What, if anything, are you old fashioned about?
I am old fashioned in the sense that I like to take care of my house and my man. I don’t like him to have to do any cleaning or cooking ( unless it’s chilli because he makes a mean one).
What are you guys old fashioned about?
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21 Answers
I’m a homemaker, not a career woman. I have plenty of education, credentials, and professional experience, and I do run a small, home-based practice, but my focus is on my home and my man.
I detest debt. Paul and I have a mortgage, but that’s it. We never carry any credit card balances, and we pay cash when we buy cars.
I save money. If needed, our savings could get us through 6 – 12 months without any income.
I’m not materialistic. I value good times more than fancy possessions.
Some people would say that my personal morals are old fashioned, but I prefer to think of them as right. I didn’t sleep around when I was single, and I don’t commit adultery.
A lot of things actually. Marriage, respecting my elders, comporting myself in a manner that reflects well on my family, like @Sadie I was raised to pay cash (not use credit) and to save up for larger purchases.
I also believe in old-fashioned values like not wearing clothes that are too revealing, driving a car that is paid off and not ostentatious, treating my neighbors like family, working to pay off bills and to pay my own way through life. Probably the most old-fashioned notion of mine (to some people) is that God exists.
I don’t do one night stands…
I don’t enter some ones front door if not invited.
I still open a door for woman or ladies.
This may sound very 1800’s but when at a dinner table I still use etiquette like getting up when a lady or an older person leaves or join on table.
Some such lovely answers here, thank you. It’s nice to see.
I’m a bit old fashioned about sex. I don’t know how people can have sex with a large number of people they barely know. I’ve only had sex with one person and I ended up marrying him. I think with all of the risks attached to promiscuity, I’d be disrespecting myself and my body to just throw my cat at anyone that wants it. I’d rather not get herpes, thanks. I don’t have anything against sex before marriage, but I’d at least have to know the guy pretty well before sleeping with him.
You won’t catch me lecturing people on their sex habits, though. To each his own. Your body, your decision.
I do think people do things in the wrong order these days. First comes love, then comes marriage, and then the baby. Well, not anymore. My in-laws think my husband and I will never have kids because we’re 23, childless, and I refuse to get pregnant before graduating from college. I guess I missed the memo that the first kid is supposed to come before I can graduate high school. How dare us want to have careers and a home before popping out a youngin’.
I was going to say I’m a little old fashioned with gender roles in my marriage, but I guess I’m not. My husband helps me clean and takes care of the trash and outside duties, but I’m almost always the one cooking and doing the dishes, which I don’t mind. He works harder than I do, so it’s the least I can do. I’m far from Holly Homemaker, though, and I would have absolutely no problem with him cooking or cleaning. You won’t hear me utter the phrase, “taking care of my man,” either. That just makes me think of that type of relationship where the man comes home from work, unbuttons his pants, and plops down on the couch to watch TV with a beer in his hand while the woman brings his dinner to him. Gag me…
That’s about it, I guess. I’m not all that old fashioned.
@livelaughlove21 I was always told that you had to treat your man like a King as long as he treats you like a Queen. Works for me…lol
Good manners and politeness.
@KNOWITALL I treat my husband like a human being, and he likewise. I’m not a queen – no need to treat me like one. But like I said, to each his own. :)
Morals, manners, meaning and Milo.
I think a book should be read like a book and not on some screen.
I want to watch the land go by while on a train/bus and not some stupid smartphone. I want the internet on the computer and nowhere else.
I think music should be bought either as CD’s or LP’s.
I wear slips under skirts/dresses and bras that don’t show nipples.
I don’t wear clothing with words.
I didn’t sleep with my husband before we got married.
I’d prefer that my husband took care of the yard, cars and pests.
@livelaughlove21…more power to you. I am the same way.
I have perhaps a somewhat more mundane one. I returned to school a few years ago at the age of forty. I’ve had at least a few professors younger than me…and for pretty much the rest of them, I have been much closer in age to them then most of the rest of the students. And yet, I am horribly shy about addressing them by their first name unless they specifically state at some point (whether in class or directly to me) that it is okay to.
One guy (about ten years older than me) who was my professor a bit over a year ago, always closed his replies to my messages/e-mails by putting his first name. It only took about 15 or so times of him doing this before I finally got up the nerve to start greeting him by his first name when messaging/emailing him. For example…Hi, (insert first name).
How silly, huh?
I am a very bad consumer. I drive the same car until it costs more to repair than to buy a new one. I am on only my second cell phone, and that is only because I lost the first one. It is not a matter of being cheap. It just makes no sense to me to get something new when the old one is working perfectly well.
