Social Question

anniereborn's avatar

Is there an type of thing for pets?

Asked by anniereborn (15569points) August 15th, 2013

I don’t mean pedigrees. I mean more like you could make
“pet family trees”. For instance maybe start with your parents and their pets (that you grew up with etc). Branch off with siblings and their pets. Any pets of yours or family’s or friend’s that you have loved and been part of your life.

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6 Answers

muppetish's avatar

It’s a neat idea, but I don’t see how it would be practical to create. Ancestry is functional because of birth certificates, wills, land deeds, etc. Some nations are extremely bureaucratic and families have a long paper trail to comb through.

You start one from recent generations (maybe even to your great-grandparents), but going further back than that would probably prove difficult. It is a good tradition to launch for your own family, however.

anniereborn's avatar

Yes, you are right about all that. You wouldn’t be able to go back very far. And it would basically just rely on information passed around by word of mouth. I think it would be fun though.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Show dogs have pedigrees. Get in touch with a Group.

Pooh54's avatar

I think it would be a great idea but unfortunately all of my ‘kids’ have been mutts so it might be tough to trance. I did, however, do a DNA test on my Snap and she is 75% boxer and 25% boston terrier. She has more looks of a boxer pit but she is still a cutie.

anartist's avatar

Pets, unlike the family antiques or the family jewels or even the family photographs, don’t outlive us. Their love and companionship is ephemeral, even more than ours is.
To quote an old hymn “Time like an ever-rolling stream bears all its sons away.
They fly forgotten as a dream dies at the opening day.”

Even the Vietnam war memorial will fall silent one day, with no one around who remembers the fallen.

All this is even more true for pets, whose life spans are shorter and whose major life career paths are usually uneventful Why they rarely even mate and give birth [unless they are pedigreed—then they do have a “family” history but not necessarily running parallel to yours.

Pet memories probably last one or, at most, two generations. Unless you make art or poetry of your pet that lives on or unless your pet does something heroic.

DWW25921's avatar

That’s an interesting idea. Maybe you could start it up somehow?

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