The world would be a better place if who was gone?
Asked by
rojo (
August 7th, 2013
Do you know someone who just makes life miserable for themselves and others; someone who would not be missed or would brighten up a room by leaving?Not really looking for the obvious like some third world dictator or a Hannibal Lecter type but someone on a more personal level.
Not necessarily wanting names (if you do, first name only please) but more interested in what they do to make life so wretched that we all would be better off if they were dead.
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23 Answers
Her. And him. And this bitch.
And everyone on “reality” television.
My husband’s cousin, a highly-successful attorney, self-made wealthy man, bully, and blowhard. It’s impossible for anyone to have a conversation near this person. If he’s within earshot, he interrupts, starts yelling, and goes off on a long-winded lecture. He knows everything about every subject, and everyone else is 100% wrong and needs to be educated.
One of my brother-in-laws, who’s mentally unstable and very mean.
These are two men whom I simply avoid. If I need to be in the same vicinity, I get up and leave when one of them comes nearby. A few weeks ago, when I was eating a meal at a family event, the cousin stopped by and sat next to me. I picked up my plate, beverage, and utensils and moved elsewhere.
This same cousin… A few years ago, Paul and I hosted a party. The party was a huge success; a packed room, with lots of fun and animated conversation. The cousin arrived and immediately started lecturing one of our guests, and in a loud, intimidating voice. Nobody else could talk, because this man was yelling nonstop. Ten minutes later, the cousin, his wife, and Paul and I were the only people left at the event (which I’d worked so hard to plan and prepare). Everybody else had left.
Not fair! @syz took all my stuff! MOOOOOMMMMM!!
Hey, guys! You’re not following @rojo‘s rules. We were asked about people in our own, personal lives, not about public figures. This is your big chance to rant about your evil boss, your nefarious brother who stole your parents’ estate, your neighbor who makes you want to move, etc.
Hmm. I can’t decide who should die. I see humanity as a large ecosystem. You never know what will happen when you take someone away.
Though, Coulter might be the exception.
@SadieMartinPaul took the words right outta my mouth.
Santa Claus, parents would no longer feel the need to lie to their kids at xmas time & then have some chubby fictional bugger take all the credit for all those oh so expensive gifts.
Oh! Sorry! Um, my son’s ex-girlfriend, the mother of his daughter. She is a horrible person. My daughter’s ex-boyfriend, the father of her twins. He’s an utter asshole.
All the child molesters. Not dead, just not here on this planet.
My ex wife…
My ex girlfriend…
My ex wife’s lawyer…
My fat greedy asshole lawyer…
And the IRS…
Though there are people who’ve made my life a living hell, I can’t say that I’m in a position to wish death upon anyone. I’m not sure if I’m in a position to analyze others, though it would be nice if I was able to just make a few people disappeala la la la la.
@ucme I definitely agree. I gave you a Great Answer. Santa Claus is such a cruel lie. Who needs him?
God/Satan so people would have to take personal responsibility for their actions.
The taxman no matter where he is.
Mr. Peanut.
he knows why . . .
My ex because he’s a mean, nasty, psychotic, sadistic asshole.
Not who, but what!
The world would be a better place if the industrial revolution never happened, mandating 40+ hour work weeks and materialism.
The world would be a better place if socialism was made to work in the manner the philosophy was intended.
The world would be a better place if the baby boomers were not so fucking obsessed with youth and cosmetic surgery to keep the illusion of agelessness alive.’
The world would be a better place if fundamental religion was gassed like a prisoner in a concentration camp.
The world would be a better place if all humans felt a reverence and stewardship towards the natural world.
The world would be a better place if self awareness classes were mandatory and people were forced to question their programming and faulty belief systems.
The world would be a better place if it was populated by Colomas. lol
Everything Mama Coloma said.
And my maternal DNA provider. Life-sucking bitch.
I actually meant to ad, that the boomer generation is also the generation that, along with youth obsession, wishes to live to be 120. lol
Seriously, can it get any more arrogant and narcissistic that that?
Yeah, us oh, soooo special people feel we are entitled to suck up extra resources and capitalize on western nutrition and medicine at the expense of other humans and other species fair share. Pffft….
This thinking is a blight on humanity all because a bunch of Peter Pans can’t handle their own mortality. There is no good reason for anyone, let alone the sake of the planet, to live beyond a reasonable lifespan. I know my opinion is not a popular one, but, really, living 65+ years is more than enough. Move over rover and accept that your life is not all that special and sucking up resources like a Whale Shark to facilitate living beyond a reasonable lifespan is self centered as hell.
@Katniss that’s how I feel about my ex…well said.
A quote written by a unknown writer M Cordier – “I hate politicians, I hate lawyers, I hate doctors, and preachers. Politicians have a cunning way to convince you that it’s okay to rip you off and even convince you it’s for the best, a lawyer rips you off until there’s nothing left and than he sues you blind to rip you off even more. A doctor rips you off and than kills you and than he rips off your insurance because it cost money to kill you and a preacher rips you off in the name of God and tells you that God will bless you after he ripped you off, in may opinion the world can do without them.”
Oh I need to add…My boss…The asshole phoned me awake at 22H00 telling me unload a truck knowing that I can’t do it. I told him where to get off I can’t drive a fork-lifter.
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