I don’t know if this will come across as supportive as I intend it, but I think worrying about who’s to blame, whether the amount is fair, whether they have money for various other options, the digestive issues, and everything else is just stressing you more and causing you to turn this over and over in your head. You don’t need all those extra reasons and you don’t have to feel bad about anything.
You’re helping them raise their child. With or without all the surrounding issues, it isn’t your responsibility to make sure he is taken care of any more often than you agree to. They need to make it work and you’re just one option. If it’s not working with you, then they need to find something else and I hope you don’t feel bad about it any more than you would if you were out of the state, or had a day job.
I may be off, but if you look at it honestly, are you doing it for the pay? Will asking for more money make you feel any better about it? Does it matter if the rate is fair?
Is there instead a number of days where you would feel good about helping to raise your nephew while also helping your in laws out? Maybe that number is zero, maybe you’d love to have him over once or twice a week, maybe just having a few days “off” each week would make a difference. Only you know.
Why not cut back to that many days, even if it’s zero right now. You don’t need to make up a story or even have justification. If you can give them time to find something else, that’s extremely nice of you and you should think of it that way. They should too.
I have a baby girl and know how challenging finding child care can be, especially before 6 months. We have some amazing folks but I never feel like it’s their responsibility to be available, they need to live their lives. It is always my responsibility to find someone I trust. They’re just kind enough to help out when they can.
Yes that’s putting a big smiley face on a part of my life that can cause stress, but if I start to think of it any other way then my amazing little person gets turned into a burden that gets passed around. That’s a contagious attitude and a disservice to everyone in my life, most of all her.
You’re being kind and helping out, but you need to live your life and ultimately they need to make it work on terms you can live with in the long run. Little man isn’t leaving for college any time soon. Your only obligation is being honest and then doing what you agree to. You can still be kind, feel good about what you’re doing, and not give everything they ask for. Anything is helpful.
I hope you each find something that works wonderfully as a whole. And I hope they decide to say “thank you” a lot more often.