Evil Animal Symbolism
The snake. Always up to no good in the neighborhood, the snake is a vile, treacherous predator. Seems to be a big symbol of utmost evil; even in The bible, Satan appears in the form of a snake.
Truth; snakes are fucking awesome. I suppose they seem evil because of their creepy face, and how they hunt.
The wolf. The wolf is always portrayed as an antagonist in fairy tales. He’s usually also always alone. A treacherous bastard who stops at nothing to meet his selfish desires.
Truth; most wolves live in packs, and don’t go around terrorizing little girls.
Spiders. Nobody seems to like spiders, and many are venomous. Again, an apparently evil animal, said symbolism is everywhere. Crafting deadly traps and biding its time, heart filled with poison, or being a badass and pouncing on fuckers…also a common element of general horror.
Truth; As the fly is nature’s garbage man, so too, has the spider its uses.
The goat. Pig headed, ungrateful, grouchy goats are also Satan’s animal.
Truth; according to many old beliefs about witchcraft and shit, Satan appeared to his witches as several different kinds of animals. An owl, a cat, large dog, donkey. Surprisingly though…never a goat.
Symbeline. Bitch of the highest order.
Truth; ^
The list can go on. The shark, the raven, crows, vultures, hyenas, rats. Gotta love symbolism. Turning an animal’s traits and activities into ’‘evil’’. Yet we’re the only ones prescribing the symbolism with the trait of evil.
Also, fuck giraffes. Ni!