Do you feel an odd pressure to conform here on fluther?
I’ve noticed the longer I’m here, the more I feel pressured to excuse certain kinds of behavior that I find unacceptable, or treat certain people differently because ‘they’ve been here forever’.
Basically this is a society unto itself, societal pressures are real and imagined, so do you choose to be other than you naturally are in ‘real life’ when you’re here on fluther?
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166 Answers
Not in the slightest, no reason in the world to feel intimidated by a bunch of ultimately useless numbers next to a name.
No, but then being a nearly lifelong iconoclast, I’ve developed a certain level of immunity to such pressure. I react strongly to any group that tries to impose such pressure. It smacks of cultism to me.
Yeah, I live to be like everyone else. Pffft. Diversity rules.
Nope, I’m just as straightforward and honest to the point of being mean here as I am IRL.
Slightly. If I dare have certain beliefs and/or opinions that don’t meet certain other people’s standards for acceptable nonconformity, I get an avalanche of criticism. But that’s a people thing, hardly “odd.”
Hell no.
I’ve been here since Jan of 2008. I’ve been under a few different names (and another account) the past 6 years. I didn’t then, and won’t now. If you’re an asshole, I’ll call you out on being asshole.
No, but being the resident doomsday queen here, they will probably throw me out one day soon!
Yes. I notice it. For me, it isn’t changing my behavior to fit in, it’s not doing anything. But by omission I guess it is conformity. For one example, I feel like the environment and humor here is so different compared to in real life. I feel like certain jokes I’d make in real life would go past most people here.
@Nullo That’s what I mean exactly.
I guess I find it odd because I’ve never participated for long in an online community, I get bored by the people, but here it’s not boring, frustrating maybe but not boring at all…lol
@ucme & @Mama_Cakes You two are so funny, I like when people get ‘real’, that’s communication.
@dxs Exactly.
No. I don’t like pancakes. There, I said it. Fuck pancakes.
I fucking hate it when threads turn into “pancake parties”. Ugh.
@bob_ Seriously though. Automatic ’‘stop following this question’’ in my case.
Not at all. If I can resist the pressures to conform to others in my offline life, why would I conform online? This is my space to completely be me and not filter my self.
Maybe it’s less noticeable because I just don’t post as much.
No. I think there is less pressure here than in real life.
Not at all. Though I do take more care over spelling and grammar here compared to some other sites, and I suppose that is conforming in a way.
I tone down some things about myself but ratchet up other things.
It’s more because of having pseudo-anonymity and because of the mode of communication than the people in the community. I long accepted some people will like me and some won’t, like in real life.
Yes, @KNOWITALL for sure, but Fluther helped me realize that it was okay to not always be liked- I think it’s because here we can see why someone’s different than us and get an insight into how they think. IRL sometimes it was upsetting because I couldn’t figure out why someone didn’t like me or why we didn’t get along, but after some time here on Fluther, I could see how different people processed and perceived differently and…. Oh! That’s why we don’t click. I applied that reasoning to IRL situations and it helped me a lot. It’s not about me being unlikable, it’s about not being on the same wavelength or having different ‘thought bubbles.’ Eureka!
And that’s okay!
I find I repect the culture here on Fluther and I follow the rules expected of us all. As far as opinions and values, they are my own.
I’m glad so many people can answer in the negative. I wish I could, too. I can’t.
There is a part of my life that I simply do not discuss here, because it’s labelled as silly at best and stupid at worst.
I’m talking about the ever-present spirituality/religion stuff. I have beliefs based on personal experience that fall under the New Age heading, and I’ve been ridiculed here for those ideas. I happen to think there is a side of life that cannot be explained by the scientific method. I think that ideas which have been around for millenia have some validity.
My ideas do not fall under any organized religion. I simply call myself spiritual. Those beliefs are thought by many to be naive on this site. I gave up trying to express my views on those types of questions a long time ago.
As for giving respect to a person based on their lurve score, that I don’t do. Lurve is meaningless. I pay much closer attention to people who write well and express themselves with clear thought. I recommend to all newcomers that they not pay attention to lurve and concentrate on the content of posts and questions.
No, I’ve been here since 2009 and I haven’t started using profanity yet.
Not really- I blend into to the background with virtually no effort at all. ;-)
I don’t feel that I’ve conformed; but I know that I have tempered my responses. Frankly, I rarely respond unless I feel I can provide knowledge based on learning or experience.
