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filmfann's avatar

What does this dream mean?

Asked by filmfann (52597points) July 31st, 2013

Last night I had a dream where a bookstore librarian urged me to write a 9 volume critique/history of Ice Skating movies, including a careful examination of the French Romantic Comedy with Katherine Hepburn and Toshiro Mifune.
Should I quit my job, and risk my finances on trying to do this?

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30 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Did the librarian have fins and flippers?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

You should not only quit your job, but also moon your co-workers and light a paper sack of poo on fire, right on your boss’s desk, before you walk out the door. And keep in mind that dreaming about Katherine Hepburn means you will be brutally eviscerated by an angry chipmunk. So watch your back.

Kardamom's avatar

What a coincidence! I also had a weird dream last night that involved me studying very hard (can’t remember the subject) for a paper that I was supposed to write. It was one of those ongoing, never ending dreams, where all I wanted to do was sleep.

Did you eat spicy food right before you went to bed? That’s usually where my weird dreams originate from.

But yes, you should quit your job and spend a year living off the land whilst wearing one of These, no movies, no ice skating.

mambo's avatar

It means that in four days, you will turn into a peg legged pirate with six eyes and a unicorn horn.

Sunny2's avatar

The book store librarian is the biggest clue. A new woman is going to come into your life, but beware. She talks big, but doesn’t put out.

OneBadApple's avatar

One would think that you could achieve the 9-volume literary effort on the sly while your boss is busy at meetings discussing… know….“moving forward” and other dynamic ideas with the other crackerjack department heads. So your quitting seems, I don’t know…..somewhat counter-productive.

As far as interpreting your dream, I’ll need more info on this Toshiro Mifune guy. Anyway, last night I had a dream that my wife and I were in the back of a limo with Denzel Washington. She and I were kind of arguing passionately debating about where to go, and Denzel kept interrupting with suggestions.

Finally I said, “Listen Denzel….you are one of my favorite actors. I’d pay to see you in anything. But please shut up….”

Which he did.

Thoughts ??

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Yes, by all means quit your job, and risk financial ruin, based on a dream.

Did your crush show up in this dream?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul Did you not understand that it’s a joke?

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Did you not understand that I, too, was joking? (Hence my reference to dreaming about one’s crush.)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Um, no, because you added the part about the crush after my reply, so your original comment appeared to be an “Ugh, how stupid” comment, implying you thought the OP was serious.

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here: Can we perhaps move on to a subject less controversial, such as religion?

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Ok. Maybe last week, someone saw a pattern of an alleged troll posting, “What does it mean that I dreamed about my crush last night?” (or some variation on that theme). Our wonderful @Augustlan announced that she’d henceforth remove any questions concerning dreams and crushes. This sparked some fun banter. Hence, my reference; hence, my teasing @filmfann about a very amusing question.

Pandora's avatar

Did you fall asleep with the tv on? I get all sorts of weird dreams if I do that. The dream doesn’t seem to have any connections so interpretation would be difficult. I think sometimes dream come from a person subconscious and other time it is just brain vomit. Overload of crap from a mentally exhausting day or from hearing things as you sleep, or bad digestion. I hate falling asleep to a war movie playing in the background. I find I will dream about being in battles, or killings or shootings.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul I get that. But without the silly crush reference in the original comment, it just seemed like you didn’t get it, and were having a <facepalm> moment. With the crush part added on, it comes across as joking. ;)

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Are we friends again? :-)

Peace and a lovely evening,

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

We were never not friends, lol, I just mistakenly believed you thought @filmfann was serious, and I was thinking, “Wait… What?”

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I understand completely. We just had a bit of miscommunication along the way.

I’ve spent all evening doing 6 loads of my Mom’s laundry. I think I’m fried. Now, it’s time to take Sadie for a walk. The fresh air should feel nice.

Goodnight, Chocoholic, and goodnight to one and all.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul Great, now I’m probably going to dream about piles of laundry, and as we all know, that means I’ll be struck down by a rogue kite within the week. Thanks a lot!

Sunny2's avatar

Squabbles be gone! Peace to all except. . . . .

Kardamom's avatar

Everyone put down the salsa and the carne asada!

Blueroses's avatar

The important things are:
Did nice people answer you?

What did you name your cactus?

augustlan's avatar

I may or may not have had a dream about @filmfann

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Did you whip him?

augustlan's avatar

Maybe he whipped me. Maybe.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Kinky! I’m having a shitty day already, so… care to share details that will cheer me up? ;)

augustlan's avatar

Well, you were there, too. That ought to cheer you right up!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Well, hot damn! Was I naughty? Was I very, very, veeeeeeeeeery naughty?

Sorry, angry and frustrated, and miserable, so I’m in a weird mood.

augustlan's avatar

You are always naughty. ALWAYS. <3

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Eeeeexellent. <rubs hands together in anticipation of punishment>

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