Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

What exactly is going on here - video inside (I have no sound on my laptop, so I can't hear)

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) August 1st, 2013
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6 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No sound to worry about. The little boy has Down syndrome and the dog is making friends. The boy seems to be making friends too.

hearkat's avatar

There is no sound other than ambient noise and the person holding the camera giggles a couple times. The dog is guarding the child, and the child wants the dog to back off and tries pushing it away, except for the one time it looks like the child might be hugging the dog… but I’m not sure if that’s what is happening. The dog is very patient.

Pandora's avatar

So cute! I love it when the dog put his arm on his shoulder like a big brother. Awesome dog. Cute kid. Looks like he simply wasn’t sure about the dog.

ETpro's avatar

Thanks so much for sharing that video. How wonderful life can be.

filmfann's avatar

The dog is so patient and loving! Very nice video!

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

A gentle, loving dog and a sweet little boy with Down Syndrome.

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