I like to play in the sandbox with the “fun” questions, and I’ll engage in some of threads where opinions are sought. But I stay far afield of anything where highly polarized views are to be expected. They harsh my mellow ;-)
Like Dr. Lawrence, I happily comply with the rules, and I honor the culture. But that’s as far as my “conformity” goes.
Uh…no, never. That’s why nobody likes me.
Conformists will try to conform anywhere. It’s a personality trait.
<— Total Conformist
if that’s ok with everybody else . . .
I don’t know what I’d be conforming to. I don’t see much in the way of a group mentality here, other than a general liberal bent (to which much exception is taken) and a level of intelligence that appears to be higher than that of the general population. To agree with one jelly is to disagree with another.
To me it is an utter fallacy for users to think of themselves as unique and then lump all the rest together as “all of you out there.” Which of us thinks of himself or herself as being “out there” as part of a faceless crowd? If we regard all the others as being conformists, I think that’s our misapprehension and not a reflection of reality.
That said, I have to acknowledge that interactions in an artificial setting such as this are not much like interactions in so-called “real life,” as is made plain by the fact that we have to type everything. I don’t think it’s possible to behave exactly the same in one medium as in another because the medium affects the transaction.
It is not that one is pressured to conform, it is that they will get blasted, (to put it mildly) if you do not conform. And I am sure many will want to blast that statement. I don’t know if the pressure is odd, or palpable, but with every group, cyber or physical, there is a latent pressure to conform.
Nope. I haven’t gotten into any big arguments recently, but I used to. I used to be hated by a few regular members and my views have not changed one bit since I joined :P
@Hawaii_Jake That’s sad because that’s what I was trying to ask the other day, about ‘other’ religions, just because I’m interested, no malice no negativity.
@Hypocrisy_Central Maybe that’s what’s making me uncomfortable.
I am part of the collective. Resistance is futile.
You will be assimilated,
You will be assimilated
You will be assimilated
All carbon-based life are an infestation of the creator’s universe!
Nah! Can’t really say I feel pressure. I have grown to know different jellies and my tone of writing has changed since realizing who are the reasonable people. I simply don’t bother much with trolls and have learned which topics to avoid when I’m in a fighting mood. It just isn’t worth arguing with some people. Some come to learn and some only come to pick a fight. It is harder to know with the new people, where they fall.
No, because I’m here to post my stance on different issues rather than to conform. I’m not an anticonformist either, and there are many times that I agree with the majority. I am very strong in stating my position, which is no more different than what any others do on here concerning their issues. I’m actually an extremely liberal guy, but yet I struggle on here. I’ve also found that many of the conservatives and theists on here are much more amicable, mature and reasonable than many of the progressives on here.
@Pandora HA, it IS a Collective! That’s awesome.
@Paradox25 That’s one of the things I just don’t understand, the lack of civility and at times we can get soooo crude, but I’ve seen a few theists get out of line, too, I have to admit.
I check my speeling and grammar more often while Im hear.
The pressure is there, but I ignore it. I recall how someone once PM’ed me telling me they were “disappointed in your answer” (with a link). OMG. Really? Not surprisingly, this person has an extremely high opinion of himself.
@snowberry I’m incredibly disappointed with your comment.
I don’t like pancakes either. But I do love nudity.
I don’t feel any pressure to be anything other than who In am.
I set the standards to which others aspire. :-)
A little yes, since the written word is powerful you cannot take it away, ever. Much like if you post a naked photograph of yourself and post it on the net it is forever. I have googled things I needed to know and seen my own answers on fluther come up and on yahoo.
Writing things can also be incriminating, plus used against you. A man had the FBI on his case because he jokingly posted that he was going to blow up an airport (he wrote this on facebook because he wanted to fly to his girlfriend and could not).
The written word has caused bullied teenagers to commit suicide.In fact online communities or portals offer a perfect means to bully anyone. Perhaps all round people should be more careful when on any site writing anything? There definitely should be a type of rule book for internet relationships.
Hell no! haha
I am one of those types that really, REALLY, doesn’t give a damn about what others think of me. People pleasing is so masochistic. I am comfortable that I will not always be liked, who cares?
I’m just here to learn, share and have FUN!
shit, there about 5 total here that this would even apply to.
Conform, no. Have I at times held back? Only about one thing, that I can remember…it was years before I admitted that my older cat is de-clawed. Years.
