(NRQ) Does your horoscope or birth sign really reflect the real you?
I’m curious because so much money goes into this industry of psychics, horoscopes, birth signs, etc… but it seems oddly accurate in a lot of cases.
What is your ‘sign’?
Does your birth sign really reflect who and what you are?
What specifically stands out to you as the most accurate?
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65 Answers
I’m an Aquarius. Things I generally read about myself are true, especially the stuff on my specific b-day in my big b-day book. Probably the most accurate thing is that I’m a humanitarian, innovative and this is now my age.
I’m Pisces. I can’t swim. so no
I am a leo and my name is derived from the roman god of war.
I am the most peaceful humanoid you will ever encounter.
Like @ragingloli I am NOWHERE near as war-like as my birth sign, (Aries,) but I find myself accurately described by the rest of the characteristics. I do think that most of the descriptions are made so general that you can find descriptions of yourself in all of them.
Sagittarius. And it is total bunk.
I believe that biorhythms are more accurate than sun signs.
I’m a Leo. Actually, when I do read the horoscopes I read them all to see if any can be applied to me. Guess what. They all can.
Aquarian here. Married to a Sag, predictably. Lots of friends, not a lot of close friends- I tend to be standoffish, humanitarian, unconventional reasoning,
Husband is very much like his, lacks a little tact at times, very giving, very adventurous.
Mom’s an ‘unforgettable’ Leo like @ragingloli, and drives me a little crazy.
It’s just interesting how accurate I find them.
@elbanditoroso What’s that about?
I’m Capricorn, don’t really know if it reflects the way I am or not.
Yes. Even though I don’t believe astrology and horoscopes, at all, my “sign” really does fit me.
It’s Virgo, the people who alphabetize their sock drawers and are annoyingly critical. Yep.
Capricorn, cancer moon, cancer rising.
I pulled up my natal chart once, when my son was born, about a year after I cut off contact with my mother.
Apparently, the natal chart says that I would have problems with a Libra in my immediate family. Lo and behold.
As for the birth sign stuff, a depressed control freak with maternal instincts? Who is THAT?~
I have my sun, moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in the 9th House in Gemini. I would say the potentials are there for sure, but I haven’t always embraced them fully.
A few things I’ve read about Capricorns:
Capricorns want to get to the top of their chosen field so that they can reap the benefits of success; namely fame, prestige and money. – That is not me.
Capricorns are patient, too, and are happy to wait for their ship to come in. -Yes, that’s me.
Caps are down-to-earth in the sense that they’re not interested in wild ideas or round-the-world dreams. They would much rather stay put and get to work.- Yes again.
When it comes to love, Capricorns are ever devoted and never emotive.- That’s me.
A Capricorn at rest (yes, there is such a thing) enjoys leisurely sports, like golf and croquet so long as they have a chance to win!- Heck no. I like adventurous solo sports that have nothing to do about winning. Give me a kayak, mountain bike, water skis or snowboard.
@SadieMartinPaul My besty for decades was a Virgo, I get ya! :)
@Seek_Kolinahr See, uncannily correct at times, that’s exactly what I’m talking about!!
Sure, April. We just have to be careful that we’re not falling prey to confirmation bias. For example, there are several Libras in my immediate family, and the that part only stood out because I was a new mom, feeling down because I didn’t have a mom around myself. I can’t even remember what the rest of the chart said.
I’m a Libra & i’ve no bloody idea what that’s supposed to signify, never had any time for astrology.
I am a Pisces and the things that are supposed to be big about Pisces are “creative, dreamer, romantic.” I am definitely all 3.
Scorpio people that I have known have had big sex drives, which is a trait of Scorpios.
@ucme Attractive, tactful, romantic, charming, diplomatic – positives.
Superficial,detached, unreliable, laid back, indecisive and self-indulgent-negatives.
Be my guinea pig and tell me what’s correct will ya?
definitely all of the negatives.
Pleased someone asked that. I wanted to but assumed everyone knew and I would look stupid.
@Headhurts Yeah I’m also assuming everybody knows, then I’ll look stupid, but my thirst for knowledge outweighs the fear. XD I looked it up, can’t actually find anything that isn’t some site for someone’s local radio station
No idea what NRQ means. Not a real question?
@Symbeline If you look stupid, I will share the stupidness with you.
@KNOWITALL All of the positives & then some, i’m laid back but I can’t understand how that’d be viewed as a negative, that’s a good thing surely.
No, another jelly came up with that so you all would know it’s a Non Religious Question.
@ucme I wouldn’t think so – lol Thanks!!
Aahh…makes sense. A bit sad that this kinda stuff needs be specified on this site though. :/
Far better to be laid back than uptight.
Would never have guessed that. @Symbeline it’s not something obvious so you won’t look stupid. Thanks for letting us know.
@Symbeline Par for the course when this many people are involved in open dialogue, and things get too hateful.
Unfortunately it comes down to these choices:
1) we can either leave (like most do),
2) not talk about our own beliefs freely and openly (out of the question for me),
3) or use those letters to denote a safe topic for all (seems logical).
