Men would you get rid of your member if it meant you could avoid cancer?
If scientists produced data that showed men who whatever the reason lost their sexual member due to accident etc. or due to mishap had to have it amputated, that those men were .001% susceptible to colon cancer, 1% susceptible to prostate cancer, and 1.25% susceptible to testicular cancer. Would you whack of your “dumbstick” (the sexual organ that makes men dumb to women) to lessen your risk to those cancers to next to nothing? If those cancers ran high in your family would that have any influence on your decision as it did for Angelia Jolie removing her breast before any cancer showed?
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20 Answers
As a raging alcoholic, that fully realizes the risks of his consumption and yet continues to drink, I’m going to go ahead and say I’d keep the old pete.
Q: _Would you whack off your bumbstick to lessen your risk to those cancers to next to nothing? _
A: Does it count how many times I’ve whacked it off since puberty?
I wouldn’t equate a breast with the penis. The clit might be a better example. And your 1% example is shit. Her percentage was well over 50%.
Sorry dudes, she has a better chance of living and you have a few less nipples to whack off to. But she can still orgasm.
@johnpowell She’s also getting reconstructive surgery, iirc, and either way it is quite available, so even less comparable.
Anyway, to answer the question, no. If I found I personally had a very high risk and that could cut it, maybe, but depends on way more information.
Do I get to keep my balls?
Anyway, I’m old now but I’d much rather die young than to lose my lizard. It is so much a part of who I am. The thought of having to squat to pee alone would be far too much for me to take.
So I know not what course others may seek but as for me, give me my manhood or give me death! HA!
I’m not finished with them right now.
Hell no. Would you remove your eyes if it lowered the risk of cancer?
Losing breasts is completely different from losing a penis. Breasts are useless unless you’re planning on having children and breastfeeding.
Nope, me and Chuy are kinda fond of each other.
It would be like losing a “family member”.
@flip86 Losing breasts is completely different from losing a penis. Breasts are useless unless you’re planning on having children and breastfeeding.
I know some women that would take umbrage to that. They believe ”the twins” are an important part of their womanhood even if they never planned to have children. They do not see them as useless even though they don’t have to relieve themselves by way of them.
If I had breasts I would keep ‘em too.
Not quite a direct connection between breasts and penis.
How many women would want to remove their vaginas to reduce cancer risks?
Regardless, one will not live forever and why would one want to.
I would agree that many women do find them important, “Breasts are useless unless you’re planning on having children and breastfeeding” is just wrong. Hell, with that reasoning, penises are useless unless one plans on having children as well. However, it definitely is not a direct comparison. Frankly, there’s not really a great direct one.
@BhacSsylan However, it definitely is not a direct comparison.
Certainly it is more evasive than having breast removed, us guys have to use it daily; no choice in the matter. Even though they can somewhat reconstruct the thing, like many women view breast it is an essential part of what makes a man, a man; as breast to many make a woman, a woman. Even if it were hair, lose it or get a certain cancer, many women would agonize over it knowing they can get wigs. Wigs can fall off, get crocked, maybe not look as natural, it is not real hair. Even though the only real way many women use their breast daily is to stuff them in bras, but they steel want it for that intrinsically inescapable feeling of being whole with it as oppose to without it.
If it was a 50% chance of cancer with it (like Jolie was facing), I’d probably lose it. The vast majority of the world is more affected by what t-shirt I decide to wear in the morning. There’s only a couple people that even notice I have one at this point, I’d talk to them and see what the consensus was.
My guess is they’d rather have me around than my penis.
Thinking it through, if it was a 5% chance I’d probably keep it, so the tipping point is probably about 1 in 4 for me personally. Maybe that’s a follow up question, how common would cancer have to be before you’d sever your lever?
No because I’m still fairly young so things like cancer, heart disease and basically death in general don’t exist to me yet.
Let’s think about this for a minute: A woman, like Jolie, loses her tits and they can be replaced meaning she only loses the ability to breast feed. Her new jugs can even be customized to her liking giving her more confidence in her body and thus herself.
Now, you take a man’s penis he’s lost the ability for any kind of sexual gratification. Again, I’m still pretty young but the idea of losing sex forever is an extremely awful one. I’ll take my chance with the cancer even if there was a 98% of it developing.
@Randy Being old enough to have done a great deal of experimenting on ways to get off, I can assure you that your and your sexuality are not your penis alone. Not that I would welcome giving mine up. I just know it wouldn’t be the end of life as a sexual being for me.
@filmfann Does it count how many times I’ve whacked it off since puberty?
If you whacked it off as in sliced, removed, cut off, hacked, amputated, etc, and can reattach it to slice it off again, I guess so long as the tissue holds up and a surgeon can sew it back on, dozens of times to hundreds of times is all good; whack away.
@gondwanalon Do I get to keep my balls?
ahem Your future family would be safe, the balls remains.
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