Meta Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

How would you feel if the folks at Fluther decided to pack it in?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) August 19th, 2013

Whoever runs this here joint.

And Fluther was no longer. Would you search out another Q and A site? Couldn’t give two shits? Bummed?

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72 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

At this point, I’m pretty sure I would not look for another site. My participation here, however little or inconsistent, is a bygone kind of thing of an era passed long ago.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Probably go through a little withdrawal, but afterwards would go to the Experience Project or my local paper like I used to do. So yeah, bummed, this site is better than those.

And there are a lot of jellies that I’d miss quite a bit.

Headhurts's avatar

I wouldn’t go elsewhere, there are no sites better than this one, in my opinion.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

A small part of me wishes that someone would offer Auggie a great paying job and we could let this site die.

Mariah's avatar

I would be pretty upset. I’ve been displaced from my “e-home” before and it’s a sad feeling. People who know me only through the internet, and the release that such sites allow me, have played a big part in my life for many years.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Mariah Yeah, I know that feeling too. I remember when folded and we had to move here, it was devastating.

jonsblond's avatar

I hate to say it, but I would kind of be happy. I spend too much time here at times and I find it hard to stay away. I can’t quit you…

I’ll never look for another place. I’ve got my buddies at fb.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@jonsblond I feel the same way (everything that you said there).

jca's avatar

I would be pretty sad. Fluther is a big part of my internet life, and some of the people I consider to be good friends are on here, and it’s one of the ways we keep in touch. So it would be like a little hole in my heart that can only be filled by Fluther (that sounds like a song, wait, it is a song).

jonsblond's avatar

@Mama_Cakes I’ve tried other sites but nothing compares. The sites are either too busy or too hard to navigate.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@jonsblond I’d just stick with my Fluther friends over on FB. It would do.

jca's avatar

Like @jonsblond said, one of the things about Fluther that I like is that it’s clean and easy, no pop-ups, no ads scattered all over the place, cluttering things up. No lines or weird fonts, no confusion, all questions listed in the order in which they are asked.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Mama_Cakes I can barely stand fb since the switch, takes too much memory and I have about ten programs open all day so I don’t have a lot to spare. Took all the fun out for me unless I log on from another ip at home or something.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I like FB. I tend to ignore the ads and the clutter doesn’t bother me.

dxs's avatar

I would be sad to see it go. Fluther is fun. What a depressing question.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

It’s a good question.

flutherother's avatar

Fluther is unique. I would go postal.

Coloma's avatar

I never thought I’d end up being a old tmer on some internet site, but Fluther is a great place!
Fun, interesting, feel like you really “know” a lot of the participants and it feels like a real community of friends. I have been here over 3 years now and would miss it, but….life would go on. No-thing is forever.

anartist's avatar

A little lost. I really do like fluther even if I am away for long periods and have come to depend on the people here for answers to unusual questions [such as identification of an unusual statue only from an image of the back of it]. I have come to know and like many people on here, even if only as online personalities.

I would not go elsewhere. I stumbled onto fluther by accident while I was seeking an answer to a question and had not made any sort of habit of getting involved with Q & A sites. Shortly thereafter I was outrageously ragged by @dpworkin during an interesting art question and after enjoying some repartee with him found out that I had actually crossed paths with him many years ago at the Corcoran Gallery in DC. Those kinds of discoveries make an indelible impression.

I hope this is a purely speculative question.

Blondesjon's avatar

I would build the exact same site and see how much the domain cost. I would not let Fluther die.

anartist's avatar

@Blondesjon could you? How complicated is it? It is also probably server-space intensive. Probably the only one here with enough space on a server is @johnpowell with his linode. And if Twitter owns the domain name now they would probably ream you with the price.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’d have no problem recreating the site and the server side would be an ass pain but manageable. I guess if they decide to pack it in the last question asked should be, “What do we rename Fluther?”.

Seek's avatar

turritopsis nutricula – the immortal jellyfish.

Seek's avatar

flutherother's avatar

Why do I like Fluther? Well there was this answered in less than 10 minutes. Thanks again Mariah!

tinyfaery's avatar

I’d go through withdrawal, definitely. I’d miss some of interactions.