In general (there are a few exceptions) I find long hair on women more attractive than short hair.
Like @tups I don’t like the idea of a kindle, a book should have paper pages and that book smell!
@LostInParadise I drive cars until they are beyond repair and only good for scrap!!!
Concerning financial matters I still use cash to pay for most of the items that I buy, and I don’t use credit cards either. I also try to hold on to my vehicles rather than trade them in every few years.
When it comes to communicating with others I still prefer to talk to people in person, or at least talk to them by phone over using social networking sites or texting. I’m not sure if the following would count as ‘old fashioned’, but in the age of the Internet it may be: that when I do contact people online I prefer to communicate via email. I still prefer basic hardy cell phones over these fancier smart phones too.
Concerning dating/relationship issues I’d hardly consider myself a traditionalist when it comes to gender roles. The only exceptions are where I’ll hold a door open for her, though I won’t pull out chairs, walk curbside, stand up, tip hats, etc. I don’t mind the holding door part because this is something that seems more normal for me, and it’s something that I tend to do for others regardless of their sex/gender. I’ll still help a woman with physical endeavors though such as lifting heavier items, etc. The only other exception that I’ll make is that I always pay for the first date in full, regardless of whether she asked me out first or not.
I’m a one woman guy, and I’m not into being sexually promiscuous. I do have to know a woman well before even considering doing anything sexual with her. I don’t find nothing special about virginity or marriage (I’m hardly religious), so I’m not old fashioned in that sense, but it’s simply just a preference for me to be more conservative concerning this issue for my own reasons.
I’m old fashioned about women wearing hemlines 12’ above the knee then crossing their legs where their underwear is or is almost showing. I don’t understand it. Do women really have to be this undressed to get a date or a boyfriend now? And couple that with cleavage showing then they become angry if they hear the wrong kind of remarks from guys. I think it also gives their daughters the wrong message if they’re single moms. I had plenty of dates when I was single twice and not once did I wear a hemline all the way up. In fact, I usually wore jeans. They say, ‘Its the style now.”
I’m old fashioned about women saying the “F” word around men. For any reason whatsoever it’s unnecessary. At home alone, I don’t care. Like if I bump my head. lol
As far as housework and yard work are concerned, I only wish he felt he should help other than grocery shopping most of the time. It’s a good start but….
I am very old fashioned about kids wanting $55 games for their XBox especially if they expect to be paid to help around the house and yard. I feel really sorry for the parents who scrimp and save to buy their kid a few of those games “because all my friends have them.”
Not much, but I’m sure my kids wouldn’t agree, haha. About the only things I can think of are that I prefer books to ebooks and I don’t own a smart phone.
@Paradox25 you’ve reminded me of another one. I don’t use a credit card. If I need to pay by card I use my debit card. That way I know I’m not overspending. One exception to that, I have a storecard for a clothing store that I like; I buy one thing every couple of months or so and pay it off in full the same month. The reason I keep it up (aside from the fact that I like their clothes) is to boost my credit score.
I think I am one of the few people that prefers e-books over paper books; with my poor eyesight I find it much easier when I can enlarge the text.
I usually try to shop with cash, unless it’s for big ticket items. Not saying I don’t use credit cards, if I am short on cash of course I whip them out but I find cash helps me be aware of what I am spending.. I like real books. I don’t play video games anywhere and games on the smart phone. Speaking of smart phones, I didn’t have one until about two years ago (it’s supplied by my job), nor did I want one, because I knew that once I got one I would need one forever after, due to being addicted now to texting and the ease of the camera. Now I am addicted, as I knew I’d be, to it.
If I am romantically involved with a guy, I don’t cheat – I am a “one man woman.” I am not against cheating – I feel people do what they feel necessary, so I don’t criticize people for it, but if a guy makes me happy, I’m all his.
I am also into table etiquette. My mom spent a lot of time teaching me how to sit properly at a table and how not to look like a dunce while eating, so I try to remember what my mommy taught me. I will notice how people eat at the table and (in my mind) I am judgmental about it.
I don’t like furniture made with formaldehyde. Or clothing made from plastic.
I hold the door for old people and people with children.
I will stand up and give my seat on the bus to an older person.
I don’t like being constantly available via my smartphone. It was okay to not run to answer the landline. But people give you weird looks if you don’t answer your smartphone.
Aren’t you even going to look at it?
No, I’m not trying to a screen my calls. I just don’t want to talk to anyone right now! Geez.
That spelling matters online as well.
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