Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Are banned users ever allowed to return?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) August 5th, 2013

I’ve witnessed banned users create new accounts, only to be banned again once they were discovered, but this all happened within weeks or months of the original ban.

Has a banned user ever ask to return after a long hiatus? Were they allowed to return?

Would some previously banned users be allowed to return, but not others?

Just curious. please be nice y’all

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62 Answers

Judi's avatar

Wow @jonsblond , I never hear any if that juicy gossip. How do they find out that it is a reincarnated banned user and how did you hear about it?

Seek's avatar

The mods can see your ip address, and all the usernames that have logged in on that ip.

So if I were to make a sock-puppet account, all the mods would know immediately.

tinyfaery's avatar

We can start a petition.

jonsblond's avatar

I say we start a petition for that one kid from that one decade. :)

Jeruba's avatar

@jonsblond, do you suppose he’s grown up any since then?

Judi's avatar

I feel like such an outsider. :-(

augustlan's avatar

We’ve allowed banned members back in on occasion, yes. It depends on a number of factors: time since the original ban, how they handled the ban and its aftermath, and if there were extenuating circumstances at the time of the original ban, to name a few.

Sometimes, a person does grow up. :)

ucme's avatar

Maybe we should set up some sort of charity in order to bring these people back into the fold.
We could call it Banned Aid “We are the world, we are the children…”

marinelife's avatar

I know of one that is back now under another user name. I’m not sure if the mods have approved or not.

Response moderated
KNOWITALL's avatar

Personally, I think most everyone deserves a second chance, especially for breaking a online community rule. Even murderers & child molesters get out on parole usually, so why take it so seriously.

CWOTUS's avatar

Really, @jonsblond, you could have just asked for all the nice people to answer.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I would love it if Chaz came back, but he wouldn’t step foot in this place if you paid him!

augustlan's avatar

^^ Never happen.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I liked him.

augustlan's avatar

I did, too. Once upon a time.

jonsblond's avatar

@KNOWITALL Personally, I think most everyone deserves a second chance, especially for breaking a online community rule I agree, but I’m not so sure I’d agree with a second chance for someone who harassed other users.

@CWOTUS Oh, piss off. :D

Wow. I just remembered the time when a banned user created the account “jonsblondsabitch” after they were banned. Those were good times.~

@augustlan It’s good to know that I may be allowed to come back if I ever get banned. :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jonsblond Are we in 5th grade? I’m sorry, I’ve had my fair share here as well, a week later we’re friends again, and this is an ONLINE community, all they can do is irritate me.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr The mods can see your ip address, and all the usernames that have logged in on that ip. So if I were to make a sock-puppet account, all the mods would know immediately.
Not if the person was savvy enough to go through a proxy server or just change machines to a different IP address from the machine they originally started with.

Blondesjon's avatar

If they’re allowed to return then they weren’t ever really banned.

If we start letting them come back we have to start using the term exiled instead of banned.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Blondesjon Maybe we can have an Amnesty Day where the doors are re-opened to all?! That would be pretty cool, and some probably wouldn’t bother unless they really loved us, I mean fluther…lol

Seek's avatar

Hypo- they can see every ip you’ve ever logged in with. So, if you want to buy a new machine for the purpose of creating a new account, more power to you.

Jeruba's avatar

I wouldn’t care for that, @KNOWITALL. It’s been my impression that users who end up being banned have a long history of public and private offenses and have been warned and coached repeatedly. If someone takes the initiative to try to return and makes a successful bid for another chance, that’s one thing, but throwing the doors open—I hope not. (Besides, I’m guessing that would involve a huge amount of manual labor for our long-suffering mods.)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jeruba Maybe I don’t know how bad it can get, thankfully the run-in’s I’ve had were easily defused, probably because of my apathy…lol

Mama_Cakes's avatar

There is one jelly who I hope isn’t allowed back in. He bamboozled everyone here.

jonsblond's avatar

@KNOWITALL Maybe I don’t know how bad it can get You are right, you don’t know.

And I’m not a mod, so I haven’t banned anyone or ask for anyone to be banned. And this is not 5th grade.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jonsblond Uh huh, you just proved me right actually.

jonsblond's avatar

Look at your pm’s @KNOWITALL. Sorry I was busy irl and didn’t read my pm’s first before responding here.

augustlan's avatar

It’s very common for jellies to only hear the story from the banned member themselves, and very common for them to lie about why they aren’t here anymore. You guys would be absolutely amazed at just how awful some of the behind-the-scenes behavior that leads to banning has been.

I assure you all, we don’t make the decision to ban someone lightly, nor do we make decisions about who can come back lightly.

augustlan's avatar

Here’s a partial list of reasons for why we’ve banned and/or not allowed some “well-loved and missed” members to come back:

(These are all different people, by the way.)