Meh. I’m not sure.

tups's avatar

It would not have any emotional impact on me. Fluther is merely an internet site to me (but a good one), but then I am no long timer.

anartist's avatar

@Blondesjon phoenix?

Hey, weren’t we gonna do a site once? did we buy any domain names? [several years back this would have been]

marinelife's avatar

Terrible. I don’t know.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@Blondesjon Refreshin’ to see you posting more. You make this site better. Truly.

Paradox25's avatar

I’m a member of other collectives such as the parapsychology forums, skeptico, scepcop, paracast forums and several wordpress discussion sites. I do spend most of my time on here since I use the other sites usually to debate or discuss specific topics. Fluther is the only Q & A site that’s not devoted to certain topics that I’m a member of.

Sodahead was my haven before fluther, but I highly doubt that I would go back to that site. If fluther disappeared I doubt that I would go out of my way to look for another Q & A collective similar to this one. I’d probably just spend more time on the other sites, or spend more time offline.

longgone's avatar

I’d feel cheated, as I’ve only just arrived. So I guess I would head on to Phluther right away.

Sunny2's avatar

I’d be sad, but what’s the saying? The only thing that you can count on is change? Or something like that. I’d do what I always do: cope. I could read more or cook more or spend more time on my music (I need to do that anyhow). I haven’t really gotten attached to anyone here because it isn’t real to me. I came upon the site by happenstance and am enjoying it. I hope it stays. If it can’t, so be it.

filmfann's avatar

Q: How would you feel if the folks at Fluther decided to pack it in?

A: Their sexual orientation is none of my business.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Invent my own where the lurve, or whatever would be used, would garner you prizes.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’d probably just follow the crowd like I did when the Bag changed and died.

talljasperman's avatar

I would feel devastated like losing a level 19 character from D&D that you have been using for a few years.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I would miss you guys. Plus I need the escape to keep my sanity.

And, oh yes, I truly respect some of the contributors here. I have received answers that impacted my life for the better.

augustlan's avatar

I wonder about this from time to time, I admit. It’s really, really hard to keep the site quality (and level of civility) up when I’m only here part-time these days. Sometimes it feels like a never-ending battle, and I wonder if it wouldn’t be better (for me) to walk away. But I really love this place, and I’d miss it terribly if it went out of existence. So I keep on plugging away.

Here are some things to consider:

> From the owners’ standpoint, so long as the site covers its expenses, it will continue to live. Profit would be nice, but that’s not the driving force. It’s a labor of love at this point.

> That said, if the place really goes to hell, I’m sure they’d have to rethink that. I’m working three jobs to try to make ends meet, so I’m only managing the site part-time. If there comes a time that I can no longer keep Fluther running smoothly, it would likely die at some point. Unless someone else is willing and able to take on the job (for cheap!)...any takers? Extra incentive: I’ll send you my whip!

> Fluther (the site and the name) is still owned by us, not Twitter.

> The owners would consider selling Fluther only if it went to a ‘good home’. (In other words, only to someone who loves it and has every intention of keeping it going.) Any takers?

> It costs more than you’d think to run this joint. Buying it/running it wouldn’t be cheap. The servers are expensive! It does pay for itself, but I’m guessing it would require a considerable amount of money up front. (I am totally guessing, though.)
For me, personally, I’d probably cry my head off if Fluther died. Then I’d brush myself off and go on in a new direction. I highly doubt I’d ever find another online ‘home’...I never had one before this, and I don’t think any place else would do the trick for me.

Berserker's avatar

It would suck. And I wouldn’t look for another place. Ever since I found Fluther, I’m through with Q&A sites, unless more exist that are like over here. Only need this one, so if it shuts down well…it’s gonna suck a whole lot of asses.

Pachy's avatar

I won’t have it, I simply won’t have it! And that’s all there is to it.

filmfann's avatar

I find discussion about money to be tasteless, but my curiosity is getting the better of me.

@augustlan How much does it cost, per month, to run a website like this?

