Are you rethinking your position on global warming?
In about 4–5 months we will be in the throes of a cold, wet, frigid, miserable winter again; we have not really had summer (at least not here from what I experienced). The past couple of summers have not been like summer. When I was a child I remember the temps getting up in the mid 80s to low 90s starting in May. By June and July it was averaging mid to upper 90s; it hardly even breaks the 90s that I have experienced. Where is the global warming? I am starting to think maybe those smart people who coined it was off a little or that it is more regional and not truly global. Has the temperature where you are has you thinking global warming isn’t all that it is cracked up to be?
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102 Answers
Where are you? Here two summers ago we had the hottest summer on record with nine days at 100 degrees or more in July.
Global means just that. Do you pay attention to weather other than where you are?
Vast amounts of statistical data > anecdotes.
Besides, the heat here is killing me.
It’s global climate change. What you are talking about is evidence of global warming. As the polar ice caps melt the ocean gets cooler and changes weather patterns all over the globe.
It is sad that people hear the word “warming” and don’t really look at the big picture. It is a sad state of affairs when everything has to be reduced to a ten second sound byte before it will be heard.
I think of it as “climate change” rather than “global warming”.. The climate is definitely changing. In the UK it seems every year we break a record for the coldest ever, wettest ever, hottest ever month.
Here’s a scary thought, for those of us in the north-west corner of Europe. The British Isles is on roughly the same latitude as Edmonton, Canada, but the climate is much warmer than that part of Canada, due to the effect of the Gulf Stream, which carries warm water and warm air across the Atlantic from the Gulf of Mexico.
But the Gulf Stream is shifting south. I cannot say whether that is simply a natural effect, or the effect of man’s interference with the environment. Either way the result is the same; the British climate is already getting colder for this reason, and has been doing so steadily for the last 7 years. If the Gulf Stream continues to drift south, it’s going to get colder still.
@Hypocrisy_Central Once again you pose a question based on false premise and fantasy science.
I have had consistent beleif on teh subject for over 20 years- climate change is real and occurring. And knowing where you live (Solano county) you are using yesterday’s weather in your neighborhood to judge the global climate. That’s not a very good indicator, when three weeks ago California was in a state wide heat emergency with Death Valley at 130 degrees F and Vallejo approaching 112.
And how do you know “cold, wet, frigid, miserable winter again” ? You have some secret connection to what the weather will be like in December? Last winter in California it hardly rained after mid January, but you forgot that – no snowpack on May 1.
Pay attention to reality, stop making things up.
@Hypocrisy_Central – You’ve been here long enough so that these confusions should be gone by now. Either you are having some difficulty understanding them, or you are intentionally repeating this stuff to get a rise out of us. Do we really need to go through the weather != climate, it’s global, the data, etc again? And as an aside – the northeast has had one of the worst summers I have experienced. The dangerous heat and humidity, we’re suddenly getting tornado warnings, etc. Again, it means shit when we’re discussing global climate change. But, even your anecdotal approach failed. Hard.
And I wish I could link pictures. The Pacific Northwest is on fire!
We’ve had the coolest, rainiest Summer in South Carolina that I’ve experienced since I moved here 11 years ago. Usually, we’re at over 100 degrees around this time of year. We haven’t even hit 90 yet. And it has rained more days than not over the last 45 days. It sucks. Where’s Summer? I can’t get a tan in the rain, dammit.
I’m neither a global warming believer or denier. I just don’t care all that much either way. It is what it is.
The summer here is always like really hot, I live in a subtropical area so yea. It doesn’t even get all that cold in winter. I don’t know about the whole global warming thing though, I never really cared much about it so I don’t know where I stand on that whole thing. I guess I’m just neutral or something.
Actually this summer hasn’t been as bad as the previous one but that’s only because it’s like a wet summer, the storms cool it down quite a bit so that’s cool. We either have those really wet summers or the really dry ones with the fires and stuff.
Here in Illinois we are experiencing the weather extremes that go along with global warming. Last year we experienced a record drought and this Spring we experienced record rainfall and floods in our rivers. We have had below average temperatures for the past 5 months and it looks like August will be our 6th month in a row, making another record for the record books.
