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threedubos's avatar

How to get rid of lots of ants?

Asked by threedubos (1points) July 8th, 2007

They haven't come in the house yet, but I know they're in the walls and all over the backyard - I've never seen anything like it before!

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12 Answers

Michael's avatar

One product I've used is called Terro Ant Killer Liquid Ant Baits. It has worked extremely well for me.

nomtastic's avatar

i think there was an earlier fluther question about this. in any case, i had heard that cayenne pepper or barsoap (powdered) keeps them away, so i mixed the two, and put the powder around all of the edges of the house (windows, doorways, etc...) worked like a gem. if they do invade, have a spray bottle of bleach water around and douse 'em and sponge 'em up.

gailcalled's avatar

We did talk about this before. Shallow plates of honey mixed w. borax works for some ants...outdoors but protected from the rain.The ants drag the borax back to the nest.

danese's avatar

In my house we use OrangeGuard (which you can buy at Whole Foods)...its not bad for kitties or people...and if you spray it along the trail they are travelling and leave their pitiful little bodies strewn where they fall for a couple of days...the colony seems to learn where not to go. Under cat food we put shallow saucers of water.

jrpowell's avatar

I have had good luck with Grant's Ant Stakes. The main ingredient in them is arsenic.

sarahsugs's avatar

Ants don't like olive oil. You can smear it on your windowsills or any other place you are worried about them entering your house.

travistotz's avatar

kyane pepper, swear to God! Work's great, scares the ants, kills the ants away - just dust a little around where they are - especially windows and doorways. Check it, I promise it works!

gailcalled's avatar

@johnpowell; Arsenic would worry me. Couldn't it get into the ground water or poison small critters, who may be pests but deserve a better death.

@sarahsugs; wouldn't the ants and other small insects, moths, etc stick in the oil and make a mess?

@travistotz; w. all due respect, do you mean *cayenne* (hot and red) pepper, mentioned by nomtastic above.

It's hard to beat Mother Nature. I have my car filled w. Bounce and shaved Irish Spring (in cups) for mouse prevention, but they found a forgotten dog biscuit and messed up back seat floor rugs before I noticed.

travistotz's avatar

Yes indeed, that is what i meant. Sorry about that, sorry i didn't read nomtastic's post either.

rosedog's avatar

Right, you can kill the ants in various ways. On the other hand, put a pile of sugar outside, scoop up some of your ants and move them outside to the sugar, and they'll find their way home eventually. They'll abandon your house for the sugar pile.

gailcalled's avatar

Try dustbuster if the ants are concentrated. I just had a hatching of flying ants and they were on sunny windows on s. side of house. I got them all. Just remember to empty dustbuster outside and UPWIND.

sarahclif's avatar

if you find the entrance into the house, put dish washing liquid in a line around the entrance and they won't cross the line. you may have to gradually push them back this way.

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