AmWiser's avatar

I would feel kinda sad. I like this site and the people on it. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever and at some point this site will likely shut down. Sadly, I would move on, but it won’t kill me to do so.

chyna's avatar

I would be sad. I’ve lived here for 5 years and I don’t like change. I’ve also made some wonderful friends.

cookieman's avatar

I would be truly sad. I’d feel better if I knew it was because @augustlan landed a well-paying job.

Fluther closing just might be the only thing that would make me re-open my Facebook account — just so I can keep in touch with some of you guys.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think I would seek another site. At least not immediately. I would be very glad I have some jellies as facebook friends so I can continue to see them online. Maybe I would finally do some of the things I have been procrastinating on.

LornaLove's avatar

I’d be sad, I love it here.

gailcalled's avatar

It was love at first sight for me, enforced by the original homogeneous community consisting of many family members and friends. Then I discovered the computer experts and the cat mavens. And the philosophers, and the foodies, the gardeners, the writers, the poets, the artists, the eccentrics I could not have imagined, the disparate life styles, the infinite variety.

The love affair evolved into a comfortable middle-aged marriage. Now it really is ”“Till death us do part.”

I cannot imagine ever remarrying.

DeanV's avatar

Pretty much the same thing I’m feeling now. Not to go all “you kids get off my lawn”, but either I’ve changed, the site’s changed, or most likely both and it simply doesn’t really interest me anymore.

bob_'s avatar

I’d be all “aww, man!”

OpryLeigh's avatar

I would be bummed, Fluther is the best online community I have ever been part of. I would have to go looking for another Q&A site though, I haven’t been without one since I first started using the internet!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@gailcalled That’s what I love about it, too, finally getting a lot of infor I’ve always wanted in a format that allows and encourages us to ask. Some of the people I disagree with the most, teach me me the most as well.

gailcalled's avatar

^^Does too much analysis annoy you, in this context? Does it enhance or distract from sharing accurate infomation? I suppose it boils down to our irritation quotient at the moment of reading. (This is a neutral and not loaded question, for the record).

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I would gather jellies to go and beg Auggie and co to set up a refugee tidepool!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I’m gettin’ scared….. should I send out FB friend requests?

In case anyone gets one from me, I look like this guy:

gailcalled's avatar

^^^Still alive after the purslane?

Kardamom's avatar

It would be weird and sad not to have Fluther. This has been a great place for me to express myself and hopefully be useful to someone in a way that I have not been able to in real life.

Fluther is a little world all of it’s own and I truly feel like a part of it. I would hate to get evicted.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The purslane experiment was successful. I am around to Fluther another day.

@gailcalled You needn’t worry. We are already FB friends.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^ True but the format is much more cumbersome.

YARNLADY's avatar

Just out of curiosity, I looked over at and they appear to have gone back to the old way of posting questions. I also saw evidence that many of the oldtimers are still contributing. I suppose I would return there.

Seek's avatar

Wow. Check out the leaderboard. Those are some names I haven’t seen in a while…

Coloma's avatar

“Answerbag”...what a name, can’t put my finger on it, probably wouldn’t want to. lol
Sounds creepy, like a surgery or something.
“Colon bag. com “We will answer all of your shitty questions with zero moderation for loose stools.”

anartist's avatar

@Coloma sounds like douchebag

Paradox25's avatar

Answerbag would not be my new haven if fluther came to an end. I wouldn’t touch that site with a ten foot pole, lol. I was scanning through some of the very quality threads on there. Those types of threads seem to be the norm on there too.

I’m not even going to bother showing the threads where conservatives outright flamed the living hell out of a user posting a dissenting opinion. Some of them were rather vile too. Damn sodahead wasn’t even that bad. How was answerbag such a great site?

Seek's avatar

I messed around on there a little today.

It would be a fun place to lay the smack-down on a few people, but it would get old quickly.

And the site is impossible to use on mobile. Simply impossible.

Paradox25's avatar

I’ve attempted to post on here and other sites via mobile, but I’ve found it to be a pain. I only fluther in my castle now. I’m not claiming to be some grammar king or genius, but answerbag seems atrocious to me. It looks to me like you would have lay the smacketh down on more than a ‘few’, lol.

Berserker's avatar

m0ar liek assbagz amirite

Seek's avatar


Berserker's avatar

j00 n0ez it bro

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