How do quantum entangled particles achieve spooky action at a distance?
Asked by
ETpro (
July 30th, 2013
Here’s what quantum entanglement and spooky action at a distance are. When the idea of this first flowed out of Einstein’s work on relativity, he dismissed it as absurd and gave it the name, “spooky action at a distance.” He refused to believe that just because his equations led to the prediction of spooky action, it could really exist. But subsequent experiments have shown that the equations are right, and intuition is wrong. So given that it exists, how does it work?
Do you think spacetime is an illusion and all is in one place, or do objects at separate ends of the galaxy really manage instantaneous communication with one another? Is there some as-yet-unknown force that stretches between two entangled leptons no matter how far they are moved apart? Does God do it, constantly watching all the quarks, leptons, gauge particles and Higgs bosons that go to make up the 100 billion galaxies, each with something like 100 billion stars and a massively larger number of planets orbiting them? If so, what is God’s purpose in doing that, or is it just because she can? Clearly none of us really know the answer, but applying Occam’s Razor, what seems most likely to you?
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11 Answers
How it works… your guess is as good as mine. But to suppose that it does work is profound on many levels.
To hypothesize, the Superdense coding made possible through entanglement may indeed settle the mind/brain non locality argument once and for all.
Though I suppose that revelation will take some time to untangle itself… since physics has hijacked the term “information” to mean something entirely different… and thereby created a sub branch of Quantum Information Theory which also abandons established definitions. It’s as if physicists are doing everything possible to avoid any metaphysical conclusions. It’s almost like redefining the word “cloning” in order to put forth an embryonic stem cell agenda.
Problems with Quantum Information Theory… why it will lead nowhere.
From the link above:
Quantum information differs from classical information in several respects, among which we note the following:
-It cannot be read without the state becoming the measured value,
So the medium becomes the message. They just broke the first rule of information theory.
-An arbitrary state cannot be cloned,
That’s because it’s chaos… not information. Chaos cannot be cloned. Only true codified information can be cloned.
I think it is because at the quantum level there is no such thing as distance as Bell’s Theorem requires. Our universe in non local.
Nobody knows.
But if you accept that at one point, everything you can imagine, material, energetic, electromagnetic, etc. was integrated into a single entitiy before the “Big Bang” then it seems reasonable to at least imagine that no matter how far everything expands past that point, it has some relationship to everything else.
Can’t prove it. But I don’t think it is totally bullshit either.
They use a Heisenberg Compensator.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies “To hypothesize, the Superdense coding made possible through entanglement may indeed settle the mind/brain non locality argument once and for all.” Yes, so it seems. We actually have already made Qbits that work, though, and the fact that they can be so incredibly small compared to the tiniest transistor means that even with each Qbit representing a single bit, a computer with billions of times the processing power of Watson should be doable.
@flutherother Fascinating link. Thanks.
@josie That’s another thing. Seems all particles that haven’t been measured should still remain entangled from the Big Bang, but they aren’t. We have to entangle them to then play with the quantum entanglement effect.
@Rarebear Ha! The difficulty is a Heisenberg cannot be gotten without the use of a skyhook fashioned from antimatter unobtanium.
I’m really glad I asked this question. The answers provide much food for thought. Thanks.
Only a unified theory will be able to answer that question and physicists are still looking.
@mattbrowne Waiting is… From the beginning of time we had looked at the brightness and warmth of the sun, the sparkling beauty of stars in the nighttime sky, and wondered what magic powered all that. Not knowing, one would have thought that it would have to be something incredibly complex—perhaps the supreme deity alone could be complex enough to do such a thing. Then along came Einstein and explained it all with a beautifully simple equation, less than 1 inch long.
E = MC²
I suspect when we do find the Grand Unification Theory, it will be equally elegant in its simplicity. It is fascinating how often we can guess the right answer to as-yet unknown questions of physics and cosmology by picking the one guess that is mathematically beautiful. For instance, long before we were able to observe the cosmic microwave background radiation left from the Big Bang in sufficient detail to determine the topology of our Universe, numerous Cosmologists were convinced it had to be not open or curved, but flat, because that’s the only mathematically elegant answer. Lo and behold, when we were finally able to measure it, it is precisely, perfectly flat.
@ETpro – Yes, and I get this feeling that both loop quantum gravity supporters and string theory supporters are looking in the wrong direction.
@mattbrowne Same here. Far from mathematically beautiful.
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