Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What games do you get caught grinding on without enjoyment?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) August 18th, 2013

For me I am grinding my guild power on D&D online. I have no members and I lost the meaning of the game. Also I keep making characters on Balders Gate and rolling new character abilities… I do that for all character based games.
and I forget to play the game.

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3 Answers

Seek's avatar

Haha. I do that all the time.

I play 1st edition Ad&D, and sometimes it’s hard to find players. So I just create characters, using different methods, different rules, maybe I’ll include Wilderness survival guide material or whatever. I have about a kabillion characters ready to go.

bunnyslippers's avatar

I used to be extremely into DDO but it’s been quite a while since I last played. I am not the type of gamer that can endure endless monotony if I’m not at least enjoying it I quit WoW back in like 2008 because I hated the grinding and I never got past like a level 28 character.

So I guess to actually answer your question no I don’t, cause when that time comes I do one of two things, roll a new toon or quit playing. I am a movie guy and a reader too, not to mention I write, and work from home so there’s always something I could do there even when I don’t have clients so if the game stops being fun I have other things I get absorbed in instead.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Oh god… there are so many. I have this huge issue…must….unlock…everything…... and if that means I’m stuck playing some crappy game to level up to get super ultimate amazing sword then I do for some reason lol.

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