Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

Did the Caesar's have italian mobster accents?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) July 31st, 2013

Like the Soprano’s or the Godfather… 2000 years ago?

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10 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

You mean the Roman emperors? If so, they spoke Latin and not Italian. No one knows exactly how spoken Latin might have sounded but it is a pretty straightforward language.

(You do not need apostrophes to make plural proper nouns.)


zenvelo's avatar

No, because mob accents are by Eastern American people of Italian descent speaking English. The Caesars were speaking Latin. If it sounded like anything recognizable today, it was probably close to modern day Italian. But that is a wild-ass guess.

JLeslie's avatar

If they had been speaking English it might have been close, but not necessarily the same. When I was in Bath, England with my family an Italian-British owner of a restaurant came over to talk to us and my dad thought he was from Brooklyn. LOL.

ucme's avatar

Pictures Caligula responding to a mocking crowd, “What, I amuse you like a fucking clown?”

ETpro's avatar

Nero to Rome, “Nice city ya god-hea. Be a fuckin shame is sompen happened to it.”

ucme's avatar

Julius places a horse head in Mark Anthony’s bed, “Cleo’s my bitch, you even look at her & i’m gonna cut ya fuckin balls off fella.”

bob_'s avatar

It’d seem fitting. I can picture the senators: “yo, let’s whack Julius Caesar”.

filmfann's avatar

Everyone remembers Julius Caesar saying “Et tu, Brute?”
No one remembers Brutus responding “Fuck’n A! Badda bing!”

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

It was never, “Carthage must be destroyed!” It went more like, “Let’s go get them mothah-____ahs!”

Buttonstc's avatar

No. But they did make a killer salad :)

(.. and it was so much better than nowadays since they didn’t have to worry about Salmonella in the raw egg )

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