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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you ever annoy yourself?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) August 8th, 2013

I’m annoying myself as I speak. I’m invisible. I don’t like invisible people. They can not be trusted.

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23 Answers

Mama_Cakes's avatar

When I get riled up on Fluther, I do.

I forget sometimes that I’m arguing with strangers on the internet. After, I think that myself, well that was dumb.

Then I asked myself, why do I even care? That’s when I logged off Fluther and enjoy rl stuff.

josie's avatar

Not very often.

Around here, though, I seem to annoy others. Which is funny, because I really do not annoy the people I meet face to face. Makes you wonder.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Annoy myself in real time? no.

But more than once, I have reflected on something I did the previous day and said to myself “that was stupid. You should have done X or Y. What a dummy!”

But then I forgive myself :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

You don’t annoy me @josie.

Coloma's avatar

Only when I can’t resist a hedonistic moment, like the fried zucchini I had tonight. lol
Otherwise no, I really like myself, even when I’m packing around a few extra pounds because I am a natural born hedonist. lol

livelaughlove21's avatar

Everyone annoys me from time to time, even me.

@josie How would one really know if he or she annoys others? Most people aren’t blunt enough to say, “Dude, you’re annoying the fuck out of me. Go away.” I’m pretty sure the people in my life I find most annoying have no clue I feel that way about them.

Sunny2's avatar

Frequently. I often expect more from myself than I’m able to do. I’m very self critical.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t annoy myself, because I’m awesome.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

I think you are losing your mind @Dutchess_III. Slowly, surely, methodically, joining the rest of us. Welcome aboard!

Berserker's avatar

One of us…one of us…one of us…fuck a bus…I mean…erm.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Constantly. Even when I sleep I am annoyed with myself unless I’ve taken 2–3 Xanax which knock me out.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A bus? A whole bus? A girl bus or a boy bus? Needs to be a boy bus because I am straight.

Lightlyseared's avatar

All the time. But I try to learn from my mistakes…(sometimes I even succeed).

Tbag's avatar

@Symbeline Big bang theory? Haha. And yes, occasionally…. When I can’t seem to get shit done.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s when I annoy myself…when I don’t get stuff done that I need to, and I have no excuse except it’s your guys’ fault!

josie's avatar

I know very few people who would not say “Dude, you are annoying”
That is why we get along.
That includes my girlfriend.
If you can’t be honest, what good are friends?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@josie If someone finds you annoying, they’re probably not your friend in the first place. An average person might not tell you you’re annoying simply because it’s rude to say such a thing to someone you hardly know. Just because your friends aren’t annoyed by you doesn’t mean no one is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

People can be temporarily annoying, though.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Dutchess_III Everyone can be. And is.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My son used to be SO FREAKING ANNOYING! He thought he was being funny, but he wasn’t (although finally, at about the age of 15, he refined himself so that he is rip-roaringly funny now!) In fact, I was at a parent teacher conference for him in about 4th grade. The teacher said, “He’s a smart boy but…but…HE ANNOYS THE HELL OUT OF ME!!” All I could do was laugh and say, “Tell me about it. I live with him!”

I developed a secret code to flag him when he was being annoying, so I wouldn’t embarrass him in front of others. I said, “When you’re being annoying I’ll say “AT” so you will know to stop. AT stood for Annoying Thing. It turned into “The AT thing.”
“Chris, you’re doing the AT thing again.” One day, about two years later, when he was about 11 he said, “I’m doing the Annoying Thing Thing?”
I said, “What??”
He said, “AT stands for Annoying Thing, so when you say “AT thing” you’re saying the Annoying Thing Thing.”
“Just…shaddup, Chris!”

Dutchess_III's avatar

This was SUCH a throw away question! I didn’t really expect any answers. I love you guys!

josie's avatar


If someone finds you annoying, they’re probably not your friend in the first place.

A typical contemporary equivocation on the concept “friendship”

huzzah's avatar

Sure, I annoy myself at times. The people I care about the most also annoy me at times.

If you can’t be honest, what good are friends? I agree @josie.

The people who care about me aren’t going to lie and play nice if I’m getting on their nerves, and I’m also not going to lie to them when they bug me. I often tell my s/o, child, best friends and siblings when they are being annoying and they aren’t afraid to tell me the same.

Strangers may not be blunt enough to tell the truth, but true friends and family will.

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