It’s easy to assume “global warming” means everyone is warming up. That isn’t necessarily true. Global “warming” could just be shifting the jet stream and mixing up the climates. But just because this weather hasn’t happened in our (SHORT) memory before doesn’t mean it’s never happened before.
People tend to assume records are being set during their lifetime, because they’re experiencing the extreme, and that’s almost never true.
People tend to assume records are being set during their lifetime, because they’re experiencing the extreme, and that’s almost never true.
That’s why there is a disclaimer next to records “in recorded history”. I would hope most intelligent people get that.
@zenvelo @Hypocrisy_Central Once again you pose a question based on false premise and fantasy science.
If it is a false premise, it is NOT my false premise. I did not invent global warming, or promoted its existence. I am going by what I am being told by scientist, ecologist, meteorologist, not all, but those who published stuff I bothered to read, are saying the average temperature of this, or the medium temperature of that is raising. If it is indeed “climate change” why should I care, that could be regional and not everywhere as global alludes to. If it is not happening everywhere but some places, so long as it is not my place, then it really isn’t my problem. Sorry for those places that are affected but I alone can’t change what is going on where they live.
@tom_g Do we really need to go through the weather != climate, it’s global, the data, etc again? And as an aside – the northeast has had one of the worst summers I have experienced.
I have read data on it. I did not take it overly serious because depending on whose date you read you never know where the hyperbole ends and the truth begins. I can more believe when I see it or feel it, that is the way to really know, so I am told. What goes on in the northeast, Midwest, the panhandle, etc I can’t say if it is truly normal or abnormal; I have not lived there for the past 50yrs maybe I could. I only know what it was like a given month when I was young. I can only go by the change I have physically lived through in this region the past 50 years, and instead of hotter, it has seemed to have gotten colder. I am thinking because of that maybe I need to rethink the data I received, and maybe someone else has experienced like weather change that doesn’t hold the pattern of what has been purported.
@jonsblond, time after time I hear people, even the weather person, say, “This is a record,” but then you can go find a time when it was even hotter (or colder) or wetter or dryer in recorded history. They You yourself said said “Last year we experienced a record drought” Where did you get the idea it was a “record”? Did it beat the decade-long drought in the 30’s that caused the dust bowl? Having a drought for one year doesn’t beat that. I mean, who told you it was a record? (Of course, that affected the Plains states and I don’t know where you’re from.)
When brutal, frigid temperatures arrive in winter, the disbelievers say, “See! Nyeh, nyeh. There’s no such a thing as global warming.”
Such people can’t understand that as the Arctic Ocean melts into significantly warmer water—absorbing insolation rather than deflecting it—the polar vortex degrades. Thus, Arctic air masses are no longer contained, and they invade North America into Florida and beyond. So, yes, global warmer is causing colder, more severe winters.
The same people fail to notice that hurricane seasons are growing longer and more severe. Hurricanes are caused and fueled by warm ocean water; as the ocean get swarmer, hurricanes become more prolific.
I don’t base my position on seasonal provincial anecdotes. As much as I have a position it is simply this: Through out history there have been numerous severe climate changes. We may or may not be experiencing one now, that remains to be seen. However, there is no way we can change our behavior with the hope of affecting the overall climate.
People who say stop using certain products or be more environmentally conscious to change the weather are mistaken. However, I still believe that being more environmentally conscious is a good thing with many short term and long term benefits.
@livelaughlove21 We’ve had the coolest, rainiest Summer in South Carolina that I’ve experienced since I moved here 11 years ago. Usually, we’re at over 100 degrees around this time of year. We haven’t even hit 90 yet. … Where’s Summer?
THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT! At least you have some inkling of what I am saying. You have an expected climate for a season then, BAM, you are not, or no longer getting it. And if it is a supposedly hot season and it isn’t, I have a harder time thinking the planet is warming than if it were a winter that was unusually warm.
@Dutchess_III It was a record drought for the county I live in. Every part of the country is different and has their own records for their areas. I was not talking about the entire country. Please read what I wrote. I said “here in Illinois”. The National Weather Service keeps the records. Where do you think the forecasters get their information from? They don’t make it up. Have you even heard of NOAA? Here is the link for the national weather service in my area.
Do you mean it SET the record as the #1 drought for your county in recorded history?
