Are the mods here on Fluther more like babysitters or referees?
Based off the flak in the air off certain question, which will remain nameless less SAM missiles get launched, one would think the mods have to be either babysitters to keep people from hitting, punching or name calling as a babysitter would unruly siblings, or a referee that is there to make sure the punches are legal and above the belt. Which do you feel the mods are closest to, babysitters or referees of a boxing match or an ultimate fighting confrontation?
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22 Answers
Since their job is to follow the guidelines, why not call them guides?
Or interpreters, translators, analyzers or explicators?
Baby sitters normally do not keep people (sic) from hitting, punching or name-calling; there are countless hours when siblings do not behave this way. There are also countless hours of babysitting only one baby.
Why does, once again, your question have to an be either/or one?
Based off the flak in the air off certain question,…Do you mean “certain questions”?
ultimate fighting confrontation implies “to the death”. Do you mean that?
I think they’re more like moderators. They make due with what they have to work with.
The moderation bitching on here is ridiculous. I’ve been modded roughly sixteen million times and I was pretty much at fault every single time.
For Christ’s sake folks, take a little personal responsibility and an honest look at yourselves/what you’ve posted.
The mods here follow the guidelines that were set forth years ago.
I admire the job they do here.
The mod bashing is crazy. People are members here because they hate the name calling and recklessness of other sites.
If anyone hates it here, they can leave.
@gailcalled Since their job is to follow the guidelines, why not call them guides?
The same reason I do not call them teachers.
Baby sitters normally do not keep people (sic) from hitting, punching or name-calling; there are countless hours when siblings do not behave this way.
Siblings might go 5 hours without hitting or fighting but when they do the babysitter should be stepping in to stop the fight. Would you hire a babysitter again if they just sat on their tookus while your kids battled it out? Anyone who would continue to employ such a babysitter might want to rethink their relationship they have with their children.
Why does, once again, your question have to an be either/or one?
To see how many people question the question as oppose to plying a reply. Really, in the context of the questions I am speaking of they act closer to babysitters or referees in the sense how many fames they extinguished or how many attacks in which they had to remove.
Based off the flak in the air off certain question,…Do you mean “certain questions”?
I am not going there less the jets get launched in the air on this thread and people start dueling it out. Trust me, their are questions that always seem to ruffle feathers.
ultimate fighting confrontation implies “to the death”. Do you mean that?
To the death, online? Heavens no, I am thinking more like those octagon cage matches where you can use knees, elbows, head butts and just about anything else to get your opponent to capitulate.
(edit) The mod bashing is crazy.
Where did that come from?
They are wonderful, patient people who try to control the incivility of the heathens.
BTW, Happy birthday to Auggie! You are an example to us all!
I would say they are closest to referees. The referee is there to impose the rules and ensure that the game is played fairly. That sounds a lot like what the moderators do here.
Litter pickers, clearing away garbage on these pages & all for no monetary gain…bless.
Neither. They are people who volunteer their time to do a job, which is to uphold the standards of the site. Getting bashed, hearing drama and all the other bullshit is not part of their job description. Mods are ok in my book. I understand the job they do is not always a pleasant one, and it’s not a popularity contest.
The babysitters referees mods thank you, with all our hearts, jellies!
^^^ And overtime for you, dear lady, for working on your birthday. Milo is sending you a little something by Fed Ex. Your nose will tell you when it arrives.
I’ve been mod-ed a few times.
I just kind of chuckled and said “oops”.
The mods here do a great job, plain and simple.
I think the mods are great. I prefer to think of them as…moderators, or heroes. Take your pick.
Referees. It seems to me that they tell you when you’re out of line by modding or warnings. It only took once or twice and I got the picture, so if you keep getting modded, then you’re not learning.
To answer your question, I’d have to agree that Fluther is no more interesting than watching children quarrel or adults fight – and if that were true, I wouldn’t be here.
^^ If, as I am, you are interested in Group Process, which is the psychology of group behavior, sometimes watching children quarrel or adults fight can be very enlightening. During certain threads here, the digressions do sometimes sound like they are coming from crabby children or recalcitrant adults.
^^ who has found enlightenment.
<— blissed out recalcitrant adult
@gailcalled Sometimes being part of the sentence, I agree. Nevertheless, if that were all Fluther was, I would seek my enlightenment somewhere else.
Personally, I feel more like a white blood cell: identifying what doesn’t belong in the body, disabling it, and creating anti-bodies for it.
In your case, I wish they were more like bouncers. God, I wish that so much.
^ In who’s case? Was that directed at me? If so, why thank you, one must be doing something if the dogs are chasing you down, dogs do not bark at parked cars, and that is an illustration less you THINK I am calling you a dog; I have more class than that.
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