Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Do you read questions on Fluther carefully before answering (seriously)

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23810points) August 19th, 2013

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t, and sometimes when I don’t I find out later that I’ve missed some important details. How about you?

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18 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

If it’s readable, I read it. If it isn’t, I don’t attempt an answer.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@gailcalled What do you mean “readable”?

gailcalled's avatar

Written in standard English… with proper spelling, grammar, usage, punctuation, sentence structure, brevity and paragraphs.

gailcalled's avatar

Or simply short and funny.

LornaLove's avatar

@gailcalled I was going to say ‘I feel honoured’ since you read mine. I think. But maybe mine fall into the simple short and funny category!!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yes, I take answering seriously even for the humorous questions. I read the title question and all the details, unless the details are what’s commonly referred to as a wall of text. I skip those gladly.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@gailcalled So maybe my questions are most likely be skipped by you. Sometimes I’m not sure my grammar, usage and sentence structure are appropriate.

augustlan's avatar

Nearly always. I may have missed a detail a time or two.

FutureMemory's avatar

I read the question and its details, but rarely read all the posts before writing mine. I don’t really care if what I say is a repeat of what another member has already said.

Although the people that have the need to answer every single question posted here with something that is obviously going to be the popular opinion annoy me.

OneBadApple's avatar

If that “wall of text” appears, I look back at the question to be sure that I’m interested enough to proceed. If I begin reading, I always finish….even if at the end I choose not to offer any reply.

I figure if the asker took the time and made the effort to express their thoughts, it is my obligation (once I chose to start reading) to finish the thing….

dxs's avatar

I always read the full question and the details. I read the posts, too, if it’s something that can inform me or enlighten me, and I’m looking to see if my answer has already been posted. Sometimes if I am feeling lazy and the situations mentioned previously don’t apply (such as opinion questions like this or questions where I won’t really get much out of the responses), I’ll just skip down to the answer box. But now I find myself scrolling upwards again to see if anyone has a similar mind to me.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I try to, but like others said, if it gets too weird, I just get the gist and move on. I try to keep mine very brief and well spaced for your reading pleasure. ha!

gailcalled's avatar

@Mimishu1995: I make huge allowances for young people and for those who may speak English as a second language. My standards are higher for the adults who are hasty, lazy or need artistic (punctuation and emoticons) embellishment and peculiar rhetorical devices.

Pachy's avatar

Same here, @Mimishu1995. Sometimes I read the question but miss something in the detail that forces me to go back and edit or delete my comment if I still can do either. In fact, I did that with a question just a few minutes ago. I gotta be more careful about that.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@gailcalled I’m both of them. Under 20 and speak English as a second language

Mimishu1995's avatar

@KNOWITALL So maybe some of my questions will annoy you. Sometimes I focus so much on being informative that I make them too linear (the bad thing is that I only realize it after quite a while)

Kardamom's avatar

Yes, I read all of the details first. Most of the time, I also read everyone else’s answers first, before answering, but if I have what I think is a correct/useful answer, I might answer first, before reading the other’s posts, but yes, I do read all of the details and all of everyone else’s answers.

DWW25921's avatar

It depends on the subject matter. I’ve actually rambled on a few times without reading the notes and kind of missed the mark a few times. Everyone is different.

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