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talljasperman's avatar

Other than using a knife and fork does a glove I can wear to eat hot pizza exist?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 12th, 2013

A pizza glove for hot foods or a finger protector, do they exist ? Or can I get credit for suggesting it be invented? I would use napkins but they get stuck to the pizza.

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21 Answers

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talljasperman's avatar

@chyna Have you tried eating with it?

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Cupcake's avatar

If it’s too hot for your fingers, isn’t it too hot for your mouth?

YARNLADY's avatar

If pizza is too hot to hold, it is probably too hot to put in your mouth.

I hold mine on a paper plate, and scoot it off the side of the plate to take a bite.

JLeslie's avatar

I have an ove glove and it is too bulky in my opinion. Plus, it would get messy. You can wash it, but still. Why can’t you hold it in your hand? It has to cool enough that the cheese doesn’t burn the roof of your mouth anyway.

In NYC they serve it with paper, like the paper bakers use to grab a donut or bagel. Maybe it is wax paper, not sure? Anyway, they paper doesn’t stick to it, but you can hold the pizza with it. It doesn’t really rpotect from heat, but it protects a little from it falling apart on you.

talljasperman's avatar

@all I just microwaved a cheese bread stick and I didn’t have a plate and I grabbed it with my mouth and held it on my chest for it to cool down…

JLeslie's avatar

Why don’t you have a plate? Can’t you use the box it came in maybe to catch some crumbs?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Northern Safety has what you need.

Heat resistant, Kevlar gloves.

One year I bought a bunch of kevlar gloves and gave them out as Christmas presents. Best gift ever!

talljasperman's avatar

@JLeslie Microwave and fridge are in the bedroom and I am avoiding my roommates.

talljasperman's avatar

@LuckyGuy Perfect… thank you.

LuckyGuy's avatar

And they’re washable. You can also get similar ones in black kevlar, Ansi cut resisitance level 4.
I use those when I tend the bonfire.

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hogbuttons's avatar

The Nintendo Power Glove.

Supacase's avatar

This site has some interesting options.

Buttonstc's avatar

They may work fine for your hands but they don’t make anything to shield the roof of your mouth.

By the time its cooled down enough not to injure your mouth, it should be fine for your hands. The skin on your fingers is a whole lot less sensitive than the roof of your mouth.

I’ve heard of plenty of people scalding and injuring the roof of their mouth from hot pizza but have yet to hear of anybody damaging their hands or fingers from same.

trailsillustrated's avatar

Meet someone with a Sedu curling iron they come with a hot glove

simone54's avatar

@hogbuttons “I love the Power Glove. It’s so bad”

hogbuttons's avatar

@simone54 Ahhh… yes indeed lol… An artifact from that magical, short-lived period of time when the ‘80’s became the ‘90’s…...

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