@Headhurts Haha yeah, I could have tried guessing for two weeks, probably never would have got it. XD
@KNOWITALL Haha yeah I know, and it was a good idea to put it…was wondering why nobody came in here going TEH Z0DIAKZ URNT REELZ. XD
@ragingloli Dude, you’re becoming obsessed & are starting to sound like some desperate, ranting loon. Let it fucking go man…let it go.
@ucme Dude! she IS possesed, and she likes it!
What makes people believe in horoscopes is the same thing that keeps them in their individual religions. Faith.
@Symbeline I put it on this Q because in my neck of the woods, some folks believe anything mystical is of the Devil, and I didn’t want it to devolve, it’s just for funzies – lol
OK, what is a Leo supposed to be like? I don’t even know.
I have noticed that, whether they profess to believe it or are adamant that it is hockum, everyone knows what sign they are.
Of course we do @rojo! You learn this kind of thing when you’re younger and everything is so possible. :)
I’m a Pisces. You tell me.
Sun Sign Astrology began in the 1930s in England. It’s rubbish.
Astrology goes back thousands of years. The position of the sun is no more important than the position of the other planets and their aspects to each other. A good astrologer looks at the whole chart and the positions of all the planets and their aspects.
If you want a simplified version of astrology, read for your rising sign and not your sun sign.
I’m a Gemini rising with a Cancer sun in the second house to be simple, but that’s ignoring a lot of other pertinent information. And yes, my whole chart describes me perfectly.
If you know the important information, this site will give you a birth chart and basic interpretation for free.
Doesn’t fit anything of who I am.
All of it is a non-starter with as much accuracy as a ping pong ball hurled from a slingshot into the wind.
@Hawaii Jake I had one of those done. Pfft. Joke. I have changed so much. I think I’m an Aries now anyway.
I am Aquarius and my sign is exactly like I really am, as are all the others. The descriptions are so general they fit everybody.
@KNOWITALL Raaar! What is a Leo supposed to be like anyways? Intelligent and witty and always right?
I am an Aries, and like all Aries, I don’t believe in astrology.
I really put zero stock into astrology and I regard most cases of accuracy as a result of the confirmation bias. I do find it an interesting concept, but I don’t think it has any real power.
I’m scorpio which is ruled by pluto which has been demoted from being a planet. That said ALL of my best friends and significant others have been/are Pisces who are compatible in the astrology thing. Who knows, personally I think it’s possible that gestation in particular parts of the season could have an influence on development and possibly personality. Probably just a bunch of crap though really.
I’m an Aries and the one thing about us we are stubborn like non other, and some of us have a trait where we start something but never finish it. Unfortunately, I suffer from that trait, plus stubbornness, anger issues at times, and I love to be number 1.
I think it’s clear when a question isn’t religious…no need for an extra identifier. :)
I’m a Leo, and some of the traits fit me perfectly and some don’t. I, too, think they are so general that everyone can see themselves in any sign.
I’m a Libra and it couldn’t matter less to me.
@shego I am an Aries, and I resent the idea that we don’t finsh things. Heck, I remember when I was
Lot of leos and Aries here? I’m scorpio. I think I am like one, whatever they are like.
I am a Pisces. And I find it funny that I get along with all the signs I am supposed to. XD
And one jelly ;-) I even called almost correctly without even knowing.
Sadly, I usually find out someone who is agitating me is a Leo. Lol. Leo’s agitate me. It almost always ends up like that must be because my sister agitates me. She is a Leo. No offence Leo’s I still ♡ u all even though it is my sister the Leo who decided she had enough of me and now tells people I’m dead to her..because she can’t stop being a drama queen and as my brother puts it a cow. C enter O f the W orld.
I get along real well with Scorpio and Capricorn. My two best friends are those signs. :) oh my other good friend is an Aries I get along well with Aries. To
Oh heck I just try to get along. O.K. lol.
I went on a first date last week with a woman I met online. About halfway through dinner she took down when and where I was born and later that night sent me my “reading” that is all computer generated these days. And yes, it did seem to note some of my personality, and odd coincidences. But when I looked at it, the statements were general, and while I identified with about 65% of it, I think anybody would have identified with the same amount. After all, there were broad positive statements that people would love to identify with, but that may or may not be true.
So it’s not accurate, it just fulfills a lot of wishful thinking.
I’m a Taurus. Here’s a description I found on one of the top websites that came up when I googled:
Strong, dependable Taurus leads the way when it comes to reaping the rewards of hard work. Lovers of everything that is fine and beautiful, Taureans surround themselves with material gains. This is a sensual, tactile sign. Touch is very important in everything from work to romance. Stable and conservative, Taureans are among the most reliable of the zodiac. While sometimes viewed as stubborn, this sign will plod along on a task until the very end, ensuring that everything is up to standard. They’re highly creative and thoroughly enjoy making things with their own hands.
I’m not a touchy feely person, nor materialistic or conservative. Stable and dependable are not the first words that come to mind either. The last sentence is the only one that definitely holds true for me.
Horoscopes are a load of baloney.
I’m an Asshole but I have not been able to find my sign on any of the star charts.
@rojo Look in the middle. It does require that your moon be in Texas.
No, I’m an Aries and I’m definitely not a hunter or aggressive. Everything that is described about Aries males pertaining to love, women and relations are not true for me. I’ve found that the detailed horoscope concerning my month and date of birth (the particular birthdate) was a very accurate description of me though.
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