anybody I really didn’t like so that…hurt.

Bit awkward to tell my gf since her mom has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Told her you never see any jellies in person but the human connection is real——
its there. I think she understood.

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