I wouldn’t say I feel pressure to conform. I definitely do have more tolerance (well ok, in some cases less tolerance) for people who have “been here forever”, but this happens in real life too, you know? We’re human, we can’t help it.
No. I assume that’s why I often get no GA’s. I don’t go along with the preferred answers. or maybe it’s something else.
@Sunny2 I just gave you a GA. For me, it’s the incredibly attractive avatar.
Do you mean like a pressure when you are constipated and there is a load wanting to come out?
If so, then yes.
If you mean to accept the consensus as truth, then no.
@ETpro Are you being facetious?
As for the excusing certain types of behavior or responses, no more than I do in ‘real life’. If I don’t like the way a topic is going or what people are blathering on about, I move on myself.
@Sunny2 duh
@Sunny2 Butt of course. Is there any better way to be?
When in Rome… expect crowd discipline.
Unless you’re some dude up North with braids all over his face…then fuck Rome. Fuck it.
<<< begins to combe out the northern braids.
Gotta do something bout them nose hairs.
@ETpro Well, yes. It was just my insecurities asking.
I haven’t conformed.
I HAVE learned to control my “text language”.
I don’t wanna piss u ppl off so I try 2 use proper spelling and punctuation at all times, cuz I’m a good girl.
I avoid certain members because I know saying anything to them will get us into some stupid fight. I like arguing (quite obviously), but some members are just impossible to argue with and it’s more trouble than it’s worth. And I’m sure some of you think the same of me.
Other than that, no. I don’t give a shit if people here don’t like me. I’n certainly happy if anyone does, but I don’t cry myself to sleep at night because of certain narcissistic assholes.
Everyone’s saying no. So no. :-P
♡I do not conform. I will not eat pancakes nekkid at any party, unless they are blueberry buckwheat.♡
Everyone’s saying no. So no. :-P
♡I do not conform. I will not eat pancakes nekkid at any party, unless they are blueberry buckwheat.♡
^Everyone follow @bob!!
We most certainly do not conform. :-)
I assume that those who do either won’t answer this question or will answer the question that they don’t conform, because that is what everyone else is saying :)
OK, I’ll conform, just to be contrary. Um, What should I believe now?
@snowberry OK, this is a test of your commitment. Believe that grizzly bears only eat peaches. Then go hand-feed a peach to a hungry grizzly.
Done and done.
Ow! My arm!
In what context are we feeding grizzly bears peaches? NSFW or SFW? Is it Friday already??? I’m confused. :-M
Oh, I’m strictly SFW. I’m fully clothed, and I hand feed ‘em to grizzlies every day of the week.
The grizzlies on the other hand, are never safe for work, or anywhere else, so now I have no arms. Hand feeding has become much more challenging of late.
You have passed with flying colors and without bearing arms! =-O Amen!
I do what I want
unless you bring out….............the comfy chair!!!!
Not at all. I’m not afraid to state my opinions and I often stand up for the underdogs and/or minority here.
@KaY_Jelly Well, at least you don’t see me as just another pretty face.
^^ @jonsblond Thank God for that…..oops mentioned the ‘G’ word now someone will get upset….. 8-O dare you.
So now let’s blare the sarcasm microphone in this joint.
I think I should start a question about why believers have to upset the non believers. AndI will tag that ^ answer without saying the name of who wrote it, you know I wouldn’t want to point fingers and single anyone out or anything.
Just say the name, say I ♡ you GOD and God will say,
Say my name again, and say it with honour. LOL.
More victim shit… Sorry snowflake.
^^ more helpful shit . . . fuck my face
What weirdness is this? Are you referring to me @johnpowell? I don’t get it. What a strange sense of humor…or something.
This is what usually happens. It’s so unusual.
I’m actually going to give a real answer now.
I am bipolar. My posts are bipolarish. Lately I have been feeling more enraged, I can’t sleep, I’m getting irritated easily.
And now I am noticing the pressure. Being Christian there is an odd sense from certain people that I just need to stfu about my beliefs. Those jellies would applaud me if I was an atheist or if I just did not say anything at all.
I have walked out of more religious questions than stayed I am not the only one. Some of us for good. Silencing us is a bullying tactic. And it’s happening right here on fluther.
I have been accused of attacking unbelievers for spreading God’s word the way I know it, I have been accused of trolling, of being irrational and illogical, if “shoving my religion down people’s throats” talk about illogical and irrational. I have been told my faith is repulsive with no one to to say that was an attack. But we know otherwise if we call chubby people repulsive.
