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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why do my picture files start scrolling like mad, all by themselves?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) August 15th, 2013

I go into my picture files, and begin using the scroll bar to the right to go through them. Without warning, and for no reason, it starts auto-scrolling through them like mad. The picture I want flashes by, and I have to back out and start scrolling back up, and hope I get to my picture before it goes apeshit on me again. It does it even if I use the little arrow ^ at the bottom of the bar to go through one at a time. It does it even if my cursor just happens to be hovering on the scroll bar, even if I’ve released the mouse. It is SO annoying and SO tricky. Why is it doing that and how do I make it STOP!?

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8 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Because it’s a video?

CWOTUS's avatar

Really, you need to give us SOME guidance here.

What picture viewing program are you using, for starters?

bunnyslippers's avatar

Maybe there is something on your keyboard? Really need more details for a more technical answer though…

tom_g's avatar

Just click the thing next to the other thing and drag that to the edge of that thing.

bunnyslippers's avatar

@tom_g you forgot to mention to click the second thing before dragging to the edge of the thing, if they do that they’ll shut down the entire thing.

johnpowell's avatar

@bunnyslippers :: So that is how you shutdown Windows 8. Thanks.

bunnyslippers's avatar

@johnpowell anytime mate, anytime. I also know how to break a toaster if you’re interested.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just the “My pictures” tab on my computer. You click on the Windows start button and to the right it says “My documents” “My pictures” “Control panel” etc.

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