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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you put your toddler in a cage with a gorilla?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 7th, 2013

This guy did

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11 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Sure, if I knew/worked with the gorilla.

ragingloli's avatar

Based on history, more than I would put him in a cage with a human.

ucme's avatar

Not a fucking chance, sensationalist bullshit regardless of any other reason.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He did it 20 years ago, just now releasing the video because he knew there’d be back lash.

greenbean3's avatar

If I knew the Gorilla, and could be in the cage with my toddler at the same time, sure, I think both the Gorilla and the toddler would absolutely love it. Toddlers are sort of like mini Gorillas anyway in my opinion.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Dutchess_III What are you implying about Gorillas?

Seek's avatar

Depends on the gorilla. And if I’m allowed to hang out, too. :-)

Pandora's avatar

Even experts will tell you that Gorillas do not make good pets. Neither do chimps. Gorillas and Chimps have been known to even hurt their own child. The gorilla can even hurt the child by accident, thinking it should react and cling to things the way it does. It was foolish. He just was lucky. He didn’t prove anything about how gentle they are. It doesn’t even matter if they are gentle. They shouldn’t be killed because they are in the way. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone. If it had gone wrong then the gorilla he loves would’ve been put down and it would be his fault and not that of the gorilla. He put two lives in danger.

Berserker's avatar

You know what, I wouldn’t.

Kropotkin's avatar

Well, she grew up to be an attractive young woman. Perhaps every parent should put their toddler in a cage with a gorilla—maybe they only attack the ugly ones.

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