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ragingloli's avatar

How do smurfs procreate?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) August 17th, 2013

There seems to be only one female in their village.
Is their species doomed?

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14 Answers

Kropotkin's avatar

They don’t. They’re just animated cartoon characters.

cheebdragon's avatar

Sometimes it’s best to just keep those kinds of questions to yourself, it’s a little disturbing and creepy.

muppetish's avatar

According to Smurf lore, isn’t it supposed to be that a new smurf is born every blue moon? I think the show wants kids to just imagine a smurf being dropped in by a magical stork or something, without procreation or anything. There is one other female smurf and that’s Sassette, but both of the girls were created by Gargamel.

Or, you know, maybe they are asexual and create offspring by budding.

ucme's avatar

@cheebdragon Even more so when you consider this is his only sexual outlet, he’s probably jerking off as we speak type.

Blondesjon's avatar

I always thought their species was doomed because their dicks are on their butts.

bunnyslippers's avatar

Don’t they just run at each other really hard and when they collide a new smurf pops into being?

Sunny2's avatar

They don’t need to. They live forever. As created.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

The male Smurfs blow a icky blue mucus out of their nose. The female Smurf(s) fart on it and it crystallizes. This blue shell darkens over the next 180 days. When it is the color of Indigo Blue, a new young Smurf breaks out much like a chicken from an egg. After laying out in the sun for 4 hours (and rapid growth), the new Smurf is ready for smurfing, or whatever it is they do.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Do we know what is under a smurf’s hat? I’m guessing they have some pretty potent equipment hidden there. Look at the size of their hats and notice how they fold over about a third of the way from the tip. An impressive hunk of meat will do that.

Berserker's avatar

@muppetish nailed it.

Smurfs are generally born male (though Smurfs do not physically reproduce, they do come into the world by a stork that delivers them to the Smurf Village from an unknown location on the night of a “blue moon”); very few Smurfs are female, and those that are are most likely magical creations rather than natural-born Smurfs.

Found this here.

I find it a bit odd that female smurfs don’t exist, and the ones we know about are golems created by Gargamel. Yet, the male smurfs are still attracted to the females, much like humans are attracted to each other for the sake of copulation. Make no fucking sense. I mean, when you look at it this way. This is for kids, so they had to include some familiarity…buncha tiny blue dudes living in mushrooms, ain’t not so different from the Irish fairy mythology, in which brownies curse your household with rat shit and make your daughter have eye cancer.

Also, smurfs are all communists.

The article I linked also mentions a third female smurf, Nanny Smurf. There doesn’t seem to be much information on her though, and as a kid I read all the comics, but she was never in any of them. (I understand they have new ones, but Peyo died a long time ago, so those new comics probably suck ass anyway)
The article states that smurfs are generally born male…so true female smurfs could exist…but either way, I guess it’s clear that they do not reproduce. I wonder where they come from? Who brings them here? What for?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Symbeline. So… What is under a Smurf’s hat? Do they ever take it off?

I love this question. I don’t know why.

Berserker's avatar

Nobody knows. Like black mages from Final Fantasy, who knows what they look like under their hats. Maybe they’re all tonberries…

My guess is, smurfs just have bald, round heads.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Ok… I am under a lot of pressure… working on stuff…. so what did I do? I watched “The Smurfs and the Magic Flute.” on NetFlix – the whole thing!

All Smurf are alike but one quality make them different: their personality.
And the scene @Symbeline pointed out above was at minute 43 in the movie.

Hey @Symbeline! Keep on Smurfing. ;-)

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