Social Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

Do you want everyone to like you?

Asked by KNOWITALL (29996points) August 19th, 2013

We all know that for the most part, we want to be loved and accepted for who and what we are.

I remember when my mom’s best friend told her that not everybody liked her, and my mom was heartbroken for a minute (she is very outgoing, bordering on obnoxious) then recovered but it meant something to her.

Personally, I’ve always considered most humanity to be mean-spirited wastes of space, but as I’ve matured, I see there are really GOOD people willing to help others even to their own detriment.

How do you feel about it, do you feel you must be loved?

If someone tells you that you annoy them, does it hurt or make you mad/ upset?

Are you a rock/ island & other people’s judgements just don’t matter a bit to your world?

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35 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

I enjoy being liked, and I’m surprised and sometimes disappointed when I’m not, but “want” doesn’t factor into it.

Blondesjon's avatar

As long as I like me, fuck everybody else.

flutherother's avatar

I like to be liked by people I like.

longgone's avatar

I don’t want everyone to like me. My friends and family are important to me, so I want to feel liked and accepted by them – but there are a lot of people I don’t even want to be liked by.

ucme's avatar

I can’t think of anything more hideous than the desire to be universally liked, puke inducing sentimental garbage.
I’ve never wasted a moment’s energy caring how i’m perveived by random strangers, beyond my family & close circle of pals, I genuinely couldn’t give a rat’s arse.

KNOWITALL's avatar

One of my coworkers wouldn’t friend me, and I thought we were fairly good friends. It kind of hurt my feelings for a minute, but normally I don’t care much one way or the other.

Sunny2's avatar

I’d rather be liked than disliked, but expecting to be liked by everyone is unrealistic. It isn’t anything you can control. Some people don’t like me because of the way I am, but that’s too bad. I don’t like everyone. I try to respect everyone, but that’s unrealistic too. I can’t respect people who are egotistical manipulators who are unconcerned about others. They won’t like me, either. I can accept that.

marinelife's avatar

I would like it if everyone liked me, but they don’t so I shrug and go on.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@YARNLADY I like you. ;)

OneBadApple's avatar

In my opinion, there are a lot of people out there who are undeserving of your respect, and if they like you, you should be worried….

KNOWITALL's avatar

@OneBadApple What is the problem with being liked or loved? Even if you don’t feel the same way, it’s still a good feeling to feel appreciated, shall we say. I’m just saying, there are people who like me more than I like them, but it’s okay.

YARNLADY's avatar

@KNOWITALL Thank you, I like you too.

Paradox25's avatar

I tend to be very individualistic compared to many others in my immediate enviroment. I usually attain my happiness through my own thoughts, hobbies and accomplishments rather than through other people. It’s not that I’m opposed to the idea of everybody liking me, but rather I don’t try to live or place great importance on getting everybody (or even most) people liking me.

Self-esteem, not other people, determine one’s happiness in my opinion. When someone relies too much on other people to keep their self-esteem up, it can become dangerous. You never want to be too dependent on others to feel good about yourself, for when you do so you give others an enormous amount of power to lower your self-esteem as well.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

No, in fact I sometimes purposely encourage people to not like me, but that’s usually because I can’t stand them anyway.

cheebdragon's avatar

Enemies keep things interesting.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Just the people I consider important.

Pachy's avatar

Once upon a time I thought that if I were nice to everybody, everybody would like me. That was before I joined the workforce.

It just isn’t possible to be liked by everyone we know or meet at work or personally, or for that matter for us to like everybody. Way too many variables.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve pretty much stopped worrying about the people I’ve met or will meet who don’t like me and simply concentrate on maintaining close and long-held relationships as best I can, though sadly, even many of those have gone by the wayside for one reason or another.

stardust's avatar

In the past, other people’s opinions of me mattered hugely to me. Thankfully, these days the most important opinion of all is the one I have of myself.