Yes, I’ve heard of NOAA. Thanks for linking me to it. I was looking for it earlier.
If the info put together from Nasa regarding the climate changes doesn’t alter the stubborn “nothing is changing more than it ever has” mindset of some, I don’t know what will.
A former jelly regularly posts news articles on the polar ice caps and climate change.
I cried when I saw the latest North Pole photos he posted.
In San Diego the real summer “weather” begins in about August through Sept. then the air gets nice and crispy cool.
@Dutchess_III It was near the record. My first answer to this question was sharing the extremes we’ve experienced here in the past two years in Illinois. Historic Drought in US and 6th driest on record in central Illinois Since you want to be nit-picky, my apologies for saying record and not near record instead. Ask the farmers in Illinois how the drought affected them last year and I’m sure they won’t say “well at least it wasn’t the worst ever”. 98 of 102 counties in Illinois were declared disaster areas. A disaster is a disaster. And we have over 100 years of recorded facts.
I was not mistaken about the flood. The Illinois River had its highest ever recorded crest this year. It broke the record set back in 1943.
Of course there is the very real loss & effects from the melting of Montana’s glaciers, too.
No, there’s much evidence to support manmade global warming. Don’t confuse your local weather with long term climate changes. Even my own weather station has confirmed that the past ten summers have been among the warmest on record. This question seems relevant here, so can you answer it honestly @Hypocrisy_Central? It’s been very hot where I live, so I appreciate the cooling trend right now.
My only point @jonsblond is you can’t take weather extremes that one personally experiences as evidence of global warming, because, so far, one can always find a worse weather extreme on record. Yes, a disaster is a disaster, but, in the case of the 2012 drought, which hit Kansas too (and now we’re flooding as well,) it’s not any kind of special disaster according to the last 100 years of recorded facts (which is really no time atall, you know.)
This is the absolute coolest summer I, personally, have ever experienced. 1980 was the absolute HOTTEST summer I ever experienced. I won’t forget it—it was that hot. But I’m betting I can find cooler and hotter in the last 100 years of record keeping.
And why are you and I suddenly at odds every time we turn around?
Going to look at @SpatzieLover‘s info now.
@SpatzieLover That was fascinating. I’ll look at it again tomorrow along with the explanation. Book marked.
Weather and climate are two completely different things. Many people confuse the two.
My attitude about global warming is the same. Climate is fluid and constantly changing to be sure. Nothing stays the same. Not even the total cosmic universe.
It is only the arrogance of some humans that makes them believe they are bigger than Nature, and that they can actually violate (or beat) the forces of nature.
You and I are here, because of some natural process that nobody totally understands. We do what we do, because of our volition which is a result of a natural process that nobody totally understands. We make obvious errors, and make great decisions. And nobody really knows why. It is good to investigate why some decisions are good or bad, but it is hubris to imagine that the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance of human choice. The Earth will be here long after Homo sapiens has run out of evolutionary gas.
My answer to this question @Dutchess_III was Here in Illinois we are experiencing the weather extremes that go along with global warming. It’s just one teeny tiny example of the world. I never said “because it’s like this in Illinois, we’re special so that’s how it is everywhere else”.
it’s not any kind of special disaster according to the last 100 years of recorded facts
Actually it is, according to the record books.
Why are we at odds? I don’t know. You are the one nit-picking my examples of the weather in my area. I’m really not in a mood nor do I have the time for all this back and forth with you. I just answered the question that was asked by Hypocrisy. That’s all.
Linking weather extremes to global warming
I absolutely KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the winters here in the western U.S, ( CA.) are NOT what they used to be! California is in a 2 year drought again, the Sierra snowpack has been pathetic the last few years. Just this afternoon my daughter and I drove out to her old childhood home in the Sierra foothills and the usually raging creek was completely dry along our old road.
Wildfires are rampant right now and yes, make NO mistake about it….in the last 40 years since my childhood, the rain and snow has declined markedly.
For every “average” or above average year there are several below.
I have zero doubt that we are experiencing global warming, certainly humans are mostly responsible along with the possibility of universal change as well.
Sorry…but anyone that disputes mankinds contributions to this grave situation are full of shit! Thank you very much! :-)
One person’s global warming is another person’s disaster capitalism.
I do not have the words. Is this really what we have left?
