Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

We all know that area 51 is rumored to have aliens in the US, but what about the other 50 areas, what do they have that makes them special?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 14th, 2013

In total how many areas are in existence in the United States, and Canada? What do these other area’s specialize in ? Do we have an area 52?

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11 Answers

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

We all know that there are only 9 secret areas, but they named that one Area 51, just to confuse people.

YARNLADY's avatar

Wikipedia has an article about it

Here is an interesting site I found on a search.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It is called area 51 because it is designated, at some future point, to be the 51st state.

Once the aliens have landed and settled, they will have their own semi-autonomy, but still have representation in the Senate and House, and so on.

What is fascinating to me is that aliens (this type) will get statehood before Puerto Rico does. Maybe it’s because the outer-space aliens speak English natively?

ucme's avatar

A gaggle of Belgian boulangerie owners, each with shaven scrotums, breathtaking to behold.

Pandora's avatar

Donald Trumps real hair, endless supply of twinkies to feed the aliens, donuts for the local police should they ever question things and all the donut shops go under, and a deconstructed pyramid that they can’t put back together, Several of them are just huge storing houses for weapons of mass destruction that were duds, one, has a huge hole that really does go through the earth to china, another has a huge army of 6 ft giant fighting roaches ready for a nuclear war (they have to keep the twinkies away from them). The list can go on forever but I can’t give it all away. But my favorite is the one that houses the real tribbles. Also a warehouse full of viagra to keep senators and congressmen busy and away from doing any real government business.

rojo's avatar

Area 42 has some pretty dark secrets that even the prez is unaware of.

Katniss's avatar

Is it true that if you Google Area 51 your computer will lock up?

YARNLADY's avatar

@Katniss No, I did it yesterday with no problem.

Katniss's avatar

@YARNLADY Thank you! I’ve always been afraid to try it. lol

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