Doesn't the day in day out existence drive you mad at times?
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August 7th, 2013
Don’t you ever wish it would end? Fine, the first 3 or so decades are okayish but thinking it could go on until deep old age! Doesn’t that frighten you? I mean how long will this go on?
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23 Answers
Nope! Each day is a bright new light, with the chance of something wonderful happening! And even when I am most down, there is always the chance of something coming along to make it a great day.
And, it sure beats the alternative!
Great to read positive stuff, why do I believe the alternative is far easier, better and less of a daily misery!
We as humans are ALWAYS suffering in one way or another.
Frightens the hell out if me. I do wish it would end. I have no kids or siblings, so once my parents die then I’m all alone. Yes, I have my boyfriend, but you never know. That thought scares me and I dread the day.
Sometimes. Sometimes I ask myself, so what’s all this for, anyway? I’m just gonna slave away until I die, having crap jobs, not making enough money. Of course, I also realize the world is full of possibilities, and while I couldn’t be the queen of England, I do think I have a little more potential to do better things. So, that despondency is, pretty much, all caused by me and my lack of effort into doing anything more than I do now. And really, I’m not unhappy here. But yes, I can only live the rat race so long before it becomes truly pointless and I get all depressed and shit. Mostly I think I’m anchored down by the fact that I need money to live, and while I know what true happiness is, I think my main idea of it is pretty much bullshit.
I’m with @Symbeline, what’s the alternative? Work, home, sleep, anything other than that feels like a luxury.
@Symbeline Yes, I totally agree with the part about having potential to do better things, but how does on dig through to get to that potential when so much is standing in their way? It’s not that one doesn’t to but the question is how?
Oh hell yes! Cooking at a certain time ‘blah’ cleaning on a sunday ‘blah’. Maybe it is up to us to make life an adventure?
@ZEPHYRA Yeah, I don’t know…I guess the answer to that would depend on what it is you want to do. As long as one is realistic, I’m sure a lot is possible. My question is, is it worth it though? Lol.
Well ordinary life sometimes gets to me as well, but then I see a beautiful animal, hear a child’s laughter, see a rainbow, a beautiful sweet smelling flower, hear a new song, or eat something really delicious, and I think there are some perks to this ride we’re on.
Meh, just showering. Sometimes my morning routine is just a drag!
Yes, it does sometimes drive me mad. Sometimes it feels like all the passions of the world have gone away and left me feeling like a nut shell. Sometimes I don’t see the point of anything. I can travel the world, but what difference is it really? Sometimes everything seems so dull.
I like it. I know it won’t, but it would be cool if it went on forever.
I have said this before, but it never hurts to repeat.
The stuff that people often complain about is the normal challenge of existence. If you don’t like it, you don’t appreciate existence.
Too bad you can’t transfer your existence to kids who are burned beyond recognition, or soldiers who don’t have arms or legs.
I bet you wouldn’t. though.
@josie believe it or not, I would gladly do so without a second thought!
@josie That reminds me of this 20-something the other day, saying “I’ll never live to 80 yrs old, I’ll kill myself first”, and I thought, you know how many kids dying of cancer would kill to live half that long a life? I get ya.
Never. I love my life and I hope to live past my 100th birthday, at least 30 more years.
Life is all you get and only what you make it.
spoiler alert: once you’re dead that’s it. game over man.
Then figure out a way to give it up.
You can’t really transfer your life. But at least you can expend all of your energy, at the expense of yourself until you die, to another.
I suggest hiring yourself, for free, as a slave. Short of suicide, it is the best solution to your dilemma.
Sometimes but that makes the little spikes of awesome even better. Other people have it much worse than I do and they carry on so there’s no reason for me to gripe as much when I think of this.
No, it doesn’t.
No. I don’t.
No, it doesn’t.
For at least another decade or so, I hope.
That’s why I do something illegal every few days or weeks, so I still feel like I’m a person. By illegal I mean things like speeding excessively on the highway at 4 am and california stops.
I totally understand what you mean, however it doesn’t scare me. I used to be afraid of living, but now I’m not. I really see that each day is a great blessing and opportunity. Other people have it a lot worse. I only focus on the present moment, nothing else matters. And when you work on the present moment, the future becomes better. It depends what you want out of life and what your goals are. My goals are to travel the world and meet my future children someday…. So I don’t see life as just “existence”, I see it as a world with new opportunities.
The only times I feel what you described is when I’m feeling down or lost. That doesn’t happen often, but when it does I can see how people would become tired of the “same old, same old existence.”
You have to find something worth living for, push yourself. What do you want your future to be like?
If you don’t want to live a boring existence then don’t make it that way. Just my thoughts.
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