Global warming is a fact. The average temp of the earth has been increasing fairly steadily. People certainly can argue it is a cycle and will eventually go down again. They can also argue whether man is influencing the climate change, but a fact is a fact when it comes to average temperatures.
I wonder if the people who fervently don’t believe human beings might be influencing climate change also doubt flourocarbons ate away at the ozone layer?
As I recall, @Hypocrisy_Central, you don’t believe in evolution either. Would you believe that sticking your head out your window for a few minutes is an inadequate method to measure temperatures all around the Earth over a 120 year time span?
But if it’s anecdotal evidence or nothing, Boston has just had the hottest June ever and one of the warmest Julys to boot. We had a relatively warm but VERY snowy winter because the polar ice cap has melted to the point it’s disturbing the Polar Jet Stream, dragging down moisture and cold air from the Arctic Ocean.
All the predicted effects of climatology models are right on target, and still the deniers play the game that big oil paid Republicans to program them to play.
@Hypocrisy_Central Here’s a hint:. Global means of the entire globe. Where you personally are is not the globe.
I’m happy to be of service, and I hope this pertinent bit of information has made you a little more informed.
Climate: the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years.
Weather: the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc.
Raining and “cold” again! I’m actually ready for some good, old fashioned, HOT weather! The kind that makes you jump in the lake to cool off and to hell with the snakes!
Spoke too soon. Woke up at 8 to thunder and pouring rain (our pond is full after being almost completely dry since last fall,) nice and cool….but today it’s supposed to get up to 96. Boy, that’s going to be miserable!
Here’s one more study that looks at the linkage between wars and violence, and rising temperatires. Seems when things get too hot we humans tend to get hot under the collar.
Here’s the actual study published yesterday in the peer-reviewed journal, Science.
Also, I just noticed this Op-Ed in The New York Times, The Republican Case for Climate Action, which cites the overwhelming scientific evidence that the Earth is warming at an unprecedented and dangerous rate, and that human activity is the cause.
Just to add. People who now deny the anthropogenic nature of global warming are as ignorant as people who deny evolution. The evidence is incontrovertable.
Shall not stop controvertible from happening, though!
I’m so flippin’ HOT right NOW! lol
Our weather turned. On Thursday evening it was as cool as it’s been all month, but there was something different. I told Rick, “I think summer’s back.”
He agreed.
Friday morning it rained AGAIN (which I don’t mind atall!) and it stayed cool all morning, warmed up a little in the afternoon. But then, last night, about 9 p.m. I said, “Rick, seems to me it’s getting warmer instead of cooler.”
Yep, summer’s back.
Do you really think that your personal anecdotes have more meaning that that of thousands of climate scientists collecting billions of data working day and night? If yes, how arrogant.
Let’s not base our assumptions on amateurs rethinking their thinking. I rather trust renowned scientists.
@mattbrowne Well…experience is valid, it doesn’t always take a scientist to observe patterns and changes. Everyone is a scientist if they are in observation mode. :-)
@Coloma I have to go with Matt on this one. We experience, but we don’t record, so that means, in the end, over time, our memories of the events could be incomplete or completely false.
The plural of anecdote is not data.
@Paradox25 This question seems relevant here, so can you answer it honestly @Hypocrisy_Central?
I am looking at what I see next to what is being said by the talking heads and others. I am no expert on global warming, climate change, or whatever you want to call it. I know what I lived through in this area the past 50 years and it is not the same. By this time here, actually starting in May I remember daily temps in the upper 80s (rare) to the upper 90s (usual), less one week I can remember it has hardly broke 85 deg. This is a summer that hasn’t decided to be summer yet. Last summer wasn’t much better. I am not trying to pigeon this summer to any political agenda; I am basing it on what was normal to what seems to be abnormal now.
@ETpro As I recall, @Hypocrisy_Central, you don’t believe in evolution either.
You believe that because you have not listened very well.
@Kropotkin @Hypocrisy_Central Here’s a hint:. Global means of the entire globe. Where you personally are is not the globe.
Another hint: I am part of the globe so it should be getting warmer here not colder, less we are talking here as being apart of global cooling, or something.
do you know what the word “average” means? Because you do not make the impression that you do.
