Social Question

longgone's avatar

Do you control your "screen time"?

Asked by longgone (19860points) August 1st, 2013

Do you limit the time you spend staring at screens? I’m curious because it is usually proclaimed that kids shouldn’t spend too much time watching TV or playing games – yet there is not a lot of discussion concerning adults. In your opinion, does excessive screen time harm kids and adults alike?

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7 Answers

Seek's avatar

I don’t consciously limit my screen time, but I do spend time every day away from the screen.

I ride my bike. I paint. I read – a lot. I play with my son. I clean the house and cook for my family.

Kids – particularly kids under seven or eight years old – can’t do much on their own, so it makes sense to encourage parents to grant their kids time away from glowing boxes. Give them chores to do, go outside with them, read with them, teach them to cook.

tedibear's avatar

Currently, I am making an effort to curb my screen time. I find that I get addicted to computer time, whether it’s games, Facebook or Fluther, so I have to actively pay attention to what I’m doing. I have plenty of other things that I can do, but too often get sucked into the computer. It’s also a sign of a depressive cycle for me if I find I’m on the computer more than usual.

In my opinion, too much of anything has the potential to do harm. That includes screen time. I would rather see kids doing things other than just using a computer or watching television. Those aren’t bad activities, I just don’t think they should be the sole activities that the children have.

AshLeigh's avatar

My iPhone is the only screen I really look at. I probably spend too much time looking at it, on lazy days. If I have nothing else to do, I can spend hours on my phone. Reading. Texting. Fluther. It keeps me entertained, when I’m waiting.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Isn’t that whole monitors are bad for your eyes thing a myth?

Inspired_2write's avatar

Especially since it is Summertime! Better to get some exercise and socializing in now.
Why sit at a computer screen or any screen for that matter when you have the CHOICE
to meet in person someone whom may take your interest away from the screen in a good way.!
Why pass up that opportunity.
Engage in LIFE.

keobooks's avatar

In the early 90s I used to control it. My dad was a computer programmer when I was growing up and he used to constantly get migraines after staring at a green screen all day. I also had a green screen and so I was really careful about not staring too long.

Today’s screens seem to be much easier on the eyes so I don’t worry too much.

longgone's avatar

Thanks for answering!
Yes, I do think screens being bad for your eyes is a myth, unless your eyes are compromised already, maybe. But when discussing kids’ screen time, the most common argument is probably the lack of a social life which may be caused by too much screen time. I agree, too much of anything is harmful. Excessive reading could isolate as well, for example. And you’re right in saying that kids can’t do a lot on their own, @Seek_Kolinahr.
I do sometimes tell myself I’ve spent enough time in front of screens, but often, I’m so engrossed I don’t notice time passing. Which is probably another good reason for parents limiting their childrens’ time.

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