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talljasperman's avatar

Are survivalists like Doomsday Preppers building shelters in outer space yet?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) August 10th, 2013

I would assume that of the 7 billion people on the Earth that someone has tried it (or at least thought about it) ... Like the Moonraker James Bond movie. Also could the survivalist’s be putting shelters on the moon soon? What would a simple base cost in 2013… and will the price go down soon?” Would you live in a space shelter in outer space or the moon?

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14 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

If they’re smart enough to build a vast financial empire, they’re probably smart enough to realize that there’s not much that can be done to fight the end of the world. A bunker is probably a lot safer and more practical, perhaps a lair in a volcano would be even safer than that.

Coloma's avatar

I, for one, wouldn’t want to survive after some holocost. Forget building shelters on the moon, and besides, while we’re waiting to get nuked or biologically wiped out, maybe the Yellowstone Volcano will be what wipes out North America. lol Who knows, I just hope it’s fast, like being sucked into a renegade black hole. haha

ragingloli's avatar

Most of them probably do not believe in science, which they would need to build a spaceship and space station.

talljasperman's avatar

@ragingloli Can I hitch a ride on your spaceship?

Seek's avatar

I call the ops console in @ragingloli‘s ship! I just love scanning for life-forms

Coloma's avatar

There’s plenty of room in the duck & goose barn on my friends secluded 10 acre ranch. That’s where I’ll be headed, we will eat the donkeys before the ducks and geese. lol

talljasperman's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Avoid the tentacle room. I’ll be on the viewport to look outside as the Earth gets nuked eating the $300,000 test tube burgers. It just needs a little more ketchup.

Seek's avatar

Aw, come on, live a little. It’s the apocalypse. When else are you going to have a chance to be spacebound and tentacle-raped?

Coloma's avatar

^^^ LOL very good! You are in fine form today girlie! :-D

ragingloli's avatar

All rooms are tentacle rooms.

Coloma's avatar

I bet ET’s magic, glowing finger could do some amazing things. hahaha

Coloma's avatar

Coloma puts down her Corona now and goes out to work in the yard.

poisonedantidote's avatar

My friend and I have been obsessed with putting something in outer space since we were children.

We even built different kinds of rockets in our early teens and experimented with all kinds of things that could help us reach our goal.

What we wanted to do, was send a package of 100 stainless steel balls in to space, with our names and “was here” etched in to them. The plan was to get the package out of the solar system, then detonate the package to send the 100 balls flying off in all directions.

By our late teens we gave up on the plan, when we finally understood enough to know that we could not do what we wanted to do.

If me and my friend can’t get anything in to orbit, I doubt some doomsday conspiracy theorist could get himself and a base in to a steady orbit or moon base.

If that sort of thing were to happen, it would be government funded or funded by a large private company. Maybe once there is enough interest, we will see companies doing that sort of thing.

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