General Question

Could my sciatica be due to a bad fall?
About six weeks ago, I went roller skating with my 13 year old daughter. I’ve been skating on and off since I was about her age (I’m almost 65 now) and while I’m not the world’s best skater, I do alright. I was skating along, and a little girl skated across my path. In my attempt to avoid a collision, I lost my footing, and my feet flew forward, out from under me, causing me to make a very hard 3-point landing (left butt-cheek, left elbow and head!). I was slightly disoriented, but I remember someone from management asking my name, and how old I am, probably checking for signs of a head injury. I was assisted off the floor to a seating area. Management offered to call paramedics to check things out, and I declined, although I did not sign anything.
After several minutes and an ibuprofen, I was feeling back to my normal self, with a few extra aches, but nothing serious, and I was able to get up and get back to skating.
The next day, I had a little bit of a headache, and my elbow and hip hurt. I felt like one would expect to feel the day after a skating fall, and over the next couple days, the pain subsided until it was completely gone.
A few days ago, I woke up, got out of bed, and almost fell when I tried to put weight on my left leg. I felt a sharp pain, starting in my left buttock, and continuing down my leg till about mid-thigh, along the sciatic nerve. The pain only occurred when I tried to walk, not when I was at rest. I took an ibuprofen, and after a couple hours the pain subsided completely, and I was able to return to normal activity (gardening, house cleaning, home repair, etc.). the same thing happened the next morning, and every morning ever since, with the exception of the pain reliever. It doesn’t matter if I take anything for it, it still goes away after a couple hours, and comes back every morning. I’ll be seeing a doctor about this in a few days.
In the meantime, is it possible that this pain is a result of the skating accident?

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