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Seek's avatar

Why does The Doctor have the face of Frobisher from Torchwood's third season?

Asked by Seek (34813points) August 4th, 2013

Go on, what’s your great justification for using a major universe character as the new Doctor? And has Steven Moffitt lost his damn mind?

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7 Answers

ucme's avatar

That’s right, start your own thread & fucking ignore mine…harrumph!

Seek's avatar

Sorry love, didn’t see yours until after the reveal.

ucme's avatar

I forgive you, but only because you’re gorgeous, i’m shallow like that.
I think it’s a bad choice personally, he’ll add maturity to the role, but who wants a mature Doctor? Not me for one…

ragingloli's avatar

Yeah, because old men do not give you a hard enough erection.

ucme's avatar

But you get hard when you follow me around so, that blows that theory out the water, bit like the Bismarck.

Seek's avatar

Oh, I’m glad they have an older Doctor this time. But the guy is already TWO characters in the Who universe. Just seems like a poor choice.

ucme's avatar

I’m all for an older Doctor, but mature as in sober/dull, keep him immature & extrovert at all costs.

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