In addition to the suggestions for legal actions against school officials, parents, etc. I do think it would help your child’s sense of self esteem to enroll him in a quality self defense discipline IF HE WANTS TO. It will be money and time well spent and will stand him in good stead for many years.
This is not necessarily so that he can kick the other kid’s ass because the good martial arts schools teach that this is only a very last resort. But the self confidence of eventually knowing that he can if necessary will change his entire bearing and the type of vibe he projects.
Bullies pick on kids whom they perceive as “victimizable” for whatever reason that may be. The goal with martial arts training is to give him that inner boost. If he enjoys this and finds success it will go a long way to counteract the helplessness he now is feeling.
Counseling wouldn’t do any harm either but if it comes down to only being able to afford one or the other I would recommend the martial arts training definitely.
Just make certain to do thorough research on the type of place you’re enrolling him in. Look at online reviews and have a well prepared list of questions for the person in chArge about their philosophy and teaching methods.
I taught 3rd and 4th grade for many years and this is a recommendation that I occasionally made to parents.
Obviously I tried to catch as much of the bullying behavior and nip it in the bud but a teacher can’t be everywhere at once. I took it very seriously and let every kid whom I caught bullying another know this and even had a conference with the pArents if it persisted.
But there are some kids who just seem to attract bullying like flies. I AM NOT BLAMING THE VICTIM HERE.
But some kids are either lacking in confidence or have a gentler than average personality and don’t know how to be assertive. But they’re young and its a skill they can learn. A QUALITY martial arts program can be very helpful in this regard.
This way a child knows that if the people in charge fail him he can protect himself in pretty much any situation. Even if you do decide to switch schools he will be presenting himself as a more inwardly confident child.
At this age kids can sometimes be truly horrible to each other. If those in charge aren’t doing their jobs to be civilizing the little shits who need it, it’s up to you to use whatever means are at your disposal to protect your child legal and otherwise.
Start with that and don’t be afraid to make the school a bit nervous about what you may do if they allow this to continue. Hold their feet to the fire and make them do their jobs. Don’t be afraid to be perceived as a total bitch for the sake of your child. Be the enraged Mama bear protecting their cub.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Do whatever you have to to force them to take you seriously.
But also have a backup plan. If your son doesn’t object strenuously, get him into a good martial arts program. It won’t be an overnight miracle. Change takes time. But you will eventually see a more confident kid emerging. Give it a shot. I have seen it make a world of difference for some kids.