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Drush545's avatar

Are you a clean freak like me?

Asked by Drush545 (229points) August 4th, 2013

I am kind of OCD in that way and feel like I have to have things nice and tidy or I just don’t feel right. I also wash my hands several times a day so I guess I am slightly scared of germs.

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12 Answers

hearkat's avatar

No. I have the opposite problem, and tend to collect clutter.

livelaughlove21's avatar

No. I wish I was, because my house would probably stay much cleaner. I hate housework. My house is never filthy, but it’s not always as tidy as I’d prefer it to be.

As for hand washing, I only do it after using the restroom, before/after touching uncooked food, and if they get dirty for some reason.

cheebdragon's avatar

Lmao…, not at all.

Someone is going to have a ton of fun sorting thru my stuff when I’m dead…..oh the random treasures they will find….

gailcalled's avatar

^^^After wading through 70 years of sewing kits, hidden $10 bills, odd socks, and bobby pins after my mother died, our family rule now is, “PIty Your Heirs.”

Headhurts's avatar

Yes I am. I like clean and tidy and feel a failure if I have cleaned for a day or two.

Tbag's avatar

Yes! I literally can’t sit straight if my room isn’t clean.

cookieman's avatar

Yes, I am like that also.

cheebdragon's avatar

My room is a never ending game of “I spy”....entertainment for days.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Yes. I like it.

JLeslie's avatar

Nope. You definitely do sound OCD. Sounds exhausting. I would have a nervous breakdown if I were like you. I physically can’t do it. I need to be able to crash and go to sleep if I am tired. If I stay up to make sure everything is in its place I will wind up sick a few times a year. That’s how I was when I worked a physical job, sick more often than now when I can rest more. I wonder what the stats are on that? If people who have to have everything in it’s place get more illnesses, and more severe illness.

I have a couple friends who are OCD about cleaning and they both regret how fanatical they were when their children were young.

I am a little of a germaphobe. I am pretty freaked out if someone is sick and shakes my hand or kisses me. I also am very careful about cross contamination with food. But, I don’t obsessively wash my hands, something has to happen for me to wash them. Or, if I am about to cook or eat I wash them.

Sunny2's avatar

I often wish I was more compulsive about keeping things picked up and clean. Unfortunately messiness doesn’t bother me much until I have guests. Then I scurry around making piles straighter and picking things up until it looks half decent. I don’t
think I’ll ever reach perfection.

KNOWITALL's avatar

A little ocd. My husband is messy, so after he leaves for work early, I straighten up before I leave, then he gets home and gets it dirty again, I straighten again so I can relax.

I’ve tried to let things go a while to ‘teach’ him a lesson, but it always teached me that I’m ocd instead. :) My mom is a pack rat, too, (like my grandfather) and I never could stand living that way when I stayed with either of them.

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