@WillWorkForChocolate If you take issue with all atheists being lumped into one group and being called arrogant, just imagine being a theist who is constantly lumped into a group with idiotic zealots, repeatedly called insane, delusional, etc… on a very frequent basis, even being insulted by mods, and then getting bitched at and insulted even more for going on the defensive.
Lets see, I have been called zealot how many times, and delusional, lets count; oh, ran out of fingers and toes. I can’t say you could have stated that any better or genuine. As the Native Americans would say; “There is iron in your words of truth”.
@JLeslie I really don’t think anyone on fluther thinks all theists are a problem, even if they may have worded things poorly at times. I don’t know why theists take it so personally honestly.
Should believers have a different standard from the ungodly? Non-believers will wrangle over words, syntax, phrasing, etc instead of deciphering the context of the sentence as a whole. Even if something was worded poorly, as you say, if non-believers stuck to the whole context of the sentence they would not have nothing to take personally either.
@jca On my own, I would never ever bow my head and thank Jesus for the food I have in front of me, but it would be very rude and insensitive to tell the people at the party that.
The simple cure for that is not to go. I would find myself a hypocrite if I went to a party of non-believers and I was to put God on the backburner or deny Him for a couple of hours because the host did not want me blessing my food. If that were the case, I would pass. There will be other parties. If I were hosting a party I would respect a guess more if they said up front they did not believe in blessing their food or such, and I can excuse them to go have a smoke or something while I bless the food, or simply pass on inviting them and tell them why; because I feel they would be offended with all the God-talk that will be going on.
@tups I also think that the talking about religion is very black and white here. Either you are an atheist and don’t believe at all or else you’re some religious person who are linked to those opposed to gay marriage, free will and what not. I can’t believe that this is often seen so black and white between intelligent people.
That seems to be the crux of the biscuit; atheists are fun loving, kumbaya, people and believers are totalitarians, seeking to ruin everyone’s fun, bash gays, and FORCE everyone to believe. As long as those visions about believers permeate society people will be at odds and in contention with each other. There have been zealots who have tried to use a bully pulpit, but they have their counterparts with atheist using the bully Baal pole.
@JLeslie Some Christians pull out their Christian faith for everything. Again, I mean in real life.
2 Timothy 3:4–6
4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
It should be no surprise that today they are many modern day Pharisees and Sadducees. Many like the ideal of being Christian because they can believe they are good people and going to heaven, that they have near impeccable integrity, that they are honest, wholesome, etc. They say and do this to impress other men, and to lie to themselves, they never cared to put God in it or recognize Him as the author of their faith.