Sending pornographic PMs to underage members.

Pretending to be a doctor, discussing gynecological issues with an underage member.

Deceiving the entire community, in one case making up a completely false life story, and in another, pretending to be multiple different members at the same time.

One was banned for repeatedly calling a member a “whore”. Afterward, this member started a massive harassment campaign against both the site and against me, personally. That lasted for months.

One member who was banned for repeatedly harassing another member literally stalked me online afterward, for over a year, including posting youtube videos about me.

So, yeah. Those ^ people are never going to be allowed back in. Can any of you honestly say you’re sorry about that?

Some of the reasons we might let someone back in after a long while:

A young person who was once a troll has matured.
A mentally ill person has gotten help and is doing better.
Has better control of their temper.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

“Sending pornographic PMs to underage members.”


Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Hypo- they can see every ip you’ve ever logged in with. So, if you want to buy a new machine for the purpose of creating a new account, more power to you.
Don’t need to. Just saying anyone who wanted or needed to do that because they can’t live beyond Fluther if they were banned could do it quite easily; especially how cheap how many PCs and laptops have fallen. Glad you got the lurve though ;-)

jonsblond's avatar

I forgot about those youtube videos. That guy was scary @augustlan!

augustlan's avatar

He was. He really freaked me out for a while there!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^^^^^ One member who was banned for repeatedly harassing another member literally stalked me online afterward, for over a year, including posting youtube videos about me.
Many people just can’t let go of their pride. (That is the Youtube stalker before some smart aleck gets started.)

Seek's avatar

how do I miss all the good stuff? I don’t remember a YouTube stalker…

rojo's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I’ll be your stalker if you want.

Naw, probably not, it takes too much effort for someone as lazy as me.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Okay I get it, I don’t like people who mess with kids at ALL.

chyna's avatar

I think @Blondesjon has a good point. If they are allowed to come back, why “ban” them?
If they have been horrible enough to ban, I can’t imagine letting them come back to unwittingly do their bad deeds on unsuspecting jellies.

johnpowell's avatar

Why spank a kid? Sometimes they learn that their actions have consequences.

I’m not a fan of spanking but that was the best analogy I could come up with.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Why spank a kid?
So he learns never, ever kick a teacher; worked on me, did it once and NEVER again.

Blondesjon's avatar

@johnpowell . . . I think that being warned by the mods and/or suspended for a bit would be considered a “spanking”.

Sometimes you just need to show the kid the door.

and before you all get pissed at my analogy, you know i’m right. there are some baaad kids out there.

johnpowell's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central :: that was kinda my point.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I think a better analogy for getting banned and returning, would be expelling a child from school, then letting them back in.

Multiple warnings are like getting spanked. Banning is more like expelling. But if you expel them and let them come back, that’s more like a suspension. Maybe a long suspension, but a suspension nonetheless, instead of an actual ban.

Blondesjon's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate . . . or jesus on the third day

KNOWITALL's avatar

A warning from mods should be enough. It is for me ha!

augustlan's avatar

When we suspend someone, it’s usually only for two weeks. When we ban someone, we intend for it to be forever. Most often, it is, too. But we also understand that there are sometimes extenuating circumstances, and that those circumstances may change in the future. Sometimes, people change.

janbb's avatar

I changed into a mouse for a few days but now I’m back to my penguiny self. I got too confused and couldn’t figure out why the Mouse had just said what I was planning to write.

augustlan's avatar

One point I should have made clear: When we allow a banned member to come back, they are on a very short leash (and they are aware of it). They get no warnings, no suspensions. One step out of line, and they are banned again, with no possibility of ever returning.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@janbb But… you looked so cute! All furry and soft, and stuff. Now you just look slippery again.

janbb's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Wait; you don’t love me for my genuine slippery self? Hmm – but you look pretty cute now….

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Well, I do, but it’s just… you’re not all soft and snuggly in your tuxedo.

janbb's avatar

But when I take it off….

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m gonna tell @jonsblond that you’re turning her thread into penguin porn. Should fit in nicely with the seahorse porn.

ucme's avatar

After reading some of the reasons why folks are banned I feel slightly soiled that I was ever in their “company”...I may have a shower right now.

rojo's avatar

@ucme make it a quick one and be sure and thoroughly wash the naughty bits.

DO NOT send photos or a video to us however!

ucme's avatar

It’ll be a thorough scrubbing, like Jodie Foster in The Accused & I wouldn’t dream of sending you buggers any footage, I don’t know where you’ve been.

rojo's avatar

Or where the footage might end up.

I hear @augustlan keeps copies of everything she gets. Just as evidence you understand

ucme's avatar

You just took this to a whole new level, one where it was never going to end up.

ucme's avatar

@rojo Rejoice in the disproportionate lurve your answer gleaned, queer buggers round these parts.

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