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Dutchess_III's avatar

How on earth do some people make it out of major accidents with hardly a scratch?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 3rd, 2013

This video floored me. The driver of the semi and his son weren’t hurt!

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22 Answers

tranquilsea's avatar

Luck. In the case of drunk drivers I think they are completely relaxed and therefore don’t tear as much.

hearkat's avatar

In my case, it was proper positioning of the seat and safety belt that saved me. Many people lounge back and keep the belt slack around them. If you recline too far, you can slide under the belt. If the lap belt is too loose or too high, it can cause internal injuries in the abdomen or neck injuries if the shoulder belt is to high. I sit upright and have the belt low and snug across my hipbones, breastbone and shoulder. I position the headrest so the middle of my skull is in the middle of the headrest. I learned proper positioning when I was pregnant, and use the seat as a supportive cage like they are designed to be, and the belt to keep me strapped to it – lessons learned from auto racing technologies.

ucme's avatar

That wasn’t a major accident, it was spectacular to look at, but the rig took the full force of the blast & the cabin trundled on to safety.
How do people survive major accidents? They go by the name of Bruce Willis.

cheebdragon's avatar

That happened to my bf a long time ago, his car ended up pinned under a semi and when the EMTs arrived on scene they were asking him where the body was (assuming he was just a witness). He had climbed out the window without a scratch on him.

YARNLADY's avatar

Their guardian angel saved them. It’s clear proof that God does exist.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@YARNLADY Why doesn’t he save everyone?

@ucme It was pretty major. It was just a stroke of luck that the cab parted from the trailer. But yes, that is what saved them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What caused the wreck @cheebdragon? That would just be terrifying!

ucme's avatar

@Dutchess_III We’re going to have to differ on that then, luck clearly played a part, that much is clear.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Anytime you have a semi going airborne and bursting into flames it’s pretty major! Would you consider it a major accident only if the people had been hurt or killed? I think that’s where we differ on this.

ucme's avatar

Multiple vehicles taken out with tyres & engine parts flying into a child’s playground, raining bedlam onto their soft heads…MAJOR!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, well, 911 was even worse. I guess it’s all relative.

ucme's avatar

They drove trucks into the towers!?! I knew it was a conspiracy from the start…but wait, how’d they get them to impact way up there like that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

They were AIRBORNE trucks! Well, sorta.

ucme's avatar

Ahh, like that one off Duel when Dennis Weaver tricks it into flying off that canyon.

cheebdragon's avatar

@Dutchess_III Im not certain but I think both parties were at fault, nothing ever came from it, no insurance claims or traffic citations as far as I know, so I assume the truck driver didnt see the little car and my bf was not paying attention or looking the other direction. Somehow his car ended up underneath it and the semi continued dragging the car about 100 yards before the truck driver noticed what was going on. It was completely totaled.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ucme BTW, there is a difference between a disaster, such as multiple vehicles taken out with tyres & engine parts flying into a child’s playground, raining bedlam onto their soft heads would be, and a major wreck.

Jesus! He must have been terrified @cheebdragon! Wow.

ucme's avatar

It’s a disaster if it was a school for blind children who were just visited by Santa.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOLL!! I’ma gonna head a disaster your way, K? In the form of a flying semi truck full of eggs!

ucme's avatar

Yup, way too much cholesterol for anyone’s good.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes, all the cholesterol would be a disaster. The flaming truck hitting your house would just be an “oops!”

ucme's avatar

I bet you had to check my spelling to get cholesterol right didn’t you, eh…eh?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t remember! I may have copied and pasted or I may have just let spell check clock me. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have spelled it right all by myself. That and “alcohol” get me every time.

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