I have been trolled. I feel like I am being trolled on religious questions! Let’s just say it would be easier for me to just conform with everyone here. I feel like fluther is a subdivision of white supremacists and I am the voodoo queen from Africa. I can’t conform no matter how hard I try. So instead I am either silenced, trolled, or just not part of this community and I have been lucky enough to experience all the above.
I am bipolar. I do not want confrontation and I try so hard to avoid it, but some of you make it difficult, and that is just wrong. It is obvious not sincere intentions when 3 or more people gang up on a Christian. And I’m sure it’s not just me who can attest to that.
So I guess I am an atheist again. :’(
@KaY_Jelly Wow. I’m sorry that you feel like you’re being bullied. :0(
I don’t think that it’s anybody’s intention to upset you. At least I would hope that it isn’t.
I avoid the religion questions completely. I don’t have anything to say so I don’t even attempt it.
I don’t think that it’s anybody’s intention to upset you. At least I would hope that it isn’t.
There are a few here who don’t give a shit. They demand proof and facts for an opinion. It’s just plain silly.
@KaY_Jelly Please try to ignore the butt heads. You can state an opinion here and you don’t need to answer to anyone who disagrees with you.
@KaY_Jelly Ignore them, a Fluther bully is probably the single most pathetic entity in the entire universe, you’re better than that, rise above the crap.
Thank you :)
I am so sad and miss rodent(s).
^^ You are the “types” that make me keep coming back for more. Lol
@Katniss are you religious? Even if you aren’t. But if you are that is my point. Why should we have to avoid it, that is a sort of conformity and just what I’m talking about.
@KaY_Jelly Good point!
I’m not at all religious. Even if I were I’d probably still avoid those questions because I don’t love Internet fighting. lol
@KaY_Jelly The bullying is absolutely horrible and you should flag those answers. I for one am very happy to have religious people from all religions here. I like knowing their perspective, what they believe, their intentions on political questions when their religion guides them. Don’t mistake a challenge to your beliefs as bullying though. I absolutely agree some people on the site are abrasive and disrespectful. But, mostly we want to debate and discuss. Some Christians don’t seem to enjoy the debate, i am not assuming that about you, they feel attacked.
@JLeslie You are way cool (as I finally learned), but with a lot of other people it’s hard not to perceive it as an attack.
@KaY_Jelly has been attacked and I’ve seen it, it’s not all her by any means. When she’s being bi-polar, she gets criticized even more because she’s incoherent or not phrasing thing’s correctly, it’s a real shame, she has some cool things to say.
@KNOWITALL I understand why it can feel like an attack even when it isn’t. It’s the basic five against one scenerio, can be ten against one here. Feels like everyone is piling on. Plus, if the people are actually making sense, it can be difficult to adjust our thinking on things like belief, or anything we have believed to be true for a long time and now question. That is true for everything, not just religion. It can be a health issue, a discussion regarding economics, just about anything. I have been ganged up on on Q’s and it is not fun.
@KNOWITALL Thank you very much. It is very true about the bipolar thing.
Also I do take meds for anyone questioning that but I only take one med at a high dose and I am sure I could take more but then it becomes an ethical thing.
Being vegan I choose to suffer a little bit more with the affects of my illness than take anymore drugs that may possibly help me, because I know those drugs I take have been tested on animals and I refuse to let the animals suffer for my condition.
So I take one drug which helps some, but I still have effects of bipolar and at this point I am waging an inner war between mental health and humane and ethical animal treatment.
Until something better comes along, sounds harsh, but I deserve to suffer and I have some days when it is suffering overload and then bipolar bites my ass and I rant, like above. :/
@KaY_Jelly All drugs are tested on animals before they come to market as far as I know. You shouldn’t let it stop you from taken a second drug that you might need. The drug testing is done with if it is already on the market, you not taking it does not change how it was tested. They don’t continue the animal testing once it is on the market. Now they have humans taking it to report any bad consequences they might have missed in testing.
@JLeslie I know they are tested, that’s my problem. I would rather suffer than let animal suffer. To me it’s just not right. I prefer not to take anymore drugs. My doctor already knows this.
