General Question

Pandora's avatar

Help I need suggestions for engraving infinity on wedding glasses. Please read details.

Asked by Pandora (32660points) August 11th, 2013

My daughter is getting married and her and her future husband both are very much into math and computer stuff.
So I was thinking of something that means infinity that would be understood by IT people. I think it would have more meaning to them since it is a love they both share.
I don’t want the common figure 8 symbol of eternity.
I would appreciate your help on this or if you have some other ideas that is the equivalent in the geek world.

Do not misunderstand, I actually admire geeks, I am even a bit of one but I don’t understand all the little hidden aspects of it. I don’t even find the word offensive. I think of it as a compliment.

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13 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

This is the symbol for infinity, understood by everyone.

Pandora's avatar

I didn’t want the infinity 8. I feel it has been used to death.

talljasperman's avatar

A ball and chain… so it feels like eternity. Or you can write a smart code link to Googolplex.

gailcalled's avatar

It may have been used to death but that’s the symbol.

It is the universal sign, just like the other mathematical signs.

You may be bored with all of them but they are what they are. It’s like changing the addition sign from + to √ or µ. Or that “A” would be more interesting if it were pronounced “zybclursk.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Here is the Infinity symbol in Wikipedia. I don’t understand how someone would know another symbol was infinity, that was not the sideways figure eight.

amujinx's avatar

How about a Klein bottle? It’s a three dimensional representation of a four dimensional object that has some relation to infinity. Maybe not IT friendly per say, but math friendly at least.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

How about a big heart, a small infinity symbol and another big heart. The hearts stand out more, maybe in color and the infinity symbol is minimized but still there.

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marinelife's avatar

One possibility is the ourouboros.

ccrow's avatar

Ooh, I like the Eternal Love Knot.

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