Listen more and speak less, then you will start to know what I do know and what I don’t
If you had taken your own advice you would not have asked this ignorant question.
Global warming could account for the shifting of the gulf stream which would account for the unusual summer conditions we’re experiencing here, in Kansas, too. Just because things aren’t warming up in your neck of the woods, and, in fact, are doing the opposite this summer, could be due to a shift in the gulf stream due to increased temps in other parts of the earth and the atmosphere.
I am reminded of a brief editorial in response to an article l I read in the Wichita Eagle a few years ago. The article dealt with the fact that Wichita needed new snow plows. Someone wrote in something like, “What a waste of money. Due to global warming there won’t BE any snow in a few more years.” That’s not necessarily true. In fact, a warming winter could mean MORE snow than normal. What would fall as sleet or freezing rain at 15 degrees, would fall as big, fat snow at 28 degrees.
@Hypocrisy_Central, do you understand that your cooler temperatures are part of “global warming?”
The ice caps are melting making the oceans cooler. Some areas are colder than before and some areas are hotter because the way the weather flows has been effected.
Pffft…everyone knows that a large part of global warming is due to all the blowhards on the planet spewing their hot air. lol
@ETpro Couldn’t you just say “You stated you don’t believe in evolution Here” without the snarky about her screen name?
I just discovered something a little interesting but useless. To give the appearance of a link above I put in the quotation marks and the : around the word “Here”, then typed in some random letters like, dkasjdie. It worked, but, out of curiosity I clicked on it to see what would happen. It took me to the top of this question.
@Dutchess_III: ”@ETpro Couldn’t you just say “You stated you don’t believe in evolution Here” without the snarky about her screen name?”
Really? We’re going there yet again?
@Hypocrisy_Central: “Listen more and speak less, then you will start to know what I do know and what I don’t”
^ This comment didn’t inspire a scolding, but @ETpro‘s response did?
Ok, we’re back. Everyone can now carry on about why they reject the current science…
@Judi No. Hypocrisy is a man.
@jonsblond: “No. Hypocrisy is a man.”
Not that it matters, but are we sure this is the case?
@tom_g I missed the other comments.
OK Hippy Central. You a manor a woman?
@tom_g we’re friends on fb and I’ve seen pics of him and his girlfriend at the time. though I know people aren’t always who they seem, but I’m pretty sure about this one. not that it really matters, but maybe he can answer for himself. (i hear you giggling @ragingloli. shhh)
@ragingloli If you had taken your own advice you would not have asked this ignorant question.
I can rethink any of my opinions; at least I am thinking, quip and lurve away, glads to help you rack them up.
@Judi @Hypocrisy_Central, do you understand that your cooler temperatures are part of “global warming?”
The ice caps are melting making the oceans cooler. Some areas are colder than before and some areas are hotter because the way the weather flows has been effected.
I say again, I am no expert on global warming; I only listen half way when the talking heads coin the phrase, and it is not of my invention. If it is incorrect get on the scientist, ecologist, meteorologist who came up with the phrase. I expect my summers to be like summer, not like early spring.
@ETpro Couldn’t you just say “You stated you don’t believe in evolution Here” without the snarky about her screen name?
Just as info it is he, I just have a female avatar I drew, sometimes it is an atomic bomb blast, etc.; basically hermaphrodite avatars.. Some people can’t feel like they are on a rock or be near the top unless they build a pyramid of everyone else with them stepping on them to reach the peak. Other of us don/’t need to try to step on others to get to the peak because we are secure knowing we can get their without stepping on others. @Judi Male here, no rule says you have to use gender identifying avatars, this is Fluther for goodness sake ;-)
But you never answered if you realized that cooling oceans from melting ice caps can cause cooler weather? I’ve asked you twice.
@Judi But you never answered if you realized that cooling oceans from melting ice caps can cause cooler weather?
If you want a “yes” or “no” answer; NO I don’t know that happens if it does that. I don’t know if melting ice will increase the planet overall, I say again, I am no expert on it. I half listen when I have to because some talking head is on the news I am watching or publish something in a magazine I am reading. What it does I don’t care, when it reaches critical mass I will be mummy dust, and gone from this planet.
That’s why I trust the scientists.
@Hypocrisy_Central I’m the one who said “Couldn’t you just say “You stated you don’t believe in evolution Here” without the snarky about her screen name?” not ETPro. I was defending you.