@KaY_Jelly I have no problem with you not wanting to take more drugs, I hate drugs, but to cite animal testing just didn’t make sense to me, there is no other option, all drugs are animal tested. It isn’t like choosing to use make-up that has not been tested in animals. I do have a problem with drugs brought to market that are basically no different than one already on the market and testing it n animals, and also to extend the patent. Fighting against that is a valiant cause in my opinion. It is purely money oriented and does not really consider the atient at all. I don’t know if they test all those drugs on animals, I’ll have to ask my mom, but I do know they hold off introduding different forms of drugs purely for money reasons, even if a patient has to wait many more years to benefit from it.
Taking the drugs already out there does not cause more animals to suffer. But, I respect your effort to live by a code of ethics. My sister is vegan, she takes medications she needs, but she won’t take medications made from animals.
Response moderated (Flame-Bait)
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
No, but being here (and on has changed my perceptions and attitudes about a lot of things. But I don’t consider that conforming. I consider it learning.
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Whoa. What just happened?
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
Response moderated (Personal Attack)
[as a mod] Flame out, folks.
@thorninmud Good job. That was making me wonder why I come here.
I concur- good job, especially on the timing, because I got to read the Personal Attacks and Flame-Bait before they were deleted. ;-)
I need a big red easy button on my forehead, maybe that should be my next tattoo. :D
Dammit all to hell!! What did I miss????
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Response moderated
^^^^^^^^^ Uh oh…..the fist have started flying on this thread too. Better check the spoons, and get the bandages ready, they will be shanking eachother any minute. We can settle this easily, I have some chains, bumper jacks, and baseball bats you can wait until the last class is over, go behind the gym and settle all of the beefs. Works for me. ;-)
I’d rather have cheescake.
Response moderated
Well Hippy Central is gonna take us all out back and flog us and so I want cheese cake instead!
Response moderated
@Dutchess_III Well Hippy Central is gonna take us all out back and flog us and so I want cheese cake instead!
You don’t want me to scourge you all with the whip. I will be using a cat-o-nine tails Roman style. I may even have a smile on my face as the metal shreds chunks of flesh. That will beat the bullwhip @augustlan has. HA! 8-o
Response moderated
Not sure if it’s bullying or just getting beaten down. There are “some” who just whale away at a person until it’s fruitless to continue the conversation. If you don’t believe like the majority, you are discredited until you just shut up or go away. It’s quite effective. Doesn’t mean that either side is correct in their position, but to the average person, the ones on the “winning” side have the truth. Isn’t that about as good as conforming, @KNOWITALL?
@snowberry And are you implying that that is a good system? What is the “average” person?
@dxs I’m sorry. By “average person”, I’m talking about the casual observer here on Fluther. Just speaking from experience here. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, it just is part of the culture here.
I have been labeled as being naïve on Fluther, which I now pull out every chance I get. (I have mentioned to several people in real life that I’m known as being naïve here. It always gets a laugh). Labeling people is also part of the culture here. ;D
So far it hasn’t got me to delete my account, not that I think anyone’s trying.
Well, snowberry, in many ways this IS a site for debate. We don’t come here just to give GA’s and type “I agree!” to every comment.
DO. YOU. AGREE???!!!
@Dutchess_III You’re right. I’m not complaining, I’m explaining the dynamics of how it works regarding pressure to conform here, and how that might be perceived when someone like me stops posting on a particular question. If you’ve never been consistently on the beleaguered side, you wouldn’t understand. It happens.
@snowberry You’re right, I never came here to debate, it’s a Q&A site, not a debate site.
I’ve enjoyed a few debates as well, but often I’m just not in the mood for the constant negativity and bickering, debate is work, too, and I don’t always have time for that.
I’d say that’s one of the reasons so many people join and don’t stay, it does get frustrating.
@KNOWITALL You should have that “Don’t Tread On Me” flag as your avatar.
@snowberry I’ve been beleaguered. For some Jellies, after they’ve gotten mad at you, it takes WEEKS for them to get over it. They’ll bring it up at random, odd times in other posts for a long time after ward. Sometimes they really have to stretch to make the insult even fit into the category of the question. It’s really stupid and childish.
@snowberry I only thought that because this is more of a personal question not a general population question. With that and the way you described your thoughts on the “conformity” (and in addition to the response you gave to me) I got the impression that you approve of that behavior you mentioned above. In that case, I disagree with the morals.
WOW, really!? I thought that was one of the main thing the “A” Team here did, the more they pat each other on the back the more it makes them correct~
@dxs Wait…
I approve? I approve of people being labeled as obtuse, naïve or whatever? I approve of people being sidelined or discredited on a regular basis because their opinion isn’t popular here? I approve of thinly veiled insults and harassment because of what someone stands for?
