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talljasperman's avatar

Should Statler and Waldorf from the Muppet Show get a backstory movie?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) August 16th, 2013

Statler_and_Waldorf… would you like to join me in a laugh and good will to Statler and Waldorf the unofficial owners of the Muppet show? They are my hero’s from the Muppet show…. Who’s with me? Also what are your favorite sarcastic quips from the two in the penthouse skybox opera seats?

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13 Answers

bunnyslippers's avatar

Should they? Probably not. If it was made would I watch it? Yes, yes I would.

ucme's avatar

Fuck that shit, Animal stole the show every single time.

bunnyslippers's avatar

But an animal movie would probably be terrible, I mean the poor guy has trouble with the most basic lines, he’s really not much of an actor he really only plays himself…

ucme's avatar

So give Keanu the gig then!

bunnyslippers's avatar

<shudder> I can just see him tossing his hair and whatnot as he hits on the chick in the band…it’s not pretty.

Blondesjon's avatar

Brokeback Balconey?

ucme's avatar

Steve Buscemi in a wig for me.

bunnyslippers's avatar

Are they gay? That changes everything. I’m not sure how I feel about my own sexuality now…

ucme's avatar

Well they do have someones fist up their arseholes, so…

bunnyslippers's avatar

@ucme Entirely valid point, touche.

talljasperman's avatar

@talljasperman is lurking laughing and giving points.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I would love to see a movie with those 2 as stars.

muppetish's avatar

I’m not sure it would work because: (1) They are way funnier as crotchety old men than they ever could have been as young adults. So unless they have been old souls their entire life—or the writers create the film as though, even when they were younger, they looked and acted exactly the same. (2) They need a target to bounce the jokes off of. The world could become their stage, but I’m not sure it would have the same feel. Who are Statler and Waldorf without Fozzie’s terrible jokes to mock?

I would love to see them have a short film or a more prominent role in a feature, though. When they first entered in The Muppet Movie saying “We’re here to heckle The Muppet Movie!” I was instantly sold. I want more of that. They kind of got shafted in the reboot.

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