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I broke my toe. Is there anything I can do?
So, this morning I smacked my foot into a bench. There was a brief moment of fairly intense pain in the middle toe. It hurt but I kept on going with no problem. This evening I pulled of my sock and I have this extremely colorful phalanges. It is basically red,blue and purple from the end to the second joint. I am fairly certain it is broken but it is not overly painful as long as I do not bend it but I certainly noticed it going about my day.
Going to the doc is going to be a waste of time and money (yep, it’s broken ok, here, take these painkillers and come back in a couple of weeks).
I will tape it to one of the other toes to minimize the movement and pop asprin to deaden the pain but the big problem is that, beginning Friday, it is vacation time and I anticipate having to put in about 40 miles of hiking in Big Bend over the next week including at least one twelve mile hike.
So the question is, other than what I have outlined, is there anything else the collective can suggest that I can do about it that will minimize the discomfort at least until I get back?
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