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Pandora's avatar

You ever feel like cooking some elaborate meal at night just because?

Asked by Pandora (32549points) August 19th, 2013

I feel like cooking a big meal only, I am not hungry. Just feel like cooking something crazy or fun.
I already baked banana bread and I don’t even eat it. This is nuts.
I feel like making pineapple upside down cake from scratch but it will be another dessert I don’t eat. I just haven’t made one in years and it was fun to make.
Could this be a weird menopause thing?

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16 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Pretty much never. I really don’t think it’s linked to menopause, in any way..

chyna's avatar

Um, no. I don’t like to cook. That urge has never hit me.

Mariah's avatar

I get really hungry at night sometimes, but I’m so lazy with cooking so I usually just end up eating cheese and crackers or something. xD

JLeslie's avatar

Cleaning up the mess would stop me. I don’t really get the urge to cook if I am not hungry. Sometimes I want to cook something elaborate or bake something yummy and pretty, but I usually resist it if it is something that will clog my arteries more than they are already. I cook almost every day though, because it is part of my role right now. So, I guess I cook enough that I don’t get intense urges, if anything I am ready for a break from it. If I rarely cooked then I probably would get the urge to do it once in a while especially to make something special for my husband.

rockfan's avatar

I love to cook, but whenever I get the urge to cook, I usually make some sort of snack or dessert for my friends. Today I made potato chips from scratch, seasoned with smoked paprika, olive oil, salt, and pepper. With a garlic-lemon dipping sauce made from non-fat Greek yogurt. These chips tasted better than the store bought brands!

gailcalled's avatar

Never. Seems completely unrelated to menopause. The good cooks I know continue to love to cook. The lazy or obligate ones (me when I was raising a family) remain lazy and relieved to be quit of it.

I can manage a tomato and fresh basil from the pots on my deck with some sliced mozarella and home-made vinaigrette. And I can say with some pride that I have never prostituted myself in regards to salad dressing, and always make it from scratch,

YARNLADY's avatar

I love cooking, but I never make desserts.

Pandora's avatar

I just find it funny that I want to cook things I don’t particularly like to eat. Even the idea of cooking risotto sounds like fun. Never had it though. Just seem like lately I want to paint, or cook. Just to see if I can create something nice. Although I know I am good at baking it seems I never have much of a chance to bake different things. Everyone always wants the same old desserts and I’m over them. :p. But you would think I want to make things I like to eat. I’m not having sweet cravings, I just want to make stuff.
I was thinking if maybe it was hormonal. Like the way a pregnant woman may suddenly have the urge to nest.

Pachy's avatar

Yes, often. Problem is, I’m a terrible cook. Thank goodness for Whole Foods.

woodcutter's avatar

Sometimes but I hate the kitchen hangover in the morning, ughh

augustlan's avatar

Never, ever. I pretty much hate to cook.

spiritual's avatar

Yes, I lie in bed sometimes and get very hungry! I can actually taste delicious past meals and part of me wants to get up and cook, but then I tell myself I’m being ridiculous!
It’s only ever food I love, purely selfish!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Not at night, I usually go simple. But on weekends I sometimes go wild. I found that if I keep cleaning up things as I go it isn’t too bad. I’m a messy cook, if I wait till the end it’d be overwhelming.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Pandora Sounds like someone needs a challenge, maybe you should try learning something new?! I love to cook, but not late at night, more like a Sunday afternoon.

Kardamom's avatar

I get the urge to cook all the time, but elaborate is not a word in my culinary dictionary. I only make dishes that are relatively simple, and not too time consuming. Also, since it’s been hot, I don’t like to heat up the kitchen, so mostly salads and snacks. Yesterday I made these No Bake Cocoa Oat Balls

@rockfan How funny, I too made homemade potato chips last night!!! What are the odds? And yes, they were fabulous. This is the super easy Recipe. I made both regular potato chips and sweet potato chips.

rockfan's avatar

@Kardamom I used this recipe last night, and the chips turned out even better when cooked in a microwave. Thanks for sharing!

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