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XOIIO's avatar

What are some more songs like Queen dot kong?

Asked by XOIIO (18359points) August 17th, 2013

So I was playing saints row the third again, and I heard this awesome song, damn it’s one hell of an earworm.

I was wondering if anyone knows other songs with this interesting style.

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4 Answers

El_Cadejo's avatar

I love you…. I have been looking for this song for so friggin long now. I knew I heard it in a video game but I just couldn’t place which one and I couldn’t remember any of the lyrics.

To answer your question though, I haven’t really heard much that sounds like this song. This is the best I can think of right now and I know thats really not that close but still gives me that same upbeat feel.

I just tried looking up some other music from this band. None of it sounds even close, the rest is kinda down tempo indie stuff.

XOIIO's avatar

@uberbatman Yeah I was pretty disappointed in their other stuff, and you are welcome :)

filmfann's avatar

It reminds me of Imani Coppola’s Legend of a Cowgirl

elhaha1001's avatar

thank you! for introducing me to The Dø :):):)

i love discovering music from different parts of the world :)

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