General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can I design my own car? Or is this car in stock somewhere in Canada (Details inside)?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 4th, 2013

I would like three changes from the normal smart car.

1 Have a drivers seat for a 6’6” man
2 Gas and brake on opposite sides on the floor, so I can use both feet.
3 Easy method for parallel parking.

I don’t have any money right now, but I would like to see how much it would cost me for a car.

I think I am describing a motorbike, but I’ve never owned one.

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Well, you would have to pay for the engineers to do the R&D for the parking system, some more engineers to design the system and to plan the mechanical changes and to incorporate it into the existing design, and then you would have to pay the designers to change the body of the car to make it suitable for a taller person, then some more engineers to adapt the safety systems to these changes and then you would have to pay for the workers to put it together, plus rent for the space and time in the factory that they lose on your car.
I can not put a number on all that, but I would say it would be a lot.

jerv's avatar

Some cars were not designed for certain people. At only 6’0”, I cannot fit into older Miatas, or the back seats of many compact cars, at least not comfortably. As you are considerably taller than me, your choices in cars are even more restrictive.

It is possible that you could get the vehicle converted by a reputable company that modifies vehicles for handicapped access and have the work done at a reasonable price, but I don’t think a SMART car has enough room for that. And designing a car from the ground up; a proposition expensive enough that even multi-billion-dollar corporations balk at.

So the most cost-effective option is to have a car modified by a reputable company. It’s not something you want to do yourself if you ever plan to pass any safety inspections or survive an accident unless you already know enough about cars and welding that you wouldn’t be asking this question. Moving the pedals is easy, but modifying the seat mounts in a way that won’t break off and send you flying on impact is trickier than you’d think.

Also, the auto-parking systems have been around for 10 years, and there are reasons that they are not more common. Most notably, the only one that really works in in a Lexus; a high-end car. The touchscreen tomfoolery involved in getting it to work correctly is about as hard as actually parking the car yourself as well.

rexacoracofalipitorius's avatar

The gas and brake are on the same side for a reason. It’s not good to try to drive with both feet (in an automatic). There are certain advanced techniques that use both feet, but those are for flashy or stunt-driving (for example, burnouts, power slide, or ‘bootlegger’ maneuver) and shouldn’t be attempted unless you have had lots of practice somewhere safe. Even then they shouldn’t be done on the street.

As for the modifications you want, the fact is that there’s just a finite amount of space inside a Smart car. The seats are already pretty hard up against the rear wall, and the roof can’t be raised without altering the strucure of the car (voiding the warranty and probably rendering it no longer street-legal).

Designing a car can be done, but if you could do it you wouldn’t be asking us if you could do it; you’d know the answer. It takes a lot of study (10 years or so) and hard work just to design a car. The first few you design will be un-buildable. The rest will probably not be certifiable for street use. That’s the hard part (although I know people who have done it.)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Buy a Ford with automatic parallel parking. They call it Active Park Assist

jerv's avatar

@rexacoracofalipitorius Maybe he is trying to set the car up for gymkhana…

CWOTUS's avatar

I can tell you how it would come out, but it might be more fun to find out for yourself.

Here is the description to a link that you can find on, but it will cost you $1.99 US to view the entire thing. Sorry ‘bout dat. Best I could do.

It might show up for free on this site someday, but there’s no telling when.

El_Cadejo's avatar

IMO a SMART car handles like a NERF car would handle if such a thing were ever made. Such a PITA to drive.

@Tropical_Willie that’s pretty weird/cool . Not sure how much I’d trust it personally.

Tropical_Willie's avatar


Weird but works, I watch a demo at the local Ford car dealer. Salesman put on a blindfold. No driver intervention required.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I’m just thinking about the one time it miscalculates due to some unforeseen circumstance. Yea….uhhh officer I only hit their car cause well I was letting my car drive itself….lol

Tropical_Willie's avatar

There are very few miscalculations like. . . . when a comet strikes . . . . when the battery goes dead (oh car stops forget that.) Do you have 6 eyes, placed around car on the bumper?

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