Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you think the money I received this week for helping out a friend doesn't need to be claimed on my weekly unemployment claim?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47235points) August 4th, 2013

To file a weekly claim you answer about 13 Y/N questions.
I did computer work for a friend and got a check for $1300 this week. It was just a one time thing. I don’t think it would count as employment or even self-employment. I’m prepared to let them know, but there just didn’t seem to be a question that addressed this.

Here are the questions:

1) Did you work, as an employee, Sunday through Saturday during the week being claimed? If “yes,” enter the number of hours worked, as an employee,
during the week being claimed.

2) Did you receive holiday pay for the week being claimed? If “yes,” you will be asked “Was there a requirement to work the scheduled day before or the
next scheduled day after the holiday in order to receive your holiday pay?”

3) Did you receive any vacation pay for the week being claimed? If “yes,” you will be asked if you are temporarily laid off with a definite date to return to work.

4)Did you receive severance pay for the week being claimed?

5) Did you refuse work during the week being claimed?

6)Did you quit a job or were you fired from a job during the week being claimed? If “yes,” you will be asked “Have you already reported to the contact center that you quit or were fired from this employment?”

7) Did you attend school or enter training during the week being claimed?

8) Did you receive or change any type of pension, other than Social Security benefits, during the week being claimed?

9)Did you apply for or receive any total disability payment during the week being claimed

10) Were you physically able to work four or more days of the normal work week during the week being claimed?

11) Were you available for work, with no undue restrictions, for four or more days of the normal workweek during the week being claimed? (Note: Being availablefor work with no undue restrictions means there was nothing which would have
prevented you from accepting work had it been offered to you.)

12) Did you look for work, as directed by the Kansas Unemployment Contact Center or Internet claims system, during the week being claimed?

What I did doesn’t seem to fit into any of those categories.

Why wouldn’t they have something that specifically says, “Did you receive any monetary compensation for any work you did, either for an employer or independently?” or something to that effect?

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21 Answers

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What was the time frame for the the “non-work” that you received the check ? ?

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you mean, Trop? I created the forms about 3 weeks ago, just got the check this last week.

jerv's avatar

If the work was done during a week before you opened your claim, I see no issues with keeping quiet. All of those questions seem to be along the lines of what you did to earn money within the last 7 days, not what money you received during that time. If you just got paid now for something you did long ago, that is irrelevant.

Now, if you had done the work during a week that you are filing a claim for, then it’s different as you technically did work that week.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, it was completed after I opened my claim. I opened the claim the week of July 6, completed the work on the forms July 17. I didn’t say anything during that week because I had no idea if and when I’d get paid. For all I knew, it wouldn’t work for them.

Also, those questions included a field for dollar amounts earned or received. I just didn’t include that in my question.

Seek's avatar

I wouldn’t say a damned thing that would endanger your unemployment compensation. They will look for any excuse to cut you off.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Do not hide this income. It’s a criminal offense. You’ll get yourself busted. Do you want a criminal record?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I’m not trying to hide it! I just don’t see where I can claim it on my weekly claim.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

You were paid for services you performed. Just note the amount and what you did at the end of the questionnaire. That much shouldn’t affect your unemployment much if at all, but not reporting it is a really bad choice. If you can’t add it on the claim call or stop in to the DOL and report it to someone. Then document it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

There isn’t a place to add notes. I’ll call them on Wednesday (On Mondays and Tuesday’s the auto person puts you on hold for 20 minutes then says, basically, “We’re busy. Call back on Wednesday. Good Bye.”)

jerv's avatar

The closest thing I see is question #1, but it appears that your state does things differently from WA or NH, both of which actually do have a way to handle this situation.

Your best bet is to call (or visit their office) and speak to an actual person.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree that #1 is closest, but I ain’t nobody’s employee!

jerv's avatar

Self-employed people are employees that just happen to be their own boss.

Contractors are employees of whoever pays them for work until said contract is completed.

Either way, you don’t need to have a supervisor other than yourself to be considered an employee.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve been a self employed in my life. I know what a sole proprietor is. I know what dba is too. I done did was a dba for 4 years. It SUCKED!

I guess a contractor is the closest description in this case. However, it seems to me that both of those imply that you have licenses and what not, and do the work consistently. But does it that really cover doing a one-time “favor” for a friend, but happening to get paid for it? I guess I’ll find out.

jerv's avatar

Well, there is always “under the table” work….

Berserker's avatar

Been on unemployment before, I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to report this, especially that big an amount. Hell over here, to hear them tell it, I’d have to report if I found like, two pennies in my couch. The money they give you is to help you live because you apparently have no other resources. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a job you did a million years ago, you got money now, so by all rights, they shouldn’t give you anything unless you received less than they give you. (and they would deduct your money from their given amount, if their given amount was greater than what you got…and 1300? I doubt that lmao) ) At least that’s how I understand it. If it was me, the only way I would not report additional money is if it was physically handed to me, and therefore no electronic proof of said transaction could exist.
unless they got guys with cameras in their hats following you 24/7

I know that’s not much help, but personally I wouldn’t fuck with them if they were the only source of income I would see for a while. :/

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good news. I talked to the KDOL, told them I had done a favor for a friend and had gotten the check. I told her the amount of the check. She said “If it was just something you did for a friend and it was a one time thing, you don’t have to report it.”

I feel better. I was really worried it was going to screw everything up.

Berserker's avatar

Damn man, I’m happy for you. You get to keep the cash with no penalties. I’m actually surprised, too. This would never happen in ye olde Québec. :/

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thank you @Symbeline! I am happy too, and relieved. It was SO tempting to just not say anything, but then I’d be waiting for some knock on the door or a summons or something.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, for sure I would have been tempted too, but getting arrested for fraud would suck. Man I still can’t believe they’re letting this go lol.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Dutchess_III You should probably document somewhere the date you called, who you talked to, and keep it for a few years if that person was wrong. You did the right thing but government employees are known for covering their own butts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Excellent suggestion @Adirondackwannabe. Done. Aren’t cell phones wonderful things? I don’t have the employee’s name, but I have the exact time I called this morning. :)

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