Does anyone else find books weird?
I mean think about it: it’s a paper sandwich with weird markings in it and it makes you have movies in your head. Doesn’t this freak you out?!
Not that I’m bashing books, they’re great.
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48 Answers
Are you stoned right now? Look at your hand does it seem amazing too? If so just sit there, everything will be okay in a few hours.
No, but I find you weird.
If it looks like a sandwich, try a bite.
Certainly, the concept of a written alphabet and the concept of the written word is astonishing.
Translating thoughts to parchment, stone tablets, paper or wet sand is one of the glories of human development.
@gailcalled . . . And, of course, some of the earliest tablets contain recipes for beer another glorious human development.
We bipeds always had our priorities straight. Who said, “Let them drink beer”?
Syƶn shortsit
I get what you mean and I completely agree. But if you really think about it, everything is really, really freaking weird.
FINALLY A REAL ANSWER. Thank you, @tups
The people that read them are pretty weird too, just bags of skin filled with bones.
THere are bags of meat and blood in talking bags of meat and bone and skin.
^^^ Not getting any less weird as time passes.
If you think about the worlds books open up to us, it is kind of amazing. I’ve learned a ton from books, and it expanded my imagination. As an only child, I can’t imagine my mental development without the infinite worlds and possibilities in books.
To this day, I still use words that people don’t understand that I learned in books.
… thin fire… racing under skin…
In order not to be obtuse, I mention her in this thread as an example of the lengths we humans go to worship the written word.
We only have one complete poem of this writer, and yet we study her fragments still. They inspire us.
Weird? No Wondrous.
Since we’re on this subject, has anyone read Pride & Prejudice Zombie version? I liked Abe Lincoln so much I thought I’d try this one.
@Hawaii_Jake Hey it gets a new generation interested in the classics!
@KNOWITALL or does it pander to a new generation and dilute the classics into something this new generation will accept, something dumb enough they don’t have to think to enjoy?
I’m on my high horse, look at me being all uppity.
@KNOWITALL I’m smiling. I remember when my son was learning to read, I tried in vain to steer him away from R. L. Stine’s “Goosebumps” series. I wanted him to read classics like Robinson Crusoe and the like. He won.
It was a lesson I learned and did not repeat with my daughters. I let them read whatever they want. They are avid readers, even my son, to this day.
I just wanted to add that personally I enjoy fiction, and it doesn’t have to be classic or on a bestseller list to draw me in either, I like to read, and I’ll read just about anything.
@bunnyslippers My reading materials matured as I did. If you learn to love to read, it usually sticks with you.
Did any of you read Ender’s Game? The movie is out this fall or next Spring, so excited!!
@KNOWITALL you know I did, and what was the other book? Like speaker for the dead? That one was good too.
They are so commonplace that few people are astonished by them anymore. Once upon a time they were held in reverence, almost as sacred things.
@flutherother I know, I still get mad when I see someone throw one around or something. I’m a total bookworm!
@bunnyslippers The trailer for the movie is on!
Not to bring a dark note here, but this is related to the idea that someone can kill themselves because of text on a computer screen. I do find that fascinating.
@DominicX . . . I know, right? Kids these days don’t have a clue of what real life bullying is.
@Blondesjon I remember being the fat kid in elementary, I had man boobs back then and all the guys in my class called me chi chi mama, which is a stupid name, especially for a guy…
Long story short I was tormented for years right up until I finally snapped and used my size to beat up the lead bully. The bullying stopped, I’m not proud of it, but it worked.
Anyway, my point is I’ve experienced real bullying and solved it with a physical solution, obviously that wouldn’t work for everyone, and I don’t advocate it but I can’t imagine if that torment had come through a screen where I never was able to even confront the bully in question. I might have still been chi chi mama in high school and never been able to have all the friendships and memories I eventually did. I’d never commit suicide i just wouldn’t but I can see how devastating such a thing could be…
And if anyone calls me chi chi mama on here (slides thumb across throat menacingly)... lol
@chi chi mama . . . I was “pork belly” in school and I would have loved not having to confront that shit with physicality every day. A screen is impersonal and you can shut it off. You can’t shut off getting a ‘pink belly’, a group of guys in PE slapping your gut until it is glowing red, like you can some bitch talking shit on Facebook.
welcome to fluther my tormented brother from another mother :)
@Blondesjon I can understand that, what worked for me wouldn’t work for most people and it’s easier to shut out a conversation online than it is to ignore a real live bully in your face. I definitely agree with that. I just was pointing out my personal story, because it was there in my face and I was able to confront it it went away, had it been online it would still possibly be there somewhere haunting me. But that’s all just particular to me and my situation and shouldn’t be used to measure any other.
thanks pork belly, it’s good to not be alone lol
Hey hey, you know what else is weird? Vinyl records. They’re just huge discs with grooves on the surface and when you scratch those grooves…MUSIC COMES OUT.
I didn’t think of this, someone told me this. #justive4trayvon
@Michael_Huntington . . . Now that you mention it I’ve run across stickers that are similar to vinyl records in that if you scratch them something is released. In the case of the aforementioned stickers it is, of all things, a scent that usually associates itself with the image represented upon said adhesive.
I agree about vinyls. Those are weird. Especially when you can sort of hear the music right at the point where the needle touches the record. Freaky.
Well, when you stop and think about it, isn’t everything weird in its own way? This Dr. Pepper I’m drinking is nothing but chemicals and syrup and stuff, but when it’s all combined… man does it taste good! And that’s weird.
@bunnyslippers Hiya chi chi mama, I used to be “the midget sheepdog” or just “sheepdog” due to my unruly, curly hair that I never learned to properly style until I was 17. I was also “a dog” according to the cheerleaders and jocks. Hooray for popular bullies! Nice to meet ya. Ummm… please don’t slit my throat.
@WillWorkForChocolate no worries, I’m naturally lazy and violence takes effort lol. I do feel your pain though, names can hurt even when that’s all the bullying that occurs. But then words have power and that’s just another reason books are weird.
This is the first time in my long life I’ve heard a book called weird because of the way it looks. You must be like the Brendan Fraser character in Blast from the Past who spent the first 18 years of his life in an underground bomb shelter—except for you it was a video store. ;-)
@bunnyslippers Oh, I had my share of physical bullying too, but it was mainly from one person and I got my revenge. The words hurt me longer. Thank God you’re lazy- I was worried I might have to get a body guard.
Oh shit, not another Texan. On second thought… we get a few more, we could take over the site! <insert maniacal laughter>
@Michael_Huntington Okay I’ve watched the video twice and I’m still confused as to its relevance, it’s hilarious, but I’m not getting the connection. Or am I missing the point, is the point that there is no point, did you get deep on me?
@bunnyslippers Backtracking here but were you referring to Blaine?
Just to stay near topic, books, weird, yeah, blah blah and such.
@monochromatic Don’t go putting names on my childhood, someone might decide to look me up and find out I’m not just a faceless pair of bunnyslippers made from pixels and gas… But yes Blaine was the bully and yes we did eventually become good friends, but not till I beat him so bad his grandma had to pull me off (literally true she worked at our elementary)
And book, um, yeah, weird, they have all that rectangular paper and junk…
@bunnyslippers oh my mistake last time i checked you were just a pair of bunny slippers, in real life too. And by blaine i meant the polar bear slippers, I heard y’all go in a tussel. no need to make up extravagant stories
Books, they can be heavy or light, super weird.
Y’all crack me up. Carry on.
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