I DO NOT approve, but in my case, since I’ve already been labeled as such by some here, and it’s fine with the Mods, my choices are these:
I can delete my account and start over- or just go away- or in the spirit of Yankee Doodle, I can use the label others have given me to make fun right back at them.
@snowberry hang around and go with door #3 I enjoy your time here.
@snowberry I honestly don’t really know how to approach this. I’m not really into starting a debate on whether or not Fluther and its moderators are flawed. I read your profile. I don’t use Fluther to criticize it and rebel against it, I just use it because it is fun, informative and supportive. I can’t complain about something that I freely choose to be a part of.
By the way, Fluther isn’t the only place where politics and religion create an uproar. It’s kind of a universal rule, so if you want arguments and drama, just stay away from those areas. Take anything that someone says that might offend you like a grain of salt.
@dxs I’m not worried. I haven’t left yet… ;o)
What are we fighting about now?
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
I swear I didn’t start it!!
Okay it was me.
@dxs Fluther isn’t the only place where politics and religion create an uproar. It’s kind of a universal rule, so if you want arguments and drama, just stay away from those areas. You can say that again :) Sodahead was much nastier concerning political ‘discussions’ than here. Religion and theology wasn’t as big as politics on there, but those discussions got nasty too. I was on a Christian Q & A site too before fluther, and the Evangelicals would get very nasty with Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses, liberal denominations, etc.
@KNOWITALL There are sites that are specifically made for debating, so I prefer to debate afterlife and paranormal opponents on those forums. It is either one on one, or there are enough people on my side of these topics to make it a fair game.
I’ll put up an effort once in a great while on here, but this site for some reason seems to attract very sceptical people. As a result it can get quite aggravating posting a great deal of material, cases and quality peer reviewed journals to only have some yahoo trying to fit in on here attempting to degrade me without even attempting to look at my arguments or links. Putting together the arguments that I do concerning psi takes up a great deal of my time so I’m done argueing with an endless array of young sceptics (not just here) who don’t even consider my arguments. Also, debating is getting tiring to me anymore anyways, and the debates don’t accomplish too much.
Reading all this, I am thinking, “Oh dear me, what have I gotten myself into here?” Some members hold grudges. I can get insulted—even disrespected? Cliques can form and gang up on me? What is this, the real world yet again? :-)
The pressure I feel from some people here is to say I am not a doctor minimum 3 times in an answer on a medical Q, and even then I feel like those jellies don’t want me on the Q at all. When I wind up right during a disagreement those same jellies never admit it. Never concede the point. They don’t care if I make a good point they just hate my avatar or something. Pretty much they hate people who ask medical questions with the standard, “ask a doctor, don’t go to the internet for medical questions.” Even if the OP stated they have a doctors appointment or have been to some doctors and are having trouble getting an answer. I find it pretty annoying. Makes me not want to be here sometimes.
@JLeslie Don’t worry, I don’t hate you and your avatar is fine to me. ;-D
(Generally) In the basement bars, in the backs of cars, be cool or be cast out……
@JLeslie Aw, you found me out! I’ve never been fond of sunflowers
Once I did feel pressure but it turned out it was just constipation.
@Hypocrisy_Central Subdivisions-Rush…oh no you did not just tag a line from my all time favorite band! ❤❤❤
I always feel under pressure to eat my pancakes nekid and I. Won’t. Do. It!.
I’m starting to wonder if I shouldn’t be feeling pressure round here for not conforming, lawlz0rz
@Symbeline Conform! Conform! Don’t make them bring out the comfy chair!
but I like the comfy chair.
You have to lurve a Monty Python reference like that!
I wanna get tortured by the Inquisition.
I wanna be sedated.
But regardless, @Symbeline, I have all the stuffing in one end so you had better conform!
I’m starting to wonder if I shouldn’t be feeling pressure round here for not conforming,
Don’t want to conform? The Luca Brasi of Fluther takes you on a long boat ride (you get to paddle) and he gives you two, pop, pop, right behind the ears….you will be conforming then~
Don’t kill it @Hypocrisy_Central! Just…put it in a cage and feed it and pet it once in a while, but don’t let it out until it will conform.
I’m fitting in here like a square peg in a round hole. I have no problem with that though.
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