General Question

Strauss's avatar

What would cause these birds to die?

Asked by Strauss (23927points) August 14th, 2013

We live in a suburban neighborhood, with a lot of wildlife coming to visit or cohabit. The other day I was walking back from a nearby park, and I noticed a dead robin. Okay, I thought, the cycle of life. Then I noticed another nearby, and another, and another. I counted a total of 6 dead robins that had not been there in the past two hours. I did not notice any other dead animals in the vicinity. I contacted the appropriate authorities, and they will send someone out to investigate.

What would cause so many robins to die in one spot at one time. ?

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12 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Sounds like they were poisoned by something. Six dead ones you could see in that short of a time is not a natural occurrence. And scavengers usually make short work of dead animals. So six at once is suspicious. You’re not near farms so it was probably someone doing landscape related work. My guess is lawn chemicals.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I agree ^. We have a lot of cats, coons, possums, etc.. in our neighborhood (old man neighbor feeding strays) and none of our birds are dead. That is creepy, you gotta tell us if you hear what happened please?!

Mariah's avatar

Another thing notable is that robins, as opposed to other birds that eat seeds, mainly eat worms and other things from the ground. Groundwater contamination of some sort would be my guess. Weird! Glad you took action.

ragingloli's avatar

They showed that in the movie “Signs”. The birds collided with cloaked alien space ships.

Coloma's avatar

Possible outbreak of disease or poisoning would be my guess.
Avian pox, thrush and other illnesses spread through songbird populations from time to time.
We had a case in our county of Hawks falling from the sky a few years ago. They were coming into the local wildlife rehab group with what seemed to be neurological issues.

Turns out they had been feasting on drunken Blackbirds that had been feeding on a huge pile of fermented grape castings at a local vineyard. They were stoned out of their minds drunk! lol

Kilmarto's avatar

Bird Flu? We’re they all Robins? I would imagine likely causative factors could include; a faulty electrical cable which they were perched on, hence multiple deaths of the same specie of bird at the same time? Other possibilities of mortality could include pathogens or environmental pollution.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I vote that it is some chemical put down to kill grubs or other insects..

augustlan's avatar

Oh, how sad! I, too, vote for some kind of inadvertent poisoning. Please keep us posted.

Katniss's avatar

That’s so sad. It’s also pretty creepy.

Strauss's avatar

I spoke to the authorities, and they couldn’t do anything about it now, because the birds had been dead for several days. During the conversation, the consensus was that it was probably poisoning. There were some warning flags on the lawn of the property near where I found the birds, my strongest inclination would be inadvertent chemical poisoning.

That being said I’m not ruling out anything, especially @ragingloli‘s suggestion of cloaked ships, alien or other.

Louisalice's avatar

disease or poisoning

Coloma's avatar

@Yetanotheruser Poor little life forms…struck down by yet another ignorant, or, willfully uncaring human asshole. Time to eradicate humans and return the natural world to it’s deserving benefactors.

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