Social Question

YARNLADY's avatar

What happens to Lady Gaga's clothes after she wears them?

Asked by YARNLADY (46735points) August 14th, 2013

I don’t mean the meat dress, that doesn’t count. I mean her other outrageous fashions.

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12 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I am assuming they self-destruct in protest.

talljasperman's avatar

~ I hope they are sterilized and given to enemy combatants to wear as punishment, but that would be to cruel.

Headhurts's avatar

They go back to the butchers?

ucme's avatar

They’re used as a swaddling blanket in an alternative Halloween version depicting the birth of the baby Jesus…I think.

tinyfaery's avatar

Museums, for one.

Seek's avatar

^ this.

I remember hearing something about Gaga having an exhibit, the proceeds of which benefit the Born This Way foundation.

filmfann's avatar

They are separated into two different piles.
One is placed in toxic waste containers, and buried deep inside the Utah caves.
The other is sent to Africa, where children, who normally have torn, wretched clothing, are given them to wear. They then feel better about their old clothes.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Put into a capsule and shot off into space where they float round till they enter a black hole and are lost.

bunnyslippers's avatar

I read somewhere that all her old clothes recycled into pet clothing. A worthy cause if I do say so myself.

bunnyslippers's avatar

Sarah Mclachlan first approached her with the idea.

rojo's avatar

The aliens come and take them back.

Pachy's avatar

They get even uglier.

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