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JLeslie's avatar

What do you do that you don't want your children to do?

Asked by JLeslie (65864points) August 8th, 2013

Do you drink and you don’t want them to drink? I am not saying it has to be on the level of alcoholism, it could be as simple as you have wine or beer a few times a week, but don’t want your teens to drink at all.

Are you overweight and don’t want them to be?

Do you care about your looks more than you think you should and hope your kids don’t do it?

Are you afraid of the water and want them to swim like fishes?

What is it? What do you preach that you don’t practice yourself? Or, what do you avoid and hope they won’t catch your phobia or habits?

If your children are already grown up let us know what you worried about along these lines and how it turned out.

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16 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hang around being invisible. I would not want them to do that, because then they might see me doing the things I don’t want them to do, only I wouldn’t know it. That would be very bad.

_Whitetigress's avatar

I think I have anger issues, I hope my little one doesn’t grow up angry

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I suffer the shenanigans of unscrupulous politicians. I don’t want my children to do that.

YARNLADY's avatar

Not get enough exercise.

Brian1946's avatar

Grow up without an avatar. ;-)

Headhurts's avatar

I would want my children to come to me and feel they can tell anything, and I mean anything, and while I may not agree, I would support and love them with my entire being.

linguaphile's avatar

I didn’t have or develop autonomy until the past 2 years and that’s still a struggle. It’s been really easy to control, manipulate, take advantage of and hurt me.

I realized later in life that, yes, these people were wrong to hurt me but when you’ve been trained to be a doormat and don’t know any different, it will continue. When does it become my own responsibility to not be a doormat? My own son told me last year that I won the prize for “most tolerant,” but then said, “Come on, Mom…” I had to teach myself to stand up and get mad sometimes. It has been tough but fulfilling.

My daughters 10… The first thing I want her to have above all other skills, is autonomy without entitlement. I feel like, with that, she will have life’s buffet to choose from, not the scrappings.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Smoke. I just tell them to view me as a walking example of why they should never even try one cigarette, even if their friends are smoking. They’ve seen me fail at quitting and get disgusted with myself, multiple times, and they both hate the smell, so maybe they won’t ever pick up the nasty habit.

AshLeigh's avatar

I don’t have kids, but for future references:
I wouldn’t want them to smoke, or curse like I do. I have this never ending stream of curse words at all times.

keobooks's avatar

I hope my daughter is a lot more organized than me and doesn’t make messes like I do.

ucme's avatar


livelaughlove21's avatar

I don’t want my kid to have to work as hard as I do to stay in shape.

I don’t want my kid to have an irrational fear of certain bugs/bees like I do.

I don’t want my kid to constantly worry about everything like I do.

I don’t want my kid, if female, to have super crazy fast hair growth that means she’ll have to shave daily like I….oh, who are we kidding? I’m too lazy to shave daily.

…I think that’s about it. I want my kids to have my husband’s metabolism and skin tone and my vision (which sucks, but at least it’s correctable and not caused by a degenerative retinal disease that will most likely end in blindness).

rojo's avatar

drink and mope.

Sunny2's avatar

I tend to make a mess and am slow to clean it up and so do they. I can’t criticize them, when I’m the same. We vry to be otherwise, but it’s difficult.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Love driving fast and aggressive. I did things in a car that I would kill my offspring for even trying. The seatbelt and shoulder harness are the only reason I’m still on the right side of the grass.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gosh. I don’t know. I smoke, wish I didn’t. Maybe my kids wouldn’t have started. I’ve always been so deeply aware of how my actions affected my kids. I preached abstinence to them, and to that end, they never saw a man in my bed. I dated a guy off and on for about 10 years. When he came over he slept on the couch.

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