Yes, I realize now that you are a male. My bad.
No, there is no “rule” that says you have to use a gender identifying avatar (or name,) but at the same time, you can’t possibly get upset if the ambiguity of your avatar leads people to assume the wrong thing.
In @Hypocrisy_Central‘s defense, millions of people are still falling victim to the climate change deniers evil marketing campaigns.
Just about every day now, there is a new study or data set that indicates that any rethinking on global warming should be in the direction of becoming more convinced it is a real threat. Today, there is this.
@Dutchess_III No, there is no “rule” that says you have to use a gender identifying avatar (or name,) but at the same time, you can’t possibly get upset if the ambiguity of your avatar leads people to assume the wrong thing. Who was upset? Certainly not me. By way of avatars I don’t know or can’t remember who half of you are, were you live, what job you mentioned having or if you are straight or gay, OK some of those who are gay I certainly know because they make every chance to bust my balls LOL LOL. I was just mentioning it incase you didn’t know. I don’t assume everyone has a photographic memory and remember every detail about everyone. :-)
(Gen) That’s why I trust the scientists.
It isn’t like they have never been wrong. Way back when they thought the green bands on Mars were forest of 6ooft + redwood like trees they certainly got that wrong.
I had not heard that they ever believed the green bands were trees! That would be a pretty stupid hypothesis though!
^ In the weekly science material they gave out in grade school (in the 60s) a lot of what was in it was off once probes like Voyager started exploring the solar system. Pluto was still a planet then and Ceres was not even known or believed to exist.
I was in grade school in the 60’s too. I don’t remember anything like that.
They’ve been talking about down grading Pluto since the 70’s, but it was only down graded in 2007, which made my grandson sad all day.’
If it’s true, that some fool really postulated that theory, then the problem is they had no proof what so ever to back it up. There is plenty of hard data, to prove global warming.
@Dutchess_III: “There is plenty of hard data, to prove global warming.”
Stop. Just stop. He has already said that he doesn’t particularly care for science as a means of investigating truth. He is so disinterested that he hasn’t even bothered to learn how it works. And as for global climate change, he has stated that he doesn’t really give a shit about us or our kids because “when it reaches critical mass I will be mummy dust, and gone from this planet.” *
If he doesn’t accept the current consensus on global climate, we’re not going to change his mind. He doesn’t care if it’s true or not.
@Hypocrisy_Central – Please correct me if I’m wrong. Did I characterize your position fairly? Did I miss something?
Easy @tom_g. Deep breath. I wasn’t trying to change his mind at all. I’m on the fence about it myself. My last post simply pointed out that if some scientists at one point actually thought trees were growing on Mars, they did so with a total lack of real evidence. That is why the comparison between that and global warming isn’t a valid one.
@tom_g @Hypocrisy_Central – Please correct me if I’m wrong. Did I characterize your position fairly? Did I miss something?
Umm……let me put it this way: “BIG SWING” and a miss!
Let ME state my position to you so you can clearly get it correct next time. I believed in global warming, back when Al Gore produced his movie, it sounded very plausible to me. There were other things I read, National Geographic, etc. that seem to back it up. Did I go pour over the data myself with a fine-toothed, no, why should I? Isn’t that what the experts get paid to do? What they said was OK. However, what they are and have been saying is not what I am living so now I am not sure I believe it as much anymore. As for your kids and your kid’s kid, there are more pressing things to worry and pray about in their regard than climate change that will take more than their life time to really be destructive, as oppose to things that are happening in their live time today and will effect their children in a much more palpable way. I am not against science, a lot of science prove God, (sorry I had to mention that name that is so REPUGNANT, to you). I just don’t take every nugget science say as a holy nugget when it is a theory because they have never physically been there, touched on, probed it physically, etc. Even if I stopped using Freon, driving anything but a hybrid, etc, it still would not stop climate change or reverse it. What is coming will still come, but when it gets here I will be in paradise so why fret over a future I can’t change, when I am here now; that is where my focus is.
NOW, when you speak for me, maybe you can get it at least 60% correct.
@Hypocrisy_Central – From what you just wrote, it appears that I was 100% correct. I’m being serious.
