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Unbroken's avatar

What is the most effective way to fumigate fabric luggage?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) July 31st, 2013

I bought an 8 dollar carry on at value village. It is of good quality and shape no stains or other issues to deal with.

It just smells awful. I couldn’t say that it stinks of anything in particular. Maybe musty with far too many assorted odors to really pick them out.

I need my carry on by Monday. Is there anyway I can be stand to put clean garments and haul it around with me without concern?

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2 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Where do you live? Can you put it out, open, to sit in the sun for several days?

I don’t think fumigate is the word you want, unless you are exterminating insects. It sounds like you mean “deodorize.”

snowberry's avatar

For deodorizing, it all depends on the source of your stink, and if how health oriented you are.

You could try misting it with a light dilution of ammonia and water. Ammonia is often used as a deodorizer. Make sure it’s not too strong.

Another idea is to dust the whole bag with baking soda, let sit, and vacuum it off (also a good deodorizer).

Or you could use Febreze.

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