I like myself and if other people like me, that’s nice & it can feel good, but I don’t depend on others liking me to make me feel good.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t like everyone, so I don’t expect everyone to like me. That doesn’t mean we all need to be dicks to each other, but of course, some people love to be a dick.

filmfann's avatar

I just had this discussion with my sister Linda.
We were talking about my sister Pat. Someone at her work doesn’t like her.
I told Linda “I understand that not everyone likes you. I love you dearly, but I understand you aren’t everyone’s cup of tea. I know there are a lot of people who don’t like me, and that’s cool. I don’t like me either. I get that. But I don’t understand how anyone doesn’t like Pat! She is the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful person in the world, and there must be something wrong with anyone who doesn’t like her.”

augustlan's avatar

You’re not always going to “click” with other people, and I don’t expect everyone to like me. Neutral indifference doesn’t bother me. But I’m dismayed when I find out that someone actively dislikes me.

OneBadApple's avatar

@filmfann My wife is probably similar in nature to your sister Pat. In all the years that I’ve known her, the only people I can recall who might have disliked her were either jealous about how much she is loved by everyone, or are perhaps just mentally ill in some way.

@KNOWITALL I have no “problem” at all that some people might dislike me. As respectful as I always try to be toward others, if some of these phony, sneaky, self-involved, thoughtless ‘creep-people’ actually liked me, I think it is reason for concern.

If Bernie Madoff…..or Dick Cheney…..or the jackass at work who keeps two sets of books and hits on women all day long told me that they like me, I’d be a little uncomfortable with it…..

JLeslie's avatar

I do care about being liked, but it is fine with me if not everyone likes me. What bothers me most is to be misperceived. If I don’t have rapport with someone, then fine, we just don’t get along. But, when someone doesn’t like me, because they made a wrong assumption about me, that can really upset me if it is someone who I feel matters to me. A stranger, well, I am dissappointed, but not very ruffled. But, a family member or someone realted to me through family or a friend it is troublesome, but not the end of the world.

tinyfaery's avatar

Meh…I’m not really concerned about it really.

LornaLove's avatar

No I don’t mind if I am not liked. I do however like certain people a lot. Most I don’t, those I do like I care if they like me back. I’ve also found most people to be a waste of space, but there are some gems out there

OneBadApple's avatar

@LornaLove ha ha, yeah…..About 10 years ago we were having breakfast at a restaurant with about a dozen of my wife’s co-workers. Someone asked why we hadn’t shown up for a party the night before, and I answered, “Well….basically, I hate people….”

This got a huge laugh from everyone, but to this day at my wife’s (former) place of employment, they still have the “I Hate People Club”.....and they call me their founder and president….

ETpro's avatar

I try to be a likeable person, and I value friendship. But want to be liked? Certainly not enough so that I would ignore intellectual honesty just to fit in with some dogma another person holds, and that doesn’t ring true to me.

woodcutter's avatar

It’s important to be liked by as many people as possible, as long as they have good intentions. So many life opportunities will happen that would never had opened to someone who is unlikable. I think those unlikable souls probably have issues, who push people away. Most people don’t have the patience to pry them open so alone they often stay which is a shame.

sup? April

Headhurts's avatar

No I don’t. I only leave the house mainly to go to work. I don’t care if they all hate me, as long as they leave me alone, let me so my job, and go home.

Incoherency_'s avatar

Yes I do; if they don’t, they die!

Given the above, what’s not to like? ;-p

Katniss's avatar

I’d rather people like me than not. At my last job I worked with mostly women. They all hated me. At my current job I work with mostly guys that are in their 20s, so I’m golden.
It’s good to be a MILF. lol

Mariah's avatar

I’m a bit of a people pleaser, though I’ve been known to fly under the radar a bit. I definitely don’t like to be actively disliked, but if your reaction is “who?,” that’s okay with me.

Berserker's avatar

Personally I don’t care, but what I do wish is, for those who don’t like me, just leave me alone. All too often people will dislike you for being you; and that’s fine. But if I didn’t to anything to them, I wish they would stop expressing how they feel or what they think of me like as if I’m part of their lives. It’s like dude, fuck off already.
As for being liked by people, I have few, but very good friends, and that’s good enough for me. Friends rule, because even if you only have a few, they can mean the world to you.

1TubeGuru's avatar

It is much more important for me to be respected than liked .if someone likes me that is fine and if they don’t like me I am fine with that also.

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