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Mimishu1995's avatar

Am I the only one who find the novel "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" ridiculous and the film with the same name decent?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23810points) August 8th, 2013

I bought that novel a year ago. While reading I noticed there were too many unrelated details but I tried to ignore them and thought: “That may be the author’s intention for a twist later”. But then I realized those unrelated details would remain unrelated forever! It was just like a Lincoln’s biography plagued with ton of vampires. I can’t say the adapted film excellent, but it’s better than the book since it goes into more detail about the vampires’ invasion and Abraham’s battle with them. I can’t understand why the book gets so many positive reviews and everyone calls the film: “A disgrace to the novel”.

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7 Answers

Katniss's avatar

I haven’t read the book, but I loved the movie.

woodcutter's avatar

Never knew there was a book. I thought the movie was good though. I like the “300” style fight sequences.

syz's avatar

You found the movie decent? I was underwhelmed (and I had pretty low expectations).

El_Cadejo's avatar

For me personally it’s easier to enjoy a bad movie than a bad novel. I think this has to do with how much time I invest in a book over a movie and that during a movie I can also zone out and just “enjoy” it for what it is where as a book I like to really get into it and be fully engaged.

Pachy's avatar

I haven’t read the book or seen the movie so I can’t/shouldn’t judge, but at the risk of sounding like an old fogey, I’m not a big fan of history/fiction mash-ups. Of course, much of the history many of us were taught is fiction; nonetheless, I have more reverence for Lincoln than for the whole vampire thing.

Zaku's avatar

I’m sure you’re not alone. Personally, I just laughed at the movie poster, and the closest I went to either was to watch the start of the (Asylum?) version on Netflix, which seemed so awful that I couldn’t make it past maybe 10 minutes. Must… stop… whew!

UnholyThirst's avatar

I believe the entire essence is frivolous. Mr. Lincoln, as I remember was a straight shooter politician from a country background. There are very few Vampires in the country…

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