^ One can see a mirage and find nothing there when they arrive. Believe what you wish, just keep coming around, it is good for your lurve. ;-P
We had a drought yesterday. It’s supposed to break tonight.
Actually, checking the weather, it’s supposed to be clear all week, with highs only in the mid to upper 80’s! That’s so awesome. But I bet the county is going broke because NO ONE has used their AC’s this summer!
@Dutchess_III I think parts of the southeast are flooded right now, so they are getting the rain you aren’t. But, there is always some flooding and some drought to talk about.
I’m pretty sure we flooded, big time, down by the river. We just never went to gawk at it this time.
@Hypocrisy_Central This talk by Kate Sheppard of Mother Jones Magazine brings the effects of climate change down to a level where most of us can get it—it matters to what matters to each of us.
Glaciers are melting away, weather events are causing record damage (insurance companies are factoring in Climate Change into the rates they charge). Funny coincidence that global temperatures have been found to be related to CO2 levels, and humans have been generating more and more CO2?
For me, the climate in my area has been getting milder and milder. Climate Change works for me. Everyone should drive a big SUV, as far as I’m concerned.
@RocketGuy When I saw this news I thought of your noting that Global Warming is working for you. Scientists studying ice cores to try to understand what ended the little ice age around 1850 have found that it was soot from the Industrial Age that caused the rapid recession of the glaciers of that time. So the good news is human activity can actually make the climate better, but the bad news is human activity clearly can impact the climate of Earth.
(Update) I am looking over the Yahoo headline page and it said one of the issues trending was Global Warming. If there is not Global Warming but climate change why is the media still calling it Global Warming? They are trying to bamboozle people, they are ignorant, they heard it from the guys in the white coats, what? SOMEONE out there seems to think there is Global Warming, what others want to call it be damned.
The GLOBE IS WARMING! the warming in one area is CAUSING rain and bad weather in your area.
Good Gawd! I’ll repeat what @Judi said the *GLOBE IS WARMING! Come on. It is a fact. The average temperature per year is on an upward trend. There is no debating it. Have you actually found a scientist arguing the trend? The only thing debatable is why it is happening, if it will keep trending this way, and what exactly will happen with the weather and the earth if we keep trending this way.
@Hypocrisy_Central – As I have stated above, I should just shut up because I know that you’ve already expressed a disinterest in whether or not climate change is a real thing or not. But since you continue to duck in here and pretend that you have any interest in learning about this, I am finding myself writing the obvious…
“global warming”: We live on a planet (globe). The average global temperature is rising (warming). That is a fact.
“climate change”: The effects of shifts in global temperature and the oceans have huge effects on climate. Some places will shift to a drier climate, others will become more wet.
It’s not just temperature we’re talking about here. Does this make sense? You seem to be implying (again) that there is something mutually exclusive about “global warming” and “climate change”.
@tom_g It’s not just temperature we’re talking about here. Does this make sense? You seem to be implying (again) that there is something mutually exclusive about “global warming” and “climate change”.
Someone else brought up “climate change”, I can’t remember who and I am too lazy to go back through the responses to track it down right now. Be it climate change or Global Warming, I expect Global Warming to do just that; warm everything. If I put a turkey breast in the microwave I expect it to all get warm if the machine is indeed warming it, if regions of the meat is cold, then warming was not universal, or all over. I believe there is Global Warming; I just backed up as to how much of it or how bad it is said to be. It should be like a skillet I put on the burner, just because the rim is not as hot as the bottom it is still hot; so should it be with this planet.
They are trying to change the label to climate change, because people expect global warming to mean everything will get warmer. Global warming means the average temperature is getting warming. But, parts of the world can be colder, more snowy, etc, and the average can be warmer, because the warm and hot is getting much warmer and hotter.
The nay sayers of global warming would say things like, “worst winter we have had in 20 years, doesn’t look like the globe is warming.” So, people got sick of that ignorance and decided maybe if we change the name to climate change we won’t have to hear that bullshit anymore. I am not saying the ignorance makes people stupid, I am only saying it allows the politicians to talk their talk.
@Judi, it’s not only causing bad weather, it’s causing unseasonably BEAUTIFUL weather too!!
@Dutchess_III Then expect a mix from unseasonably beautiful to unseasonably hideous weather.
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