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Dutchess_III's avatar

How can people compare their pain to that of a woman in labor?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 3rd, 2013

I’ve heard, for example, that passing gall stones hurts “worse” than labor. Now, the only way we could know that is true is if a woman had gone through labor, from beginning to end, including through the final transition stage (which is where the serious pain lies in wait to grab you by the throat and smash you to the floor!) with no drugs at all, and then that same woman, at some point in her life, passed a gall stone.

How can people compare their pain to something that half of them will NEVER experience, and, of the remaining half, most of them won’t give birth without some sort of pain medication?

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28 Answers

jca's avatar

They can’t. They think they can, but they can’t.

Judi's avatar

I don’t want to hear that. My gallbladder is acting up and I don’t want to have surgery.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My daughter had her gall bladder removed. She’s OK. Don’t worry Judi. Hmmm. Could there be form for that I wonder?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jca My ex came down with some stomach cramps one time. He was all writhing on the floor in “pain.” He told me later that it was as bad as the pains I had experienced in labor. Well, I came down with the same stomach bug a couple of days later. It hurt, but on a scale of 1 – 10 it was about a 3.

snowberry's avatar

I’ve had 4 kids at home, so pain medication was not an option.

I also have had pain that far outstrips that of childbirth, including passing about 40 gall stones. When it hurts so bad that you scream if someone walks across the floor, or you’re screaming in your sleep, well that’s pain.

gailcalled's avatar

Any womasn who has experienced both can compare. There may be an issue of duration. How long does it take to pass a (or several) kidney or gall stones?

Dicier for a man to dare.

Dutchess_III's avatar

In the details I stated that the only person who can compare the two is a woman who has experienced both, @gailcalled.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh @snowberry! OK! I thought you were a guy all of this time…. :(

gailcalled's avatar

@Dutchess_III : So you did. I had trouble parsing that long sentence and got sidetracked by being grabbed by the throat and smashed to the floor.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m sorry you had trouble @gailcalled. I’ll try to remember to make shorter sentences for you in the future.

tranquilsea's avatar

Pain is very subjective. But we, as humans, like to order and compare things.

Men should compare pain to being kicked in the balls.

snowberry's avatar

I agree @tranquilsea. I have an extremely high threshold of pain. If I’m in so much pain I can’t handle someone walking across the floor, well THAT’S bad. Other people can’t seem to handle the pain of a hangnail.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My BIL asked me, right after the first labor, what it was like. I said, “Imagine a Charlie Horse (which is a severe cramp) in your leg. Put it in the tenderest part of your stomach. Then have someone KICK you as hard as the can in the stomach! It’s sorta like that. Only worse.” He went pale. :)

ucme's avatar

I’d be able to make a fair comparison if I shat out a grapefruit, seeing as though that’s an unlikely scenario & would probably result in my bowels exiting my arsehole, then i’ve no intention of comparing it thank you very much.

Blondesjon's avatar

Have you never stubbed your pinkie toe?!?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I cannot find a photo of the type of catheter they used on me after my kidney operation. It wasn’t the little balloon thingy shown on thegoogleit searches.

My secondary urethra between bladder and kidney was completely knotted. Reconstructive surgery required a stint to be left inside me for healing. About two months after surgery, they had to get it out.

The catheter was longer and wider than a standard #2 pencil. One end was attached via cable to a TV monitor… (this was 30 years ago). The other end of the catheter had a light, and a grappling hook to get the stint out. They put that mother fucker up my dick, all the way through my bladder, and up through my secondary urethra nearly to my kidney. Took doc a few times to get ahold of the stint, and then he started pulling, tugging, yanking like his lawnmower wouldn’t start. I thought he was going to kick me. It hurt so bad I shit all over his face, to which he calmly groaned, let the TV cable fall limp inside my tortured willy, and refused to continue until he cleaned himself and changed garments.

Before he resumed, I had to ask for another piece of wood to bite down on. The original had been chewed completely through. The soggy ends soaked in tears. I was awake for the entire procedure. The only anesthesia I had was a little tube of cream shoved up my dick to get things started. It didn’t work very well.

He finally got it out after numerous attempts. I bled for days. I hurt for days all inside.

I’m not about to claim that episode compares in any way to child birth. How could I possibly know.

_Whitetigress's avatar

They have idiotic imaginations and presumptions

YARNLADY's avatar

Some people sail through childbith with nothing worse than discomfort. My sister was like that. For me it was the worst pain I have ever felt.

My Daughter in law had both at the same time, and she said while the childbirth was very painful, the gallstones were worse.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ucme, actually, the actual giving birth is the easiest part. It’s the contractions that are the killer.

@RealEyesRealizeRealLies My gosh…that sure sounds like it could be close. Why didn’t they put you under?

ucme's avatar

@Dutchess_III Please try not to begin a sentence with “actually”…it makes me wanna throw an egg off your head & I really don’t want to.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually, I’ll probably do it again sometime. Egg on, Dude.

ucme's avatar

Well in that case, I meant a faberge egg…it’ll be worth the expense.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But those are freakin’ expensive! Look, I’ll save you some money. I have some eggs in my fridge, K?

ucme's avatar

That’s a fairly expensive trip though, good job I was only yolking.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Busted out laughing! I was thinking about this…ya, we could get together and we could glue glitter and button on them before you thrown them. But we HAVE to go outside.

ucme's avatar

So long as it’s not superglue, coz then they’d just stick to our hands & not throw, we’d look bloody gormless just flapping our arms about the place like demented chickens :D

jca's avatar

I describe labor as it feels like a watermelon is coming out your ass (because it really feels like the baby is coming out your ass). So if you can imagine shitting a watermelon, that’s about what it’s like.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I don’t know what passing a gallstone feels like, but I’ve experienced drug-free childbirth, appendicitis, and a severe kidney infection. While the massive cramping pains from all three were fairly similar (at least in my case), nothing could touch the labor transition and shoving a kid out of my own body. Ow!

I hope I don’t ever have to pass a gallstone to find out if